Deadly (abusing police powers)

Started by RatMed, April 03, 2021, 00:16


Player reported:

Rule broken: abusing police powers
Date and time: 01:09 2021-04-03

I was arrested for inspection to pay the fine, which I did, then paid the fine and suddenly I was put in jail. proof below.


It looks like he wanted to weigh you after you paid your fines, did you stop to let him weigh you?


Yes, as soon as I got the message, I was supposed to stop, but as it was leaving the tunnel, I left and stopped right after that. I did not receive the information twice that I wanted to taint, only what you can see on the SS is that I stop to issue a ticket, which I did, and literally the second after the payment, I was imprisoned for a minute.


This isn't caused by Deadly, I hope in future we can make it more clear with messages after being fined for overloading.