DaviDik. (scamming)

Started by lvor, July 23, 2015, 10:55


Player reported:

Rule broken: scamming
Date and time: 09-07-2015

DaviDik. asked me to borrow him money for his house.
only 5 minutes afther he bought his house he sold it.
So I thought allready he was going to scam me by this,
only the admin said I have to wait for the agreed date.
So that is today, because the agreed date was 2 weeks.
I borrowed: $1,500,000 | I should get back $2,000,000
I still dont have my money back so here is my report.

Like: Freerunning, Sleeping, Gaming
Dislike: Working and doing things for other players.


You wont get $2m back, interest is not counted when reporting scammers.
Looking at his transfer log, he ran away with your money. You have been refunded 1.5m.
DaviDiK. has been banned for 200 days: scamming / failure to repay loan.
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)