Haha Rafe & AlfStewart[AUS] =))

Started by GeneralLee, July 12, 2012, 12:16


Not being sarcastic to someone is hard.
Like holding in a fart that would be nasty and funny at the same time.




''Feel my pain, because it is pain, which I wake up every day."- Mike Tyson




joshly im not gay and dont be concerned :D
[SAP]Egert: viper and Boy arent brothers right?
DeHavilland: Nope
DeHavilland: Boy is from NL and Viper is from AUS

We aren't brothers, we just act like them.



Most the guys talk about penis on here far too much.....Hell, even i don't talk about it this much...seriously grow up and act your gender!
View my news story : http://www.forum.convoytrucking.net/index.php/topic,39051.new.html#new
Lindsey ~ Sticking up for the little guy - http://www.forum.convoytrucking.net/index.php/topic,39070.0.html
Quote[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] managed to steal Alpha
[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] left the server (exit)
[21:12:17] * ExAdmin Lindsey_[UK] (41) connected: I will report you, count on it
[21:12:22] <krisu> that was good linds :D
Quote from: brane on June 06, 2013, 10:53
Quote from: Lindsey on June 06, 2013, 08:37
Terror, youve been on your last warning for stuff on ct for like a year so I dont feel treatened by you



Quote from: Lindsey on July 12, 2012, 14:40
Most the guys talk about penis on here far too much.....Hell, even i don't talk about it this much...seriously grow up and act your gender!



Who gives a shit, if your below 17 i dont see a problem with it. Childhood doesnt last forever, so why not make the most of it?
Thats why im a ratbag at school with my mates.
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)


Quote from: TheSandman on July 12, 2012, 15:17
Who gives a shit, if your below 17 i dont see a problem with it. Childhood doesnt last forever, so why not make the most of it?
Thats why im a ratbag at school with my mates.


now I don't know who's side I'm on.......  :concentrated2:


Quote from: TheSandman on July 12, 2012, 15:17
Who gives a shit, if your below 17 i dont see a problem with it. Childhood doesnt last forever, so why not make the most of it?
Thats why im a ratbag at school with my mates.


Not being sarcastic to someone is hard.
Like holding in a fart that would be nasty and funny at the same time.