CristiMondialu (disrespect / threats)

Started by Alex1997, January 14, 2014, 15:42


Player reported:
Rule broken: disrespect / threats
Date and time: today



1st pic:cristi:your mother,shut up
2nd pic:doofen:yours
cristi:your mother still got out
doof:they can't do anything to me like that
cristi:eat my balls
3rd pic:cristi:go in blood to beat you
4th pic:take the dick
5th pic:you took warn
cristi:do you think it hurts me ?
cristi:you can suck my dick too
cristi:you officially took Blowjob   <--- this is considered hard enough insult in romania
6th pic:cristi:spread the shit
cristi:doof has shit at his ass
7th pic:cristi:shit on doof god to take his sins (sloboz=regionally name of "cacat"-"shit")


player already banned 180 days for evading ban