DeeJayy (intentional ramming / blocking)

Started by Mr.PiloT, February 24, 2015, 21:51


Player reported:

Rule broken: intentional ramming / blocking
Date and time: 24/2/15 about 9:15pm

the screenshots are not great as i had very little time to take them when he goes up the road then comes full speed back down the wrong side to hit me. he had done this 2 times but i never had time to take screens as you can see in main chat on the first screenshot i asked whoever was ramming me to please stop.1st screenshot you can see my car was hit and was spining and the orange maker beside me on the map showing i was hit by that car. secound screen shows the nose of the car comeing in for another hit (i pressed f8 to early here). 3rd screenshot is him hiting me agiam causeing us both to spin around. 4th one he must of been waiting in lv to hit me again then drive of u can see the car but not the name. and the last screenshot is just showing you it was deejayy driveing the car. i hope these are enough proof but im sure you can put them all together to to prove my point thank you.

And here we are m***erfu**er cops tought i would just throw it in.


Use a video capturing tool, because i cant accurately say that he is ramming you.
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)