Jenis ban appeal

Started by Jenis, September 20, 2017, 21:21


Player name:  
Ban ID:  
Time and date of ban: Few moments ago
Reason of ban: Teleport hacks
Ban was unfair? Yes
I was banned by: Smokey (anti-cheat)

What actually was happening:
I was driving my FBI rancher trying to reach the player called " TMK.No.Mercy " in order to fine him.I noticed that he was using hacks and was moving very fast, I pressed 2 to issue him a ticket and I said " you're using hacks Mercy " and he crashed after that (timed out). Then I was driving to another guy, his name was " PinkGuy", but a few moments later " TMK.No.Mercy " logged in and spawned very close to my current location, I navigated to him to fine him and then he activated his hacks and threw me in the air very high and then Smokey anti-cheat banned me for teleport hacks.  

The first contact and me telling him " you're using hacks Mercy "

He crashed

He logged in after crash and spawned in bone county

I navigated to bone county to fine him and here's what happened -



I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.