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Topics - Nate


(if admin sees this please remove because it is not letting me)
Off Topic / The "Super Conputer"
April 02, 2012, 20:25
Ok, let me start off by saying that the term "Super Computer" was a hyperbole and that the opinion on this computer will differ between people. It's all about perspective. If you have an overly-overkill computer *cough* Dan_Nobleman *cough* then you probably wont consider this to be a "super computer".

Anyways this is the build i put together for myself and is what i will be saving up for, so any opinions feel free to post below  :)
Hello everyone Nate here with the next race in the 8 week event "Nate's Rally League". This week's race will be hosted in Flint County! If you have not already read through the main post, please take the time to do so:,19560.0.html

Here is an image of the route:

And a video of a lap around the track:


This is going to be the longest course of the entire League, so be prepared!

Here are this week's race brackets:

Heat 1
Zedd[PL]        Round of 3rd's and 4th's
Soilwork              (3rd from heat 1)                       Finals
Fuus                   (3rd from heat 2)                    (1st from heat 1)     
Axxy                   (4th from heat 1)                    (1st from heat 2)
                         (4th from heat 2)                    (2nd from heat 1)                 
                                                                     (2nd from heat 2)
Heat 2                                             

Points system
The winners of the Rally League will be determined from the Rally League Leaderboard. After every race i will update the Leaderboard with the amount of points that you won during that weeks race. The point values will be the following:
1st place= 10 points
2nd place= 8 points
3rd place= 7 points
4th place= 6 points
5th place= 5 points
6th place= 4 points
7th place= 3 points
8th place= 1 point

At the end of all 8 races, the racer with the most points wins the Rally League!

*** NOTE *** If you cannot make this weeks race, you will be given 0 points.

Here are this week's race brackets:

Heat 1
Zedd[PL]        Round of 3rd's and 4th's
Fr3sh                     (3rd from heat 1)                       Finals
Sveki                     (3rd from heat 2)                    (1st from heat 1)     
Eddie                    (4th from heat 1)                    (1st from heat 2)
                           (4th from heat 2)                      (2nd from heat 1)                 
                                                                            (2nd from heat 2)
Heat 2                                             

Points system
The winners of the Rally League will be determined from the Rally League Leaderboard. After every race i will update the Leaderboard with the amount of points that you won during that weeks race. The point values will be the following:
1st place= 10 points
2nd place= 8 points
3rd place= 7 points
4th place= 6 points
5th place= 5 points
6th place= 4 points
7th place= 3 points
8th place= 1 point

At the end of all 8 races, the racer with the most points wins the Rally League!

*** NOTE *** If you cannot make this weeks race, you will be given 0 points.

i suggest a french cb channel because according to the server demographic france makes up 2% of the players on server. I know mostly all (if not all) of the people in france speak english but sometimes it is easier to speak in your native tongue. I suggest cb 14 or 15 to be dedicated to french players. Thank you for your time.

Off Topic / The Gtx 600 series
March 22, 2012, 16:53
As you may (or may not) know the long awaited nVidia gtx 600 series came out today. As of right now, only the gtx 680 has been launched, with the rest of the series to follow later. Let me start by saying this: between the gtx 500 series and the radeon 6000 series, the 6000 series wins hands down in my opinion and made me an amd fan.

That being said, the new 600 series kicks the pants out of the 7000 series and as Tom's Hardware forum said: "GeForce GTX 680 2 GB Review: Kepler Sends Tahiti On Vacation". Although i haven't seen any gaming benchmarks from real customers of the 680, it still seems like it just made the 7970 obsolete (atleast if the 7970 stays at it's current $550 price).

This being said, there were a few disappointments with the 680 that may hold some back from jumping on this rather then the 7970. 1) It does not feature the 384-bit memory bus as seen in the 580 but rather a 256-bit memory bus (this seems like a step backwards). 2) It only sports a 2gb frame buffer. With other cards such as the 7950 on the market with a 3gb frame buffer and 384-bit memory bus there is no excuse for this.

Despite these set backs, the gtx 680 still features some very nice, and new features. First of all, it's core clock speed with factory settings is 1.006 Ghz (1006 mHz). This clock speed has never been seen before on a high end card like this. The 680 also has an effective memory clock of 6000mHz.

Overall, the rumors are that nVidia changed what would have been a 660 or a 670 to the 680 because it matched the flagship of the 7000 series (7970). Although this is a BIG disappointment to me, there are also rumors that nvidia has another heavy-weight card in the works. I hope to see a 685 in which we see the same great features of the 680 with a 384-bit memory bus and possibly even a 3gb frame buffer.
Hello everyone and welcome to week 3 of my 8 week series of "Nate's Rally League". This week we travel to our track in Red County!  8)
Before you continue if you haven't already read through the entire main post please take the time to do so:,19560.0.html

The track to Week 3:

And a video of the race route:

Here are this week's race brackets:

Heat 1
Zedd[PL]        Round of 3rd's and 4th's
Fr3sh                     (3rd from heat 1)                       Finals
Sveki                     (3rd from heat 2)                    (1st from heat 1)     
Eddie                    (4th from heat 1)                    (1st from heat 2)
                           (4th from heat 2)                      (2nd from heat 1)                 
                                                                            (2nd from heat 2)
Heat 2                                             

Points system
The winners of the Rally League will be determined from the Rally League Leaderboard. After every race i will update the Leaderboard with the amount of points that you won during that weeks race. The point values will be the following:
1st place= 10 points
2nd place= 8 points
3rd place= 7 points
4th place= 6 points
5th place= 5 points
6th place= 4 points
7th place= 3 points
8th place= 1 point

At the end of all 8 races, the racer with the most points wins the Rally League!

*** NOTE *** If you cannot make this weeks race, you will be given 0 points.

Off Topic / Some nice memories :)
March 17, 2012, 03:25
Well today i was in math class and a friend showed me this app he got from the android market thats a GBC (gameboy color) emulator that allows you to play all the old games. I immediately got a copy of zelda. It reminds me of when i was 5/6 and played my first zelda game on the gameboy color. Zelda has still been my favorite game since then (yes even better then high detailed games like Battlefield 3). It's in my opinion the greatest one of the classic video games. :)

What is that piece of hardware gaming goodness that you have had your eye on? For me it's definitely the amd "Piledriver" cpu line. After Bulldozer came out in 2011 it was just barely a slight improvement over the phenom ii series and sometimes not even as good. I hope that Piledriver lives up to the expectations so we can see AMD back in the gaming cpu market and not just the "budget" processors.
Hi everyone! This is Week 2 of the Rally League. This time we are headed to Las Colinas for the races! Hope to see all of you attend the event.

Make sure to read through the main post on the Rally League:,19560.0.html

Here is the track:

And a video of the track:
Sorry about the video getting cut off in the beginning

The Race Brackets will be the following:
Heat 1             
Zedd[PL]            3rd & 4th's Round              Finals                                               
Fr3sh           (3rd place from heat 1)        (1st place from heat 1)
Eddie           (3rd place from heat 2)        (1st place from heat 2)
Pancakes      (4th place from heat 1)        (2nd place from heat 1)
                  (4th place from heat 2)        (2nd place from heat 2)
Heat 2

Points system
The winners of the Rally League will be determined from the Rally League Leaderboard. After every race i will update the Leaderboard with the amount of points that you won during that weeks race. The point values will be the following:
1st place= 10 points
2nd place= 8 points
3rd place= 7 points
4th place= 6 points
5th place= 5 points
6th place= 4 points
7th place= 3 points
8th place= 1 point

At the end of all 8 races, the racer with the most points wins the Rally League!

*** NOTE *** If you cannot make this weeks race, you will be given 0 points.

Hello everyone it's Nate again with the 2nd event for my Rally League. This week's race will start off the season in Blueberry. If you have not already read my complete post on the Rally League, please take the time to read through it:,19560.0.html

Here is the Track for this week's race:


The Race Brackets will be the following:
Heat 1             
Eddie             3rd & 4th's Round            Finals                                               
Sveki               (3rd place from heat 1)          (1st place from heat 1)
Soilwork           (3rd place from heat 2)          (1st place from heat 2)
Fuus                (4th place from heat 1)          (2nd place from heat 1)
                      (4th place from heat 2)          (2nd place from heat 2)
Heat 2

Points system
The winners of the Rally League will be determined from the Rally League Leaderboard. After every race i will update the Leaderboard with the amount of points that you won during that weeks race. The point values will be the following:
1st place= 10 points
2nd place= 8 points
3rd place= 7 points
4th place= 6 points
5th place= 5 points
6th place= 4 points
7th place= 3 points
8th place= 1 point

At the end of all 8 races, the racer with the most points wins the Rally League!

*** NOTE *** If you cannot make this weeks race, you will be given 0 points.

Events / Nate's Rally League Qualifying Round
February 26, 2012, 15:53
Hi everyone. This is the qualifiying round for my newest event "Nate's Rally League". For full details on the event go here:,19560.0.html

Qualifying for the League
I will be running this event different then past rally events and you must earn your spot in the Rally League. There will be 16 sign up slots with an additional 4 slots in case racers from the original 32 cannot make the qualifying time. To sign up post a reply in this format:
In-Game Name:
Car you will be using: (sultan or elegy ONLY)
Will you follow rules:

To qualify you must complete 2 laps on the Angel Pine/Whetstone track as fast as possible. Racers will be going one at a time and the fastest 8 times will be in the Rally League! Here is the route for the qualifier:

1.Soilwork                          9.Eddie                                     
2.Zedd[PL]                        10.[BG] Marto                                   
3.Opel_Astra_GSI             11.Rares                                     
4.Axxy                               12.TheGame                                     
5.moondog                       13.Alex441                                   
6.Dobis[LV]                       14.brane                                     
7.xXpirrettoXx                  15.pancakes                                       
8.fr3sh                              16.piemaster                                     

Sveki since you registered after all slots were filled, if someone for

Events / Nate's Rally League
February 26, 2012, 02:48
Hi everyone Nate here and i'm back with another event! I would like to start off by asking that if an admin could sticky this topic, that would be great. I realized a while back that its not all about the money. I have everything i want: i have a nice house, a fleet of cars, and  There is a lot to explain in this post so lets get right into it. My long awaited event has arrived! This one will be rally racing once again, but with a little bit of a twist on it this time. I explain it all here:

What is it?
This event will be what i call a "Rally League" in which 16 racers will be competing in races at the same time every week for eight (8.) weeks. Each week will have its own separate topic. Races will be held at a different track every week!

Requirements to be able to compete
Since i do not want a "Rookie Trucker" winning the large amount of money that will be discussed later, i have set forth these requirements that you MUST meet in order to compete in the league:
-Rank of "Transport Tycoon"
-You must own the vehicle you will compete with (or borrow one from a friend)

Qualifying for the League
I will be running this event different then past rally events and you must earn your spot in the Rally League. There will be 16 sign up slots with an additional 4 slots in case racers from the original 32 cannot make the qualifying time. To sign up post a reply in this format:
In-Game Name:
Car you will be using:
Will you follow rules:

To qualify you must complete 2 laps on the Angel Pine/Whetstone track as fast as possible. Racers will be going one at a time and the fastest 8 times will be in the Rally League! Here is the route for the qualifier if you dont already know it:

(qualifying race will be next saturday at 12:00 GMT -5. This will be the same time for every weekly race.
Cars that are allowed
In the interest of fairness, i have excluded my personal favorite rally car (Comet) from the list of cars that can be used. The ONLY cars that can be used are the following:

These are two very evenly matched vehicles. Elegy has a higher top speed, but the Sultan has better Handling and control on off-road tracks. If you ask me, the sultan is the superior car here, but also costs about 2x as much as an elegy so i will leave this decision up to you.


-Follow all orders given by Event Staff or face being immediately Disqualified from the entire event
-Be kind and courteous to your fellow racers
-have FUN!

Points system
The winners of the Rally League will be determined from the Rally League Leaderboard. After every race i will update the Leaderboard with the amount of points that you won during that weeks race. The point values will be the following:
1st place= 10 points
2nd place= 8 points
3rd place= 7 points
4th place= 6 points
5th place= 5 points
6th place= 4 points
7th place= 3 points
8th place= 1 point

At the end of all 8 races, the racer with the most points wins the Rally League!

The prizes for this event may be on a scale never before seen in Convoy Trucking.

1st Place= $2,500,000
2nd Place= $1,000,000
3rd Place= $500,000
4th Place= A pat on the back

That just about concludes it for this post. Look on forum for updates.

I forgot to add that if you are not currently rank of "Transport Tycoon" you can still compete but by the end of the event to claim your prize you must reach that requirement.

Rally League Standings
1) Zedd[PL] --- 48 points
2)Fr3sh -------- 45 points
3)Soilwork ----- 26 points
4)Sveki -------- 25 points
5)Pancakes --- 18 points
6)fuus --------- 12 points
7)Axxy --------- 12 points
8)Eddie ------- 0 points (Did not attend race)

As of week  6
Biggest gain this week: PanCakes went from 6th to 5th place!

Off Topic / Intel "Ivy Bridge"
February 25, 2012, 01:01
As you may already know intel's newest line of CPU's codenamed "ivy bridge" will be available in spring. The flagship of the new CPU's will be the I-7 3770k. What I found most impressive is that the 3700k is capable of a 100% overclock. Stock clock speed is 3.5GHz and pick up yourself a batch of dry ice at the local hardware store and you are capable of achieving clock speeds of 7.0GHz+ with this monster cpu.

DRY ICE: its the new water cooling ;D
Events / Cvt: The Movie
February 09, 2012, 03:45
Hello everyone. I have been hosting many events lately in the racing category and thought to myself that after a while, we all just need to take a trip off the beaten track and adventure into the unknown. This "event" if you want to call it that could be our journey into the unknown. What if we did something that no one else in Cvt has attempted before? Here is my plan:

We make a movie. But not just any old movie. A movie that would be "open source". A movie in which the whole Convoy Trucking community could be involved in and one which would bring people, and the community as a whole, closer together. Not only that but when we are done, we will have a kick-ass production that we can all be proud to say that we were a part of.

But here is where i need the Communities' opinion: What type of movie will it be? I will begin shortly on writing the script for this movie along with the production crew, and i have left it up to all of you to decide what kind of movie it will be. (If a movie type you would like to see is not in the poll, leave a reply to this).

Lastly, if you would like to get involved in the movie reply to this post on what job you would be interested in. I welcome all of you to take part in this potentially historic community event.

Thank you for your time,

Nate  :D


The team that needs to be finalized ASAP is the script team. We cannot start filming/editing until we have a script to go by. If you are legitimately interested in participating post a reply in this way:

In-Game Name:
Team you wish to join: (Actors/actresses, scripters, or editors)
Secondary team (optional):

Thank You.

Events / Re-Scheduled Rallycross Knockout
February 05, 2012, 19:16
Hello. After hosting my Rally cross event today, it turned once again into chaos. SO, from now on my event hosting will be different.

1. Must be at least "Respected Trucker" rank to participate

2. You MUST fill out a reply to this post to enter the race in this format:
In-game name:
Car you will be using:
Will you follow rules:

3. When you arrive to the event, park your car where you are told

4. Do not spam "Come on what are we waiting for" or "Let's start the race already!!" (if i haven't started the race it means i am doing something)

5. Be cooperative to Event staff and courteous to other racers

6. Event staff reserve the right to Disqualify anyone who does not follow the rules set forth

1st: $100,000
2nd: $50,000
3rd: $25,000
(If you win with a comet, you will get a $25,000 bonus!)

Here is the race route (The same as the previous event)

This is how the race brackets work:

(i don't think 90% of you will be able to understand that, so just go along on race day ;D)

Events / Nate's Rallycross Knockout
January 29, 2012, 03:35
Hi guys Nate here with the latest of the many events i have been hosting lately. This one will be a rallycross race! Here is how everything will work:

There will be multiple heats of 2-4 racers (depending on how many show up)
You will complete 2 laps around the course

If you place in 1st or 2nd in your heat you will go on to the next round
If you place 3rd in your heat you will be entered in the LCQ (Last Change Qualifier)
If you place last in your heat, its the end of the road for you :'(

The following rules must be followed at all times:
-No ramming
-Follow directions from both me and other event staff
-No Infernub (not like you really expected to win with that...)

Because of past events ruined by a certain few (not going to name names) ANYONE who does not follow the rules will be instantly Disqualified

Here is the route (i apologize for the bad image)

1st Place: 100k
2nd Place: 50k
3rd Place: 25k

*NOTE: like nearly all of my other events i will accept donations from players and put that into the jackpot as well. So if just 5 people donate 10k each, the prizes could be raised to 125k 65k and 35k

*2nd NOTE: I tried to make the event time so that everyone would be able to attend (im sorry for those of you on the west coast :|)

Hello everyone, and welcome to another event sponsored by F1 Transport LTD! This time we will be hosting a truck race. The following vehicles are allowed:

Traditional Truck Class:
-Road Train
-Line Runner
*please note you MUST have a trailer attached (doesn't matter which one)

Fast Truck Class:

-No Ramming
-be cooperative
-No shortcuts (We will be watching)
-Have FUN!

Here's the race route:

---------> NOTE: I forgot to add that there will be a prize for 1st place. $25000 to the winner

There will be a parade through San Fierro sponsored by F1 Transportation LTD. I ask if you want to participate you post a reply below saying you will be there and what vehicle you plan to use if you can. (i ask this so i can put you guys in groups according to vehicles ahead of time)

Vehicles allowed:
-Special Vehicles
-Public Service Vehicles

The parade route:
START: SF Airport
1. Follow the road that leads out of the airport
2.You will follow this road past the golf course and the baseball fields
3. When you reach the end of the road(connects to the main highway near the bridge to bayside) turn right will follow this road through the tunnel and take the second left turn.(this is where the main highway ends)
5. Take that road all the way to the docks and make a left turn.
6. From here just follow the road until you get to Jizzy's Pleasure Dome
END: Jizzy's Pleasure dome

It has come to my attention that a favorite spot for offroading, rally races, etc. is in the region of angel pine and yet there are no car parks in the immediate area. Alot of people i have talked too have said it would be great if there was a car park in angel pine.
I'll give you an example of why we need this carpark: today i was participating in a rally race with a couple of buddies in whetstone. i spun out of control and lost my car in the drink (one of the many rivers/small canals in whetstone). Any in order to get my car back i had to reclass to sf, go to the nearest car park and drive all the way back. Thanks for your time,

Events / Nate's HIGH Stakes Xmas Race
December 21, 2011, 03:36
Hi everyone, and welcome to another event sponsored by Xmas Bandit Owners. This time we have my High stakes Xmas race. Let's get into the holiday spirit with a fun competition and of course, great prizes! Here is the race route:

First off i would like to say sorry but my computer isn't treating me well, and wont let me upload an image of the race, so if anyone wants to take this verbal description and make an image in a reply below, you would be awesome.

*NOTE* this is a perimeter race, so we are staying at the outer edge of the map at all times
1. race starts at the golf course next to prickle pine, Las Venturas
2. drive through the golf course
3.go through bone county staying off ALL roads and at the edge of the map
4. climb the mountain that surrounds bayside. (this will be the most difficult part by far
5. The finish line is NEAR the bridge from Bayside to San Fierro. (there is a giant rock there)

So essentially the route is following the perimeter until you reach the bridge

                                                                                Grand Prize: 200k

                                                      -Nitrous is allowed
                                                      -No Ramming

                                                                                   Vehicles that are not allowed:
                                                                                     -any Motorcycle
                                                                                     -any aircraft

I will be doing an official run through of the race about an hour before the real event, but feel free to ask me any time if you are confused about the race route. Furthermore, i am not making a race entry fee because i believe it makes for a less friendly race enviroment but donations are gladly accepted so i can continue to host future events with great prizes free-of-charge. Thank you for taking the time to read this and i hope to see you there!