NaoSile ban appeal

Started by NaoSile, February 05, 2015, 19:32


Player name:  
Ban ID:  
Time and date of ban: 05.02.2015 19.00-19.20(Server time)
Reason of ban: ramming carshow
Ban was unfair? Yes
I was banned by: Staff member (Admin or Moderator)

What actually was happening:
I was riding in convoy in Las-Venturas. My Road Train was on Cruise Control. When i need to turn left i had any lags and i lost control. I tried to switch off cruise control, slow down and turn left but after when I switched of cruise control. I rammed carshow but I don't want do this. Maybe i had any lags. I'm very sorry. I wrote in chat: "sorry" after this i was banned.

P.S. If you decline my ban appeal please unban my IP because my brother Pzychy can't play, please.
P.S.S My English is not perfect.


I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.


25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)