paul2004 (intentional ramming / blocking)

Started by Guest, March 10, 2017, 11:19


Player reported:

Rule broken: intentional ramming / blocking
Date and time: March 10th, 2017 -- about 12pm

[12:03:39] ManiaK. delivered machines from Eyre Logistics to Sherman Dam.

[12:04:02] <DENN> meep Cobra and Patrick96

[12:04:17] <Patrick96> are you mad?

[12:04:18] <Cobra> 10-20 Sandus Keys

[12:04:22] <Patrick96> paul

[12:04:25] Assistance will arrive in 15 mins. Stay where you are!

[12:04:40] <Jordi1992[CAT]> he's rammer

[12:04:41] Your insurance covered repair cost

[12:04:48] <DENN> jea

[12:04:52] <Jordi1992[CAT]> make report

[12:04:57] <Jordi1992[CAT]> I'll do too

[12:05:00] See a cheater? /report him to admins. Don't ever report in game chat!

[12:05:05] Cobra delivered supplies from Sandus Factory to Alcatraz Rest House.

[12:05:08] DENN delivered fuel to Sandus Island gas station

[12:05:13] paul2004 (10) has been reported (ramming everyone)

[12:05:21] paul2004 delivered supplies from Sandus Factory to Alcatraz Rest House.

[12:05:42] {FFFF00}Deliver mixed goods to {FF9900}Angel Pine Warehouse {FFFF00}in {FF9900}Angel Pine, Whetstone

[12:06:42] You get $171 bonus for own van

[12:06:42] mixed goods delivered succesfully. You get $1,024

[12:06:50] Load supplies from {FF9900}Angel Pine Warehouse {FFFF00}in {FF9900}Angel Pine, Whetstone

[12:06:51] Visit Shops to purchase items, licenses, drinks, car insurance, or sell your vehicles (S icon on map)

[12:07:05] {FFFF00}Deliver supplies to {FF9900}Sandus Museum {FFFF00}in {FF9900}Sandus Island, Sandus Keys

[12:07:08] <Cobra> 13

[12:07:13] <Cobra> 10-13  (weather report)

[12:07:17] <DENN> Paul2004 report rammed

[12:07:25] <Cobra> :))

[12:07:50] <Patrick96> 10-7  (off air)

[12:08:10] <DENN> Road failed 100#

[12:08:24] <Cobra> rammed ??

[12:08:38] <DENN> jes

[12:08:41] Head to a used vehicle dealer to find often-cheaper vehicles to purchase, use /gps to find the dealers!

[12:08:42] <Cobra>  where ?

[12:09:05] Cobra delivered car parts from Alcatraz Docks to Sandus Garages.

[12:09:21] ManiaK. delivered fodder from Snake farm to Red County Farm.

[12:09:29] <s0parLoasa.> 10-8  (on air)

[12:09:30] ManiaK. left the server (exit)

[12:09:32] <DENN> fucking


This doesn't proof that he was ramming, post a video or pictures that shows him ramming.