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Messages - Loup

GTA & SA-MP / Re: Mobile samp (need help)
December 02, 2020, 17:02
Quote from: LarsM on December 02, 2020, 16:09
I think there is just no way to refuel on convoy trucking with samp mobile the way things are.

I think you can use this technique:
Suggestions / Re: Credit
November 28, 2020, 13:25
Ive always loved the idea ot taking loan from bank, no scamming no begging etc.  :like:

It should have a system to minus money from player's account so that if someone gets big loan and leave game (like scam) his money would be in minus when he logs in and will be forced to pay already.
Had some fun while free roaming with Wreckfest and Sjomp and caught some shocking moments :D !

Pay attention what just happened after wreckfest goes behind from right side and Sjomp takes left side xD

No, Karl is right. You can simply make one topic and post all pictures there, you can name your topic "Pictures by John" and can post every type of pictures there.

Also: Just click the button "Quote" on someone's post to copy his text and then you can reply him.
Help / Re: Ok to park dumper here
October 17, 2020, 15:58
Yeah, I don't think theres any problem with it. Afterall its a truck so you can park in truck park.

EDIT: Yeah its always good to get double check, YW :)
Hello guys, Loup Here!

I am back to post another tutorial, hope you like it. As the title says the tutorial is about how you can change wheels in your game, and also make your own custom collection by selecting your favorite wheels and adding them to your game. So, lets start!

I have separated this tutorial in 3 steps

How to Install wheel mod in your game
1. Simple Installation
2. Explanation
3. Select your favorite wheels and add them in game over what ever wheel you want

1. Simple Installation

Common File that you will find almost on all wheel pack mods are:

1. .Dff file (The Model)
2. .Txd file (Texture for the Model)
3. .IDE file (Informing the game which one is the model and which one is texture file)

Most and simple way to install a wheel pack is this:

1. Download SparkTool and start the program, and click File > Open and select "gta3.img" located at "GTA San Andreas\models"

2. Drag and drop the .dff and .txd files in gta3.img (which you just opened by SparkTool) and after its done click Save icon or click File > Save.

3. Copy and replace the "veh_mods.ide" file and paste in "GTA San Andreas\data\maps\veh_mods"

Thats all if you "just" want to install wheels pack.

Video demonstration for the above steps (1. Simple Installation)

2. Explanation

Most of the time you will have these following files in your wheel pack mods:
* .DFF
* .TXD
* .IDE

The .DFF file is the model itself. The .TXD file is the texture file (if you don't add this, it will be just white wheel no texture). And, the .IDE file which is used to tell the game what dff file will get which txd file.


1. DFF File:
There are 17 Wheels available in Gta Sa. Wheels have different name in game and different name in Gta3.img file. Like, Damaged Glendale is a name of vehicle in game, but in gta3.img it is named as "glenshit" and country rifle is known as "cuntgun", so these wheels also have different names in gta3.img files, lets see what they are.

Wheel Names

  • Gta3.IMG        =     In Game
  • wheel_lr1         =     Classic
  • wheel_lr2         =     Dollar
  • wheel_lr3         =     Twist
  • wheel_lr4         =     Wires
  • wheel_lr5         =     Trance
  • wheel_sr1        =     Cutter
  • wheel_sr2        =     Rimshine
  • wheel_sr3        =     Mega
  • wheel_sr4        =     Grove
  • wheel_sr5        =     Switch
  • wheel_sr6        =     Shadow
  • wheel_gn1       =     Import
  • wheel_gn2       =     Atomic
  • wheel_gn3       =     Ahab
  • wheel_gn4       =     Virtual
  • wheel_gn5       =     Access
  • wheel_or1        =     OffRoad

So, now you know what wheels in game represent what name in gta3.img, so if you want to change e.g. Offroad wheel you would replace wheel_or1 and then you will have new offroad wheel from the wheel pack mod.

2. TXD File:

Most of the time you see only 1 .txd file in wheel packs and all others are .dff files, it simply means that all wheels will get texture from one .txd file. In the above screenshot you can see there is only 1 TXD file named as "whels.txd" means all wheels will get texture from whels.txd file.

But yeah, sometimes there are more than 1 txd file, like this:

You can see the black line below the names of files, they all are .txd files, so there are so many .txd files, but don't worry, it's the same way you install cars in game like Infernus.dff has Infernus.txd file so if you see any .dff file has same name on .txd file means it will get texture from there. E.g. In the above screenshot you see there is wheel_lr1.dff and wheel_lr1.txd so it means wheel_lr1 will get texture from its same name .txd file.

And for those tho don't have same name txd file, then there is only 1 file that will give texture to all files, like in the above screenshot wheel_gn1 to wheel_gn5 there is no txd files for them, means they all will get texture from the first file named as "JimBlack_wheels.txd"

3. IDE File (Can be edited using a notepade):

IDE file is used to tell the game "Hey, I have wheel_or1 file and I want you to get its texture from this file: "JimBlack_wheels" so thats all it does. If wheel_or1 has same name .txd file then you type the same name if it has different .txd file then you type that name just like I did typed JimBlack_wheels.

Note: Sometimes you just get veh_mods.ide file already made in the wheel mod, so you just have to take that file and replace in your game folder "GTA San Andreas\data\maps\veh_mods" and its all done. BUT sometimes, you don't have ready-made veh_mods.ide file so you have to search for a notepad file in the mod maybe named as "Readme.txt" or "Installation.txt" and they will tell you to maunally edit your veh_mods.ide file and put these lines it them.

To understand it more better I will open the notepad file which is given in the wheel mod (because this wheel pack dont provide ready made veh_mods.ide so I have to open and reaplace lines by myself).
This is how it looks:

So this tells the game that wheel_sr6 will have JimBlack_WHEELS txd file.
And, wheel_sr3 will get same name txd file of wheel_sr3, and you can read others as well

This was the manual way to tell the game what dff file should use what txd file. Now let me show you my own veh_mods.ide file.

Now you can see I have  wheel_sr6 dff file and its txd file is named as JimBlack_WHEELS, and wheel_sr3 file has txd of Wheels, and Wheel_lr4 file has another file named whel. It is from 3 different wheel pack I have combined them, I hope you understand till here, because if you don't then next step will be confusing for you, so make sure you understand till here.

3. Select your favorite wheels and add them in game over what ever wheel you want

Now, lets suppose you love Atomic wheel from wheel pack1, and Classic wheel from wheel pack2, and Switch wheels from wheel pack3 (Just like I did combining different wheels from different wheel packs into my game).

Lets suppose, you want to have Atomic wheel (From wheel pack 1) and want to put them in your game as Offroad wheels.
And want to get Classic wheels (From wheel pack 2) and put them in your game as Switch wheels. What would you do?

You want to have this:

   Atomic         as   Offroad
(wheel_gn2) as (wheel_or1) (List is available above for these names)

  Classic         as    Switch
(wheel_lr1) as (wheel_sr5)

NOTE: If you are changing and combining wheels NEVER do them together, do 1 wheel at a time or you will mess up and will crash your game.

Make a folder on desktop named as OFFROAD (so that you know this wheel will be changed to offroad wheel) and just take atomic wheel (wheel_gn2) from one wheel pack and its .txd file also (it might have same name like wheel_gn2.txd or might have different name like Tuning.txd or Wheels.txd or whel.txd or JimBlack_Wheels, depending on what the mod owner put name) so put .dff and .txd file in that folder at desktop (Like this).

And now change the name of .dff file [Don't change .txd just change .dff] (You want Atomic wheel to be offroad so change atomic wheel name from "wheel_gn2" into offroad wheel which is "wheel_or1") Just like I did.

And now you import these 2 files in your gta3.img using Sparktool (How? Check above step: 1. Simple Installation), So now we have new wheel model .dff file and new texture .txd file, but we now need to tell the game about this new changing, how? just like the same way "Hey, This is dff file and this is txd file" by editing veh_mods.ide file Located at "GTA San Andreas\data\maps\veh_mods\veh_mods.ide".

Now we have a new offroad wheel (named as wheel_or1) so lets open veh_mods.ide and search for "wheel_or1" and you will find this line:

Now the DFF file name is correct wheel_or1, so just change the txd file which was "JimBlack_Wheels" so after you change the txd file name it will look like this:

Nice we just told the game for correct txd file, its all done just save it and enjoy the new wheel, we just changed Atomic wheel and put them as Offroad wheel in our game. So, by using this technique you can take any wheel and put in your game as any wheel you want, but as I warned you about never do it all at once, you do it one by one so that you dont get confuse and mess everything up, so change the wheels one by one. So we just removed the ugly wheel of OFFROAD and put our loved one Atomic wheel as Offroad wheel, using same technique you can remove ugly wheels and add your loved ones only, and make your own collection!

Video demonstration for the above steps (3. Select your favorite wheels and add them in game over what ever wheel you want)

Other Mods by Loup
1. Everything About Bases

2. Everything About Clubs

3. How to set color in welcome message

4. How to Install ImVehFt (IVF) for SAMP & Offline (without CLEO and ELM)
Good video, but it is a bit short, and just shows how to uplaod picture on imgur and paste link on forums. You need to work on posting content in your post, try to show everything in your post so that players can understand, show them how EXACTLY you can post picture on forums.

I told you not to directly post your tutorial let me see it first, but anyways.

It is a good try its your first time doing a tutorial ill say keep up the hardwork, and don't just put a link in your post try to explain everything here :).

I would love to give you an example on how you should do for next time.

1. Visit Imgur website, Link:

2. Click on Green button labled as "New Post"

3. Click on "Choose Photo/Video" and select your picture (OR you can drag and drop your picture as well).

4. Wait for your picture to upload, then right click on picture and select "open image in new tab"

5. Copy the link

6. Goto Forums, Click on "Insert Image" and you will see img tag, add your link between those 2 img tags, it will look like this.

7. You are done, click post.

Mistakes people do usually while posting picture is that they don't open picture in new tab, they just click on "copy link" button and put the img tag and paste the picture, it results in blank post and they have to edit and remove tags and paste just plane link.
Tutorials, Guides and FAQs / Re: CT Map
October 10, 2020, 21:33
I have added the maps in the main post (Above)
I have also created the map that shows:

  • Base for Sale
  • Gas Station
  • Vehicle Dealers

As the Main map is broken so I thought to make an alternative (just to have it available). This map is not original, I just have copied parts of maps and added them in game map using paint, so its like 90-95% accurate, as it has no main map stuff by server (Like The Valley) & the Road to Unresting Desert is a bit down side (original is a bit up side). But the icons are placed at exact location.

Note: Click on picture to open in new tab then you will be able to see magnifying glass click on picture again to make it zoom to have a clear look.

Map for "BS" Base for Sale

Map for Gas Station

Map for Vehicle Dealer

I was thinking to add Shops and Parking lots as well, but I realize they are literally everywhere in the game so it would be not so useful and also it would take a lot of efforts so I left it.

Please let me know if there is any place I missed in the map or there is any icon placed on wrong location I will fix it. This thread is restricted section, so you can't Post here, but you can PM me in game or on forums and can inform me about mistakes, Thanks.

I tool MC, WC and Sandus from the link down below, and took Narwick & Unresting desert from this post (The Top post "Egert"):

I would like to say Thanks:
* To our Moderator "Fox" for informing me about one more Gas Station location that I missed in Vice City Island.
Compliments / Re: Loup
September 29, 2020, 10:27
Quote from: UncleDrew on September 28, 2020, 23:34
Loup Soup is the most humble mod I know in-game. For that, I have a gift for you xD I love you bro!

:D <3 Thank you for the love bro, Love you too! You are my favorite uncle xD. lol another gift? ill be waiting for it :DD.
Compliments / Re: Loup
September 26, 2020, 17:12
Quote from: shen on September 26, 2020, 05:51
LOOP is an amazing person and also a cool guy  :like: continue being my mod provider loop love uu :3 :D

Thank you bro karl <3 <3 Appreciated, ill do my best to be your favorite ;D
Compliments / Re: Jonas_Nicholls_ll
September 22, 2020, 21:08
You might have misunderstood this section. It is actually "Server staff compliments".

Quotethis is the place where you can compliment staff about what they do.

It's good that you appreciate players, you can do that in the General Talk section or maybe in the Members section.

& Yeah Jonas is a very good behavior person always helping out newbies, he's a bit silent sometimes ;D
Compliments / Re: Loup
September 21, 2020, 17:56
Thank you so much guys I really appreciate your compliments   :) :happycmas::3 :3 :3 :like:

Quote from: Sunil on September 21, 2020, 16:49
Loup's my favourite lesbian.

Cmon bruh these private things are between you and me only xD.
Screenshots and Videos / Re: Jump
September 21, 2020, 11:59
lol very nice jump direct on your house  ;D
Events / Re: car race
September 18, 2020, 10:36
Quote from: Nicky on September 18, 2020, 05:21

Please prevent useless posting, if you don't have anything to write in your post then just leave it, instead of putting smiles on every post which does not makes any sense.
General Talk / Re: map
September 08, 2020, 13:10
It is broken, please use this map here: