BMW[M5] (insulting / disrespect / threats)

Started by Przemko, February 14, 2015, 09:19


Player reported:

Rule broken: insulting / disrespect / threats
Date and time: Yesterday, evening


[21:49:33] <BMW[M5]> aroon my dog is name like your

[21:49:34] * itaysiton211 bought a house in Prickle Pine, Las Venturas

[21:49:35] <TGA_18.430> Thank you

[21:49:35] <Woody[ISR]> gzz bro :D

[21:49:36] <ELVAOO> wb tugcan

[21:49:37] <Steffan> gzgz

[21:49:40] <ELVAOO> gz

[21:49:41] <roby800> np

[21:49:45] <Tugcan> ty elva

[21:49:47] <itaysiton211> ty

[21:49:58] Hedral left the server (Timed out)

[21:50:02] <DJ_StarFish> Steffan yes i have

[21:50:03] <Gennaro> 10-59 need fuel (convoy)

[21:50:05] <roby800> meep beni

[21:50:09] Want to stay in touch with your convoy mates? Add them to /contacts.

[21:50:16] * DJ_StarFish has robbed your house

[21:50:17] <BMW[M5]> aroon my dog name is like ur

[21:50:23] <roby800> sorry

[21:50:24] <Steffan> lol, why you needed a lot of time to answer my question?

[21:50:31] <Aroon> thanks men

[21:50:41] <Amir> i don't have money

[21:50:44] <DJ_StarFish> i was reading the previous messages like for 2 minutes D:

[21:50:44] <Amir> Jail me

[21:50:45] * Steffan starfish is a lier, steffan has dogs

[21:50:47] <DJ_StarFish> :D*

[21:50:50] kakeshi left the server (exit)

[21:50:50] Monique[CAN] delivered supplies from Blackfield truck depot to Solarin Industries.

[21:50:50] HubeRTuS delivered industrial waste from K.A.C.C. Military Fuels to Waste dump.

[21:50:58] Officer Benito jailed Amir for 1 minutes

[21:51:01] <Steffan> oh, where?

[21:51:04] * Red County Farmer Mello (5) connected: I am {808080}insane, but I'm under {FF0000}treatment.

[21:51:05] <BMW[M5]> przemko go to ur home china and drive ur shit honda hunday ...

[21:51:08] <Woody[ISR]> wb mello

[21:51:08] <DJ_StarFish> under water

[21:51:11] <Florin.> wb

[21:51:12] <Steffan> pls

[21:51:16] <Aroon> hahahahaha

[21:51:18] <DJ_StarFish> house 70

[21:51:18] <Mello> ty all

[21:51:19] Somebody. delivered garbage to Landfill


BMW make a new report if you want to report someone else.

I cant punish for this, i would only have suggested a kick/mute here.
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)