Mister (insulting / disrespect / threats)

Started by Guest, February 15, 2016, 15:15


Player reported:

Rule broken: insulting / disrespect / threats
Date and time: Around 16:00 15.02.2016

[15:37:54] <Mister> shut up motherfucker
[15:38:11] <Mister> go fuck your ass
[15:40:12] <Mister> Im gonna kick your all ass
[15:43:08] <Mister> im pro and you are nothing
15:47:39] <Mister> idiots
[15:48:31] <Mister> im going to kill you all and run away
[15:52:50] <Mister> im going to kill u
[16:00:53] <Mister> shut uop
[16:00:55] <Mister> niggas
16:01:49] <Mister> bye idiots


[23:19:46] (CB:16) Fish: thats going in my sig