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Messages - ThomasKirkman

But then every cop would be in an Infernus.  And that, I am afraid, wouldn't really be fair. 

Your going to get the "Ol' Timers" saying that everything is grand the way it is. 
And the "Noobs" saying that is sucks the way it is. 
There has to be a good medium in there some place.
Cops drive cop cars.  That is how it should be.
"not needed..." means he doesn't need it.

+1  Good idea.
But as it is, every time I come on, there are numerous people that exist in game for no other reason than to get the cops to chase them all over the map while they drive Infernus/Bullet etc.  If their cars can't out run what the police are driving by at least 40mph, they don't bother.  And if we don't chase them they whine that the police aren't doing their jobs.  They expect us to spend the whole night chasing them and ignoring all the other players that have fines etc.
Infernus 303kph/188mph
Hotring   285kph/177mph
Bullet     254kph/157mph
Banshee 252kph/156mph

Cop Cars      190kph/118mph
Cop Rancher 155kph/96mph
Cop Bike       130kph/80mph

Just boost the top speed of the cop cars from 190kph/118mph to 250kph/155mph to even the playing field a bit. 

But you know there will be a major whine if the cops have cars that can catch crook in a fair matchup.  What fun is there if the wanted person doesn't have a clear and absolute advantage.  And yes, there are occasions that cop cars catch Infernus's etc.  But for the most part, any time cops get close, the Infernoobs race for the highway where they pull away from the cops at 70mph speed difference.

I hate Infernoob cops.  However they serve a purpose.  They chase those other Infernoobs so I don't have to. Give the cops a fighting chance.  You will see pursuits pick up.  And some really good ones too I bet.

ThomasKirkman     C:-)
Angle Pine use to have a Rancher and an PD car as I recall.  Did they take the car away?
Easy solution.  Sell 90% of those and only keep the 6 that you actually use.  Problem solved and parking freed up.
They already have that command.  It is called "Drive Infernus".


Welcome to Mick88s new jail.  Enjoy your stay.    C:-)
LOL, R16RACA has to come in to read bumped topics just so he can flame someone.  He does it all the time.

As for the idea, I can see people having problems with it.  Like how to turn it off?  People will forget and get mission failed all the time.  Best leave it like it is.

ThomasKirkman  (Posted my name just for R16.  ;)  )
Ya.  Trucking Server, not Jail Server....  Trucks drive on the highways.  Highways have laws.  Truckers break the law so they have cops.  Cops catch Truckers on the "Trucking Server" and put them in Jail because they get fines but deposit all their damn money in the ATM and don't carry any money to pay the fines they get for doing dumb stuff on the "Trucking Server" then blame the cop for putting them in jail because they were dumb . . . . . .


LOL, cops point of view.  I love my job.
Why not set house sales up so that when a person puts his/her house up for sale, it does not show it is for sale for a random time between 24 and 72 hours.  That way if Joe decided to sell his house, there would be less of a chance of selling to a buddy due to the random time.  Then it would show for sale to all at the same time.  He might get it, he might not.
Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't the "Auction System" eliminate newer players and leave it to those with more money than brains?  2 Slot house.  Now 2.5M.  This is affordable to those newer players.  But in auction, as with all auctions, you will get those players who just "bid up" the price.

As it is, camping is annoying, but in the end, it is a crap shoot as to who gets the house.  So that is more in the line of fair.
General Talk / Re: house system
February 11, 2012, 06:34
With a 5 slot house, you can have 10 vehicles, and when you hit 1000 missions, 20 vehicles.  Get real.  For one, it is a waste of public parking slots.  Look at the 20 slot houses.  You can't even park in Tierra Robada because one person has all the parking jammed.  And how many actually get used?  4?  8?  That leaves 70+/- just sitting there taking up slots that other players can't use?
General Talk / Re: house system
February 10, 2012, 18:42
There alreay is.  You can only own one house.
General Talk / Re: house system
February 09, 2012, 06:39
Agreed Race.  There is absolutly no need for that many other than to say you have them.  OK, you got them all.  You win. Now lets move on for everybodies sake.  5 slot max is a good idea.


General Talk / Re: People are nuts...
February 01, 2012, 04:36
Or read the topics and post how pointless they are over and over.