Shockwavee (intentional ramming / blocking)

Started by YeisonSR, November 17, 2015, 00:01


Player reported:

Rule broken: intentional ramming / blocking
Date and time: 16 November 2015 / 06:31Pm (Hour Colombi

(Spanish) Me encontraba realizando mi ruta hacia redstone con mi limusina y de repente sale Shockwavee(10) en contravia (Carril Contrario), me estrella y simplemente sigue como si nada nisiquiera se disculpa.

(Translated by Google) I was doing my route to my limousine and Redstone suddenly comes Shockwavee(10) in Contravia (Opposite Lane), star and just follow me like nothing not even apologize.

Stylo Rolo Design's!



I was doing my limousine mission to Redstone until Shockwave appears on wrong side of the road and hits my limo making me lost mission and he keeps driving as if nothing happened. He not even apologized.

[hide=my best arrest][/hide]

[hide=my death place in The Panopticon, Red County]You can visit me there :( [/hide]


Insufficient proof, it doesn't show he's near you and pictures don't really provide proof of someone ramming. A video would suffice. (I'm assuming he can't speak english, if Google's translate is incorrect, could someone translate what I said?)

Google translate: Prueba insuficiente, que no muestra que está cerca de usted y fotos realmente no proporciona prueba de que alguien embestir. Un video bastaría


No tengo más fotos porque me embistió y se fue, igualmente aya ustedes siempre son así porque tienen poder.

Translated by Google:
I have no pictures because I was rammed and equally aya because you are always powerless.
Stylo Rolo Design's!


If there is no proof, punishment can't be dealt

Google: Si no hay ninguna prueba, el castigo no se puede tratar