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Run my CT account from different pc

Started by Eurobeat, January 31, 2014, 14:49


Hey guys. I'm about to fix my better pc, the one with the best specs. I want to know if there is some way I can play my account from that pc, eventhough it will have a different IP?


25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)


if you have account security on the one your using now, you cant use the other.
account security is you only being able to play on one (at least thats what Ive gathered about it


Ok thanks guys, srry for wrong topic.


Oh I almost forgot.. How do I find out what my other pc's IP address is?


Google My Ip address from your brother PC

Not being sarcastic to someone is hard.
Like holding in a fart that would be nasty and funny at the same time.



If ur playing from same residence, your external IP would still be the same for any pc ur using to play the game. You may just have a different internal ip depending on who or how many are being used in ur home. Ur external IP might change from time to time depending on how ur ISP works. Some internet service providers have stactic IPs assigned which means they can be changed only by the provider.

Lets say for example if two brothers are playing the game from the same home at the same time, they would both have the same external IP which would be seen on CT but they would have different internal IPs. This is why its important to let admins know this to avoid a possible mistake of being accused of account sharing.