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Messages - TruckLover1337

Events / Re: [UCD] Weekly Lottery
March 11, 2013, 13:28
Quote from: Barney_Ross on March 10, 2013, 19:04
10k? Are you serious?  :D You get more from two tickets  C:-)

Today's lottery has been drawn.

New prize pot! 25k

To see when the lottery will be drawn. Check UCD's main topic.
Events / [UCD] Weekly Lottery
March 10, 2013, 16:15

United Cargo Delivery haves a weekly lottery with different prizes every week!

This week you can win:

How to enter this event?
-Apply our club!

Every week a other RANDOM player (using will get chosen ;)

To see latest winners & lottery date's: Check our main club topic.

Well, we dont need the lights, but signs is good for decoration and a more "finished" look for maps. Now we have only lamps and not signs... Thats not so good, i know this doesn't need to be 100% RP, and we dont need to RP that. But it will look good for the (island-) map(s).
Quote from: PoLLosky on March 10, 2013, 13:51
It will be a nice roundabout there....not all players know priority of right!

Yes +1

I know it but there are some players that did not learn driving rules so this would be nice :)
Quote from: Vado19 on March 08, 2013, 23:50
+1 for synced traffic lights and fining system at crucial areas such as .....

LV intersection...which is the most heavily trafficked area in CT... there are other areas that would do well with this update...

or we could just spread the speed traps... so that all 4 sides need to slow down a bit before entering the intersection.
Yes, but i didn't suggested the fines , Lets stay at normal speedcams for fines :)
Btw, i hate these high speed crashes at LV Intersection

About the traffic signs: Signs at a island like MC with route's to city's,gas station,airport,... (& maybe speed-limits)

Quote from: kukimaki on March 06, 2013, 19:32
Quote from: Ethan on March 06, 2013, 17:02
traffic lights are on maps anyways, the default maps have them all over and the added maps dont need them to be clutterfucked with hundred of objects that would only be there for the aesthetics

Well, they are already.
This mentality of yours can be clearly seen on Wet County map. In my (and hopefully in many other players') opinion there have to be objects only for aesthetics, otherwise it won't be realistic.

traffic signs are up already in key areas to know where you are and where places are, to navigate to
traffic lights on islands: see above
traffic signs on islands: already have them

I guess he meant the regular traffic signs, like in the old map. Not like this on every corner, rather like these.

I say a +1. Maybe lights are not neccessary, but road signs are definitely a way to make the map look more unique.
Yes ;)

Quote from: Konali on March 06, 2013, 20:19
hes just suggesting to put some more signs/lights in towns/ crucial places.
It doesnt mean you need to stop for them lol, it aint 100% roleplay here on Ct, its just for the scenery/detail and i like that.
Quote from: Corvette1099 on March 08, 2013, 06:05
Thank you Master Overlord for the awesome stickers! Got mine today! (Took a picture but my phone is being dumb... I'll post em later)
Great job!
Really nice, i wish CT adds this! Its very UNIQUE :D Great job :)
Quote from: Konali on March 06, 2013, 20:19
hes just suggesting to put some more signs/lights in towns/ crucial places.
It doesnt mean you need to stop for them lol, it aint 100% roleplay here on Ct, its just for the scenery/detail and i like that.

Yeh, First off all if u add traffic lights, don't put fines + If you dont want lights, then do like signs? like these (not these poor "Paint" ones.) & and these (truckpark/cam ones), you can also maybe make some for like Gas stations? & maybe (not shown on image) Names from city's on a sign so u see when u enter/leave citys,etc.
Quote from: Ethan on March 06, 2013, 16:45
Quote from: Bran on March 06, 2013, 14:47
This is not Roleplay ... This would make the driving experience not fun ... Imagine having to stop every 200 Meters for a stop sign ...

/\ this/\
I will not be a mapper who does this... maybe some for the detail of it like it is now

but the fines for not stopping... hell no, ill quit if that ever happens here
I did not suggested fines so ^^ Its only map related suggestion :)

Quote from: Impreza on March 06, 2013, 16:09
+1 to signs
-1 to traffic lights

Thanks for the feedback ^^
Its the signs that i really want. The traffic lights was just an additional suggestion :P
Events / Re: [BumZ] VIP Event.
March 06, 2013, 15:19
Taking Part?: Yes
Quote from: Bran on March 06, 2013, 14:47
This is not Roleplay ... This would make the driving experience not fun ... Imagine having to stop every 200 Meters for a stop sign ...
It isn't ment for 100% roleplay, but it will be nice for the map itself, and some members will obey them,
And stop every 200 meters? Well... The mappers dont need to put stop signs, (well they can add some). But also just some signs so u know what the speed limits are for a car. And maybe arrows (can be textured using photoshop and putted on model? i think) , ....

So i hope this can be added. It will make the islands more 'Special'

Also about the Traffic Lights... If they aren't used it can be used as decoration... If you guys want to use it we can make a law like "Obey traffic lights on Islands or get fined", and on Mainland we just ignore them ;)

It would make the islands more CT. Not like other servers... The islands are already special, but maybe add some signs for extra 'CT' feel. Because no server has this (yet)...

Quote from: Rockey on March 06, 2013, 14:22
Quote from: TheSandman on March 06, 2013, 13:42
Add traffic lights if you want but no ones gonna stop for them! :D
Just seems like so much effort for nothing, they would like nice though.

They would only make a difference if it became 'law' to obey the signs/lights... Maybe if a fine was added for not stopping? 'You was caught by the camera not stopping for a red light, Fine of $XXX'

Well, Its already a law to obey speedlimits ;)
What do I suggest?
-Traffic Lights (If possible)
-Traffic Signs


Traffic Lights: On Islands
Traffic Signs: Mostly Islands, Can be placed on Mainland to!

Suggestion/The Idea:
Add some custom models to the server (e.g. Traffic Signs / Lights) and put these on islands.
The Traffic Lights can be added so trucks need to stop there on Islands , etc ...
The Traffic Signs can be added for some extra realism.

Suggestions for this Suggestion is welcome in the comment section below.
