Unacceptable behaviour

Started by Eurobeat, January 03, 2016, 07:48


I just wanted to post a topic explaining a few things that I would consider disrespectful and unacceptable. It seems to be slipping out of people's memory nowadays.

1. The word 'nigger'
'Nigger' or is not just a word for black people, it's something meant to be offensive toward them. There is no other meaning. Want to know who finds it offensive? I do. If you're gonna use it, do it in a CB where everyone can't see it

2. Shots at family, parents, S/O's etc
This can be a sensitive subject and it's best not to go there or even think about going there. You can ruin someone's entire day by saying one stupid thing about their real life.

3. Talking about disturbing things like rape, torture etc
You don't know everything about the people who play CT. One of them could have had an experience with something horrible and a bad joke could end up as something much worse - think worst case scenario: overdose, suicide, self-harm. Some people actually do that, don't be the one to make them do it. If you want to talk about something like that, CB.

4. Your sex life
No one cares about your sex life(with the possible exception of your mates). For other people to read about how you did some nasty shit with a 40 year old biology teacher - even if it is a lie - is just disgusting. Again. CB

5. Other people's sex/love life
Don't ask other people about their sex/love life. That's private and sensitive stuff and has nothing to do with you.

6. Expressing your opinions
Everyone is allowed to express their own opinion, but if you definitely know that expressing yours is going to piss people off, don't do it. And if you see that it pissed people off, don't go on about it and provoke them.

7. Being drunk or high
Coming on the server drunk is a disgrace and should make you feel ashamed of yourself. Why would you want people to see that side of you? Coming on high is almost acceptable because only some people can be quite funny, but don't go on about "I'm so high wow high high high drugs drugs I'm high and better than everyone else drugs drugs"... It's disgusting. Join  CB with your mates and avoid letting everyone know you're intoxicated.

8. Other people's appearance etc
Don't comment on other people's appearance or disabilities or anything that could upset them because that's just sub-human.

9. Bad jokes
If someone asks you to stop making jokes about something then you should actually stop and not take it as a challenge.

10. Other people's opinions
Don't shoot someone down when they express their opinion. If it offends you then just say so. Also don't talk down to someone about how their choices are uncool and shit compared to yours.

11. Sexuality
Don't make fun of someone if they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual... You get the point.

12. Illnesses/disabilities
Don't take shots at someone for having a certain illness or disability. IT can ruin their day, week, year or even life if it keeps happening.

This is not aimed at anyone in particular, I just thought I'd share with you what I think is unacceptable behaviour.

Just because something is not against the rules, doesn't mean you should go and do it.

This is against the rules anyway. You shouldn't make a thread to point this out. - Dobby