Razvan (insulting / disrespect / threats)

Started by Emilian14, March 06, 2015, 19:16


Player reported:

Rule broken: insulting / disrespect / threats
Date and time: 6 martie

Buna din nou lam instintat pe Razvan ca iam facut report si a inceput din nou sa ma injure si vr ca sa ea ban si mia publicat o poza publica la toti de pe skype si are un limbar vulgar.



25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)


Hey, again I said to Razvan, I did a report for him, and he started again to insult me, he want to get banned (?), and he published a picture of me on Skype, and has a inappropriate language.

Razvan: You are the best.
toxikboy: no
NP: =))))..
Razvan: Get the fuck out from cb, I will ( I can't translate "tarnui" )
NP: Kid, what in my dick, are you doing?

**Some clarifications:
Toxikboy, please use a Romanian language that can be translated, and also correct form of it, your report is full of MISTAKES, and badly abreviations..


Get the fuck out of CB? Thats insulting? Ehh.
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)