Question about allowance to a mod.. Admin answer only

Started by RaceRX, December 24, 2013, 02:54


Hello, I have a cheats disabled s0beit so my game runs without lag spikes, and for other various little mods that werent compatible with samp (All textures) but all requires s0beit. I will post the INI in the link for you guys to review. Everything on it is removed. You wouldnt even know its on except that the loadscreen on the bottom left says "mod_sa".

Teleporting is only able to do through F11 > teleport > LOCATION which f11 coding is disabled.
#   PROJECT:      mod_sa
#   LICENSE:      See LICENSE in the top level directory
#   COPYRIGHT:      Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 we_sux
#   mod_sa is available from
#   mod_sa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   mod_sa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with mod_sa.  If not, see <>.

# mod_sa
# by jflm, nuckfuts, notaplane, and the game modification community
# Credits & Greets:
# NotAPlane, jflm, nuckfuts
# s0beit, Wang, Trix, Static, cBonky, REALfreaky, v0gelz, CrazyT,
# wax, cereal, jac0b, playa', North, caytchen, DeN00b,
# Offroader23, Kosty@n, gaffkanone, Racer_S ...
# everyone at
# everyone at
# everyone at Multi Theft Auto
# and everyone helping with moral support & hosting
# This INI file has all of the startup configuration and
# also serves as a README for getting basic info about it.
# It's highly recommended you read through it to figure out what
# all of the features are, and to customize them to your taste.
# ******* ERRORS OF THE CURRENT SESSION ARE LOGGED TO mod_sa.log *******
# *******  ERRORS OF ALL SESSIONS ARE LOGGED TO mod_sa_all.log   *******

# Basic INI related Info
# File format:
# variable_name = value       assigns "value" to "variable_name"
# array_name[index] = value   assigns "value" to array_name[index]
# array_name[] = value        assigns "value" to the first free index in the array
# Entries ending with a backslash ('\') continue on the next line.
# Lines starting with '#' or ';' are ignored.
# \ escapes " within strings, eg "NaWaR sucks \"roosters\" for steroids."
# Valid hotkey names include:
#   a-z, 0-9
#   lbutton, rbutton, mbutton, mouse_4, mouse_5 (mouse buttons)
#   backspace, tab, return
#   lshift, rshift, lctrl, rctrl, lalt, ralt
#   space, pageup, pagedn, end, home
#   left, up, right, down
#   insert, delete, pause
#   np0-9 (numpad 0-9)
#   multiply, add, separator, subtract, decimal, divide
#   f1-f24
#   oem_plus, oem_comma, oem_minus, oem_period (non-numpad keys)
#   &num (where num is the key's constant number, in decimal, see URL below)
#   oem_1-oem_8:
# VK_OEM_1: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key
# VK_OEM_2: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key
# VK_OEM_3: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key
# VK_OEM_4: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key
# VK_OEM_5: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key
# VK_OEM_6: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key
# VK_OEM_7: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the 'single-quote/double-quote' key
# VK_OEM_8: Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
# See:
# for more information about keys
# Use &0 to disable a hotkey

# Main INI settings

# ========
# Run mode
# ========
# This is automatic when it's in SA-MP mode, so you don't need to change this.
# 0 = Single player
# 1 = SA-MP
run_mode = 1

# Wine compatibility (run wine gta_sa.exe -c -n NICKNAME -h IP_OR_HOST -p PORT)
wine_compatibility = false

# =================
# In-game menu keys
# =================
key_menu           = &0
key_menu_up        = up
key_menu_right     = right
key_menu_down      = down
key_menu_left      = left
key_menu_select    = return
key_menu_dec       = subtract
key_menu_inc       = add

# ===================
# Custom GUI settings
# ===================
hud_draw_bar = false
render_text_shadows = false
left_bottom_bars_enable = false

# Format: gui[] = "element" alpha red green blue
# NOTE: Don't change the order nor add anything else because these are internal.
# The "element" field is just to identify the item you're editing.
gui[] = "HUD bar"                    127 0 0 0
gui[] = "SA:MP cheat state text"     255 255 0 0

# menu colors
gui[] = "Menu: Titlebar background" 190 20 20 20
gui[] = "Menu: Background"          180 20 20 20
gui[] = "Menu: Selected item bar"   190 127 127 127
gui[] = "Menu: Selected item text"  255 93 210 41

# GTA SA HUD colors
gui[] = "GTA: HP bar"    255 180 25 29
gui[] = "GTA: Money HUD" 255 54 104 44

# ==============
# HUD indicators
# ==============
hud_indicator_inv = false
hud_indicator_weapon = false
hud_indicator_money = false
hud_indicator_freeze = false

hud_indicator_inveh_airbrk = false
hud_indicator_inveh_stick = false
hud_indicator_inveh_brkdance = false
hud_indicator_inveh_spider = false
hud_indicator_inveh_fly = false

hud_indicator_onfoot_airbrk = false
hud_indicator_onfoot_stick = false
hud_indicator_onfoot_aim = false
hud_indicator_onfoot_fly = false

hud_indicator_pos = false
hud_fps_draw = false

# =========
# FPS Limit
# =========
# This is ONLY setting the already built-in FPS limit if you have "Frame Limiter" (aka VSync) enabled
# in GTA's Advanced Graphics menu.  This does not effect maximum FPS with Frame Limiter off.
# GTA's default for this is a mere 25 FPS.  We recommend enabling "Frame Limiter" in GTA's menu
# and setting this to around whatever your average maximum FPS normally is, for a much smoother
# gaming experience...  especially with SA:MP.  You can try even a tad lower FPS, and notice that
# world objects load a lot faster.  Our default is 60 FPS because this matches a lot of LCD monitors
# which can't even display more than 60 FPS.  Hopefully this clears this up for newbs thinking we just
# added an FPS limiter.  We did not.  It's been in GTA this whole time.  All we're doing is providing an
# easy way to always make sure it's the value that you want, if you decide to have VSync enabled.
# The major advantage of VSync is visual quality, because it prevents image tearing between frames.
fps_limit = 60

# =============
# Invincibility
# =============
key_hp_cheat = &0

# In god mode, never go below this amount of HP (set to < 1000.0 to make cheating harder to spot)
# (0.0 = dead, 1000.0 = full HP)
# Really high values above 1000 will make you invulnerable to missiles, etc..
# The HP bar seems to range from ~250 to 1000.
# NOTE: This is for vehicles only.
hp_minimum = 0.0

# Regenerate HP per second.
hp_regen = 0
hp_regen_onfoot = 0

# Sets the maximum vehicle HP to 1000.0 (full HP).
# NOTE: This is for vehicles only.
hp_keep_vehicleHPsane = false

# The internal "extra actor invincibility" patch makes you invulnerable
# to helicopter rotor blades, but as a side effect makes peds in single
# player almost invulnerable. Set this variable to true to disable it.
hp_disable_inv_sp_enemies = false

# Additional actor invincibility.
# NOTE: This is for actors only.
hp_actor_explosion_inv = false
hp_actor_fall_inv = false
hp_actor_fire_inv = false

# =====================
# Key anti admin freeze
# =====================
key_anti_freeze = &0

# =========
# Panic key
# =========
# Disables all cheats when pressed.
key_panic = f12

# ==============
# Air brake keys
# ==============
# key_air_brake_foot_mod is the key to use when on foot.
key_air_brake_mod      = &0
key_air_brake_foot_mod = &0
key_air_brake_mod2     = &0
key_air_brake_forward  = &0
key_air_brake_backward = &0
key_air_brake_left     = &0
key_air_brake_right    = &0
key_air_brake_up       = &0
key_air_brake_down     = &0

# Air brake rotation keys

# Yaw (aka turn left/right)
key_air_brake_rot_yaw1 = &0
key_air_brake_rot_yaw2 = &0

# Roll (left/right)
key_air_brake_rot_roll1 = &0
key_air_brake_rot_roll2 = &0

# Pitch (aka up/down)
key_air_brake_rot_pitch1 = &0
key_air_brake_rot_pitch2 = &0

# Air brake key mode
# If set to true, key_air_brake_mod toggle air brake mode on and off.
# key_air_brake_mod2 will also become a toggle-key.
air_brake_toggle = false

# Air brake behaviour
# 0 - original s0beit - simple x/y/z addition
# 1 - up/down moves along z-axis, others move in the car's direction
# 2 - full 3d movement (default)
air_brake_behaviour = 2

# Speed multiplier for movement (Units per second)
air_brake_speed = 200.0

# Speed multiplier for rotation (full turns per second)
air_brake_rot_speed = 0.4

# Time to full speed (in seconds)
air_brake_accel_time = 2.0

# ========
# Warp key
# ========
# Also known as one-hit-kill.
key_warp_mod = &0

# Warp speed modified (1.2 ~= regular car max speed)
warp_speed = 15.0

# Use speed vector
# If set to true, the direction in which the vehicle is heading
# will be used, instead of the direction in which the vehicle is
# pointing.. but only _if_ the vehicle actually is moving.
# If the vehicle is not moving, the direction in which the
# vehicle is pointing is always used.
# If set to false, the car's direction is always used.
warp_use_speed = false

# ===================
# Blinking car lights
# ===================
# Press Once for lights flashing when steering, twice for random
# blinking lights, three times for a stroboscope alike effect
key_blinking_car_lights = &0

# Others still won't be able to see your car lights at day time.
enable_car_lights_at_day_time = false

# =====================
# Keep trailer attached
# =====================
# Avoids loosing attached trailer.
key_keep_trailer = &0

# ==============
# Car repair kit
# ==============
# Sets health to 1000, fixes tires and body panels.
key_repair_car = &0

# ======
# Jumper
# ======
# instantly jump yourself into the nearest vehicle that you are not already in.
# the occupied one only jumps you into vehicles that are occupied
key_vehicle_jumper = &0
key_vehicle_occupied_jumper = &0

# =========
# Fast exit
# =========
key_fast_exit = &0

# ================
# Anti car-jacking
# ================
# Puts you back in your vehicle if this gets jacked by a kiddo.
anti_carjacking = false

# ======================
# Disable Wall Collision
# ======================
# Disable/Enable collisions with walls by pressing key_disable_Wall_Collisions.
# There will be no collisions at all while you are flying with mod internal
#   vehicle fly and this enabled.
# Enable wall_collisions_disableObjects to disable all sa-mp created objects.
# Enable wall_collisions_disableRender to hide objects you can drive through.
#   Hiding objects is always disabled in vehicle fly mode (you can fly through everything).
key_disable_Wall_Collisions = &0
wall_collisions_disableObjects = false
wall_collisions_disableRender = false

# ========
# Teleport
# ========
# Go back to previous location
key_teleport_hist = &0

# Up to 10 teleports are supported. If any of key_teleport(_set)
# through 10 are set to &0, they are disabled.
# Preset locations
# Format: x y z interior_id
# If set to "0.0 0.0 0.0 0" they are considered to be disabled until set in-game.

key_teleport[0]     = multiply
key_teleport_set[0] = divide
teleport_pos[0]     = 0.0 0.0 0.0  0

key_teleport[1]     = &0
key_teleport_set[1] = &0
teleport_pos[1]     = 0.0 0.0 0.0  0

key_teleport[2]     = &0
key_teleport_set[2] = &0
teleport_pos[2]     = 0.0 0.0 0.0  0

key_teleport[3]     = &0
key_teleport_set[3] = &0
teleport_pos[3]     = 0.0 0.0 0.0  0

key_teleport[4]     = &0
key_teleport_set[4] = &0
teleport_pos[4]     = 0.0 0.0 0.0  0

# =========================
# Static teleport locations
# =========================
# These are accessible from the in-game menu.
# No more than 200 teleport locations can be defined ([0] -> [199])

# Mods 'n' Bombs
# ==============
static_teleport_name[] = "Transfender near Wang Cars in Doherty"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1935.77 228.79 34.16   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Wheel Archangels in Ocean Flats"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2707.48 218.65 4.93   0
static_teleport_name[] = "LowRider Tuning Garage in Willowfield"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2645.61 -2029.15 14.28   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Transfender in Temple"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1041.26 -1036.77 32.48   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Transfender in come-a-lot"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2387.55 1035.70 11.56   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Eight Ball Autos near El Corona"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1836.93 -1856.28 14.13   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Welding Wedding Bomb-workshop in Emerald Isle"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2006.11 2292.87 11.57   0

# Pay 'n' Sprays
# ==============
static_teleport_name[] = "Michelles Pay 'n' Spray in Downtown"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1787.25 1202.00 25.84   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Dillimore"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 720.10 -470.93 17.07   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in El Quebrados"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1420.21 2599.45 56.43   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Fort Carson"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -100.16 1100.79 20.34   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Idlewood"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2078.44 -1831.44 14.13   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Juniper Hollow"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2426.89 1036.61 51.14   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Redsands East"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1957.96 2161.96 11.56   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Santa Maria Beach"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 488.29 -1724.85 12.01   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray in Temple"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1025.08 -1037.28 32.28   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray near Royal Casino"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2393.70 1472.80 11.42   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Pay 'n' Spray near Wang Cars in Doherty"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1904.97 268.51 41.04   0

# Player Garages
# ==============
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Verdant Meadows"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 403.58 2486.33 17.23   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Las Venturas Airport"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1578.24 1245.20 11.57   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Calton Heights"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2105.79 905.11 77.07   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Derdant Meadows"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 423.69 2545.99 17.07   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Dillimore "
static_teleport_pos[]  = 785.79 -513.12 17.44   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Doherty"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2027.34 141.02 29.57   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: El Corona"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1698.10 -2095.88 14.29   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Fort Carson"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -361.10 1185.23 20.49   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Hashbury"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2463.27 -124.86 26.41   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Johnson House"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2505.64 -1683.72 14.25   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Mulholland"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1350.76 -615.56 109.88   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Palomino Creek"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2231.64 156.93 27.63   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Paradiso"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2695.51 810.70 50.57   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Prickle Pine"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1293.61 2529.54 11.42   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Redland West"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1401.34 1903.08 11.99   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Rockshore West"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2436.50 698.43 11.60   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Santa Maria Beach"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 322.65 -1780.30 5.55   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Player Garage: Whitewood Estates"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 917.46 2012.14 11.65   0

# All Interiors around SA
# =======================
static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Burning Desire House"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2338.32 -1180.61 1027.98   5
static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: RC Zero's Battlefield"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -975.5766 1061.1312 1345.6719   10
static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Liberty City"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -750.80 491.00 1371.70   1
static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Unknown Stadium"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1400.2138 106.8926 1032.2779   1
static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Secret San Fierro Chunk"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2015.6638 147.2069 29.3127   14
static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Jefferson Motel"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2220.26 -1148.01 1025.80   15
static_teleport_name[] = "Interior: Jizzy's Pleasure Dome"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2660.6185 1426.8320 907.3626   3

# Stadiums
# ========
static_teleport_name[] = "Stadium: Bloodbowl"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1394.20 987.62 1023.96   15
static_teleport_name[] = "Stadium: Kickstart"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1410.72 1591.16 1052.53   14
static_teleport_name[] = "Stadium: 8-Track Stadium"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1417.8720 -276.4260 1051.1910   7

# 24/7 Stores
# ===========
static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Big - L-Shaped"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -25.8844 -185.8689 1003.5499   17
static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Big - Oblong"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 6.0911 -29.2718 1003.5499   10
static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Med - Square"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -30.9469 -89.6095 1003.5499   18
static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Med - Square"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -25.1329 -139.0669 1003.5499   16
static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Sml - Long"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -27.3123 -29.2775 1003.5499   4
static_teleport_name[] = "24/7 Store: Sml - Square"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -26.6915 -55.7148 1003.5499   6

# Airport / Airplane interiors
# ============================
static_teleport_name[] = "Airport: Ticket Sales"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1827.1473 7.2074 1061.1435   14
static_teleport_name[] = "Airport: Baggage Claim"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1855.5687 41.2631 1061.1435   14
static_teleport_name[] = "Airplane: Shamal Cabin"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2.3848 33.1033 1199.8499   1
static_teleport_name[] = "Airplane: Andromada Cargo hold"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 315.8561 1024.4964 1949.7973   9

# Interesting Places
# add your own teleports here, don't forget the 200 teleport limit
# ==================
static_teleport_name[] = "Commerce Region Loading Bay"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1641.14 -1526.87 14.30   0
static_teleport_name[] = "San Fierro Police Garage"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1617.58 688.69 -4.50   0
static_teleport_name[] = "Los Santos Cemetery"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 837.05 -1101.93 23.98   0

# Main Spawns
# ==============
static_teleport_name[] = "Grove Street"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2536.08 -1632.98 13.79  0
static_teleport_name[] = "4D casino"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1992.93 1047.31 10.82  0
static_teleport_name[] = "LS Hospital"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2033.00 -1416.02 16.99  0
static_teleport_name[] = "SF Hospital"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2653.11 634.78 14.45  0
static_teleport_name[] = "LV Hospital"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1580.22 1768.93 10.82  0
static_teleport_name[] = "SF Export"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1550.73 99.29 17.33  0

# =========================
# Toggleable Infinite Nitro
# =========================
key_nitro = &0

# ======================
# Nitro / Constant speed
# ======================
# Unlike the original s0beit, this nitro will not keep accelerating
# towards the speed of light, but rather keep a constant high speed.
key_nitro_mod = &0

# Speed multiplier at full speed
# 1.25 = as fast or faster than most vehicles. Higher = faster.
nitro_high = 2.0

# Reduce to this speed multiplier when the key is released
# To disable nitro deceleration, set nitro_low to the same value
# as nitro_high, and nitro_decel_time to 0.
nitro_low = 0.75

# Time in seconds to accelerate from 0 to full speed
nitro_accel_time = 1.0

# Time in seconds to decelerate from full speed to reduced speed
nitro_decel_time = 1.0

# =====
# Brake
# =====
key_brake_mod = &0

# Brake multiplier
# Higher values = faster brake
# Lower values = slower brake :p
brake_mult = 2.0

# ===========
# Vehicle hop
# ===========
key_vehicle_hop = &0
vehicle_hop_speed = 0.2

# =============
# Spider Wheels
# =============
# Defy gravity just like spiderman, DRIVE ON ANYTHING!!!
# original idea by eXo|dragon, made uuber by nuckfuts
key_spiderwheels = &0

# ==================================
# Ingame vehicle handling multiplier
# ==================================
handling_multiplier = 0.1

# =============================
# Toggle freeze nearby vehicles
# =============================
key_vehicles_freeze = &0

# ==========
# Unflip car
# ==========
# Unflips the car. If held down, the car will rotate.
key_unflip = &0

# ==========
# Quick turn
# ==========
# Rotates the car about its Z-axis (Z being up and down)
key_quick_turn_180 = &0
key_quick_turn_left = &0
key_quick_turn_right = &0

# =============================
# Toggle stick-to-other-players
# =============================
key_stick = &0

# Key to stick to the nearest car
key_stick_nearest = &0

# Keys to switch between players
key_stick_prev = &0
key_stick_next = &0

# When sticking to players, don't go below this z-value.
stick_min_height = -100.0

# Stick vector + distance
# The vector is automatically normalized. They can also be modified
# with in-game keys, so you probably don't want to touch these.
# Examples:
# Stay slightly above other players:    vect= 0.0  0.0  1.0  dist=7.0
# Stay slightly below other players:    vect= 0.0  0.0 -1.0  dist=7.0
# Stay slightly ahead of other players: vect= 0.0  1.0  0.0  dist=7.0
# Stay slightly behind & above:         vect= 0.0 -1.0  1.0  dist=7.0
# Side-kick: vect= 1.0 0.5  0.5  dist=7.0
stick_vect      = 0.0 -1.0 0.5
stick_vect_dist = 10.0

# Note:
# When in stick-to-car mode, the warp key will always warp towards
# the car you're following.

# Keys to control stick position in-game
key_stick_forward  = &0
key_stick_backward = &0
key_stick_left     = &0
key_stick_right    = &0
key_stick_up       = &0
key_stick_down     = &0
# Move towards / away
key_stick_in  = &0
key_stick_out = &0

# Acceleration time for control keys
stick_accel_time = 1.0

# ===============
# Checkpoint warp
# ===============
key_checkpoint_1 = &0
key_checkpoint_2 = &0

# Minimum height
checkpoint_min_height = -100.0

# =======================
# Toggle misc protections
# =======================
key_protection = &0

# Prevent vehicles from spinning too fast
protection_spin_cap = 0.25

# Prevent vehicles from going too fast
protection_speed_cap = 1.30

# Prevent the car from going below a certain point
protection_min_height = -100.0

# =============
# Self destruct
# =============
# On Foot: you die.
# In Vehicle: sets vehicle health to 1 and pops tires.
key_self_destruct = &0

# ===========
# Weapon haxx
# ===========
# Key to enable infinite ammo + equip all weapons chosen below.
key_weapon = &0

# Enable weapon cheat by default?
weapon_enabled = false

# Randomize the ammo values.
ammo_random = false
ammo = 198
ammo_clip = 99

restore_weapons_after_death = false

# NOTE: Some weapons do not work. If you don't appear
# to be doing any damage in the game, then the weapon is
# most likely un-sync'd on purpose by the server scripting.

#weapon_slot[0]   = "Brass Knuckles"
weapon_slot[0]   = "Fist"

#weapon_slot[1]  = "Golf Club"
#weapon_slot[1]  = "Nitestick"
#weapon_slot[1]  = "Knife"
#weapon_slot[1]  = "Baseball Bat"
#weapon_slot[1]  = "Shovel"
#weapon_slot[1]  = "Pool Cue"
#weapon_slot[1]  = "Katana"
#weapon_slot[1]  = "Chainsaw"

#weapon_slot[2]  = "Pistol"
#weapon_slot[2]  = "Silenced Pistol"
#weapon_slot[2]  = "Desert Eagle"

#weapon_slot[3]  = "Shotgun"
#weapon_slot[3]  = "Sawn-Off Shotgun"
#weapon_slot[3]  = "SPAZ12"

#weapon_slot[4]  = "Micro UZI"
#weapon_slot[4]  = "MP5"
#weapon_slot[4]  = "Tech9"

#weapon_slot[5]  = "AK47"
#weapon_slot[5]  = "M4"

#weapon_slot[6]  = "Country Rifle"
#weapon_slot[6]  = "Sniper Rifle"

#weapon_slot[7]  = "Rocket Launcher"
#weapon_slot[7]  = "Heat Seeking RPG"
#weapon_slot[7]  = "Flame Thrower"
#weapon_slot[7]  = "Minigun"

#weapon_slot[8]  = "Grenade"
#weapon_slot[8]  = "Teargas"
#weapon_slot[8]  = "Molotov Cocktail"
#weapon_slot[8]  = "Remote Explosives"

#weapon_slot[9]  = "Spray Can"
#weapon_slot[9]  = "Fire Extinguisher"
#weapon_slot[9]  = "Camera"

#weapon_slot[10] = "Dildo 1"
#weapon_slot[10] = "Dildo 2"
#weapon_slot[10] = "Vibe 1"
#weapon_slot[10] = "Vibe 2"
#weapon_slot[10] = "Flowers"
#weapon_slot[10] = "Cane"

#weapon_slot[11] = "NV Goggles"
#weapon_slot[11] = "IR Goggles"
#weapon_slot[11] = "Parachute"

#weapon_slot[12] = "Detonator"
# ==================

# ===================
# Toggle engine state
# ===================
# You must have Invulnerability disabled
# because it always keeps the engine running
key_engine = &0

# ===============
# Trailer support
# ===============
# Allows support of trailers in the Vehicles menu
trailer_support = true

# ==================
# Toggle money cheat
# ==================
key_money = &0

# Enable money cheat by default?
money_enabled = false

# Custom money value
money_value = 100

# Max $$$. Up to an additional 50% $$$ (random) will be
# added to this value to prevent easy detection.
money_amount_max = 100000

# Receive money_amount_rand_min>-<max> $$$ every
# <interval_rand_min>-<max> seconds.
# The amount of money that is added is rounded to the nearest $100.
money_amount_rand_min   = 99
money_amount_rand_max   = 499
money_interval_rand_min = 62
money_interval_rand_max = 94

# =================
# Force ingame time
# =================
# Set to -1 to disable.
force_hour = -1

# =============
# Force weather
# =============
# Set to -1 to disable.
force_weather = -1

# ========================
# High altitude lag clouds
# ========================
enable_clouds = true

# ============
# D3D Text HUD
# ============
# This can be toggled from the in-game menu as well.
d3dtext_hud = true

# ====
# Logo
# ====
logo_enable = false

# ============
# Speedometer
# ============
# Multiplers...
# MPH = 170
# KPH = 274
speedometer_enable = false
speedometer_old_enable = false
speedometer_multiplier = 170.00
speedometer_speedo_png_filename = "speedo.png"
speedometer_needle_png_filename = "needle.png"

# =====
# Chams
# =====
# colored player models, with CHAMeleon colors behind objects
chams_on = false
chams_wireframe = false

# ==========
# Brakedance
# ==========
# Originally a CLEO3 SCM by gaffkanone
key_brkd_toggle = &0
key_brkd_forward = &0
key_brkd_backward = &0
key_brkd_left = &0
key_brkd_right = &0
key_brkd_leftward = &0
key_brkd_rightward = &0
brkdance_velocity = 0.3

# ============
# Fly Vehicles
# ============
# Fly any vehicle, actually turns vehicle physics into a helicopter or plane.
# To use the original vehicle fly GTA cheat instead of this function
#  simply uncomment the "Vehicles can fly" patch.
# heliMode = vehicle flys as heli. if false, vehicle flys as plane.
# (can be changed ingame with key_fly_vehicle_modeChange)
key_fly_vehicle = &0
key_fly_vehicle_modeChange = &0
fly_vehicle_heliMode = false

# ==========
# Fly Player
# ==========
# I believe I can fly...
key_fly_player = &0
key_fly_player_accelerate = &0
key_fly_player_decelerate = &0
key_fly_player_strafeLeft = &0
key_fly_player_strafeRight = &0
key_fly_player_strafeUp = &0

# Overall speed, effects most flying related algorithms
# (wind & associated physics, acceleration, deceleration)
# 0.2 is recommended for servers with anti-cheats
fly_player_speed = 1.0

# Multiplier for acceleration & deceleration
# don't mess with these on servers with anti-cheats
fly_player_accel_multiplier = 1.0
fly_player_decel_multiplier = 1.0

# ========
# Auto-aim
# ========
key_autoaim_toggle = &0
use_gta_autoaim = false

# ====================
# Custom run animation
# ====================
# Enable to change the runanimation.
# You can change the walk style during gameplay
#  from within the menu.
custom_runanimation_enabled = false
#custom_runanimation_id = 0  (currently not supported due to crashes)

# ===
# Map
# ===
key_map = &0
key_map_show_vehicles = &0

# ===========
# Window Mode
# ===========
# If window_mode & window_mode_titlebar are both enabled, make sure
# that your desktop screen resolution is HIGHER than the in-game resolution.
# Otherwise the titlebar will not fit on your screen. :p
window_mode          = false
window_mode_titlebar = true

# ==================
# Flickering problem
# ==================
# "Avoids" the flickering problem in some video cards.
flickering_problem = false

# SA:MP related settings

# ==========
# Basic mode
# ==========
# Disables the SA:MP support.
basic_mode = false

# ======================
# Replace text rendering
# ======================
# This can be toggled in-game by pressing the F7 and F9 keys.
d3dtext_chat = false
d3dtext_chat_lines = 10
d3dtext_kill = false
d3dtext_score = false
d3dtext_labels = false
d3dtext_labels_maxDist = 01.0

# =========
# Anti-Spam
# =========
# Anti-spam needs to be activated if you want to use the mute-player function.
anti_spam = false

# ================
# Chat Box logging
# ================
chatbox_logging = true

# ==============
# SA:MP Nametags
# ==============
# This is only for the adjustment of SA:MP's nametags.
# Nothing here effects m0d's text ESP.
# This will show the playertags even on servers that have it disabled.
nametags_show = false

# This will show the playertags behind walls, even on servers that do not allow it.
disable_line_of_sight = false

# Distance of which players will be displayed and distance for nametags.
# Default is 70.0
line_of_sight_dist = 10.0

# ======================
# Markers (player icons)
# ======================
# This will show the markers even on servers that have it disabled.
# (This has effect after someone respawns).
markers_show = false

# ================================================
# ================================================
# SECONDARY_KEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111
# SECONDARY_KEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111ONEONE111
# SECONDARY_KEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11ELEVEN1111111
# ================================================
# ================================================
# Some keys (where noted) are merged with secondary_key so they're actually
# secondary_key + the key you choose.  C-C-C-C-C-COMBO
secondary_key = &0

# =============================
# Player info list
# =============================
key_player_info_list = &0

# =============================
# Key to respawn
# =============================
key_respawn = &0

# =======================
# Key to rejoin/reconnect
# =======================
# Reconnects to the server you are currently in.
key_rejoin = &0
# Time in milliseconds before rejoining or joining a server.
rejoin_delay = 15000

# ================
# Spectate Options
# ================
# NOTE: If send_spec_data is false, the server will not know that you are spectating, but
# as a side effect the player will disappear, if he goes too far away.
# If it's true you will not have this problem, but the server will know you're
# spectating, thus getting you the risk of getting banhammered.
send_spec_data = false

# =========================
# Custom ESP default states
# =========================
# AirRide ESP, our new never before seen ESP style that stacks the player ESP
# when they are colliding.  Players that are farther away will have their
# player tags moved above the closer players.  No more jumble-fuck of names. =)
esp_players_defaulton = false
esp_vehicles_defaulton = false
render_teleport_texts = false
render_object_texts = false
object_tags_dist = 225.0
render_pickup_texts = false
pickup_tags_dist = 225.0

# ===================
# Custom ESP settings
# ===================
key_render_player_tags = &0
player_tags_dist = 10.0

key_render_vehicle_tags = &0
vehicle_tags_dist = 100.0

# ================
# Custom sendrates
# ================
# Unless you seriously KNOW what you're doing
samp_custom_sendrates_enable = false
onfoot_sendrate = 40
incar_sendrate = 40
aim_sendrate = 40
headsync_sendrate = 1000

# =========
# ClickWarp
# =========
clickwarp_enabled = false
key_clickwarp_enable = &0
key_clickwarp_click = &0

# end of main INI settings

# ====================================
# Simple byte code patcher
# ====================================
# Format: name hotkey enable { base_dll address original_data replace_data }
# name          - A name. :p
# hotkey        - Hotkey to toggle this patch.
# enable        - Whether or not to install this patch automatically.
# {
# base_dll      - The DLL which the address is relative to,
#                 or empty for absolute addresses. Example: "samp.dll"
# address       - An address. Prefix with 0x for hex addresses.
# original_data - Compare the data at the address with this. If it
#                 does not match, no patching is done. It must be
#                 the same size as "replace_data", or be empty in which
#                 case patching is always done. (In hex)
# replace_data  - Data to write to the address. (In hex)
#                 If you prefix the hex data with a '!' the data will be
#                 continuously re-installed. Used mostly for GTA cheats.
# }
# All 4 arguments inside the { } brackets, can be repeated up 16 times;
# this allows patching multiple addresses within a single patch.
# See the "Allow weapons inside" patch for an example.
# These patches are accessible from the in-game menu.
# They are NOT reloaded on .ini reloads.

# ======================
# GTA Patches (max: 96)
# ======================

# top non-built-in cheats
patch[] = "Anti bike fall off" &0 0       "" 0x004BA3B9 "0F84A6030000" "E9A703000090" \
                                 "" 0x004B3296 "D86504" "909090"
# Removes speed & height limit of all aircraft, removes height limit of jetpack
patch[] = "Remove speed & height limits of aircraft" &0 0   "" 0x006DADE8 "" "EB" \
                                 "" 0x006D2600 "" "C2080000" \
                                 "" 0x0067F268 "" "EB"
# (Do not blow up vehicles)
patch[] = "Keep vehicles on fire"      &0 0 "" 0x006B3790 "" "E906040000" \
                     "" 0x6BEA1A "" "E9F900000090" \
                     "" 0x6C6D3C "" "E90403000090" \
                     "" 0x6CCCFD "" "E97D03000090" \
                     "" 0x6F21D5 "" "E95703000090"

# Built In GTA Cheats
patch[] = "Infinite ammo, no reload"      &0 0 "" 0x00969178 "" "!01"
patch[] = "All cars have nitro"            &0 0 "" 0x00969165 "" "!01"
patch[] = "Perfect handling"               &0 0 "" 0x0096914C "" "!01"
patch[] = "Infinite run"               &0 0 "" 0x00B7CEE4 "" "01"
patch[] = "Infinite oxygen"                &0 0 "" 0x0096916E "" "!01"
patch[] = "Mega Jump On Foot"            &0 0 "" 0x0096916C "" "!01"
patch[] = "Mega Jump On Bike"            &0 0 "" 0x00969161 "" "!01"
patch[] = "Wheels only"                    &0 0 "" 0x0096914B "" "!01"
patch[] = "Tank mode"                      &0 0 "" 0x00969164 "" "!01"
patch[] = "Cars float away when hit"       &0 0 "" 0x00969166 "" "!01"
patch[] = "Full Weapon aiming"             &0 0 "" 0x00969179 "" "!01"

# Removing the # infront of this built in GTA cheat will disable the mod_sa internal fly cheat.
#patch[] = "Vehicles can fly"            oem_period 0 "" 0x00969160 "" "!01" \
#                                 "" 0x00969153 "" "!01"

# more non-built-in cheats
patch[] = "Free paint and spray"         &0 0 "" 0x0096C009 "" "01"
patch[] = "Walk/drive under water"         &0 0 "" 0x006C2759 "00" "01"
patch[] = "Cars hover over water"         &0 0 "" 0x00969152 "00" "01"
patch[] = "Allow weapons inside" &0 0      "" 0x0047D4DE "C6412000" "90909090" \
                                 "" 0x0060D9BA "C6422000" "90909090" \
                                 "" 0x00478E02 "C6801D01000001" "C6801D01000000"
# Prevents being teleported by the game
patch[] = "Prevent SetPlayerPos"         &0 0 "" 0x005E4110 "568BF1" "C21000"
patch[] = "Toggle radar"               &0 0 "" 0x00BAA3FB "" "!01"
patch[] = "Toggle GTA:SA's HUD"            &0 0 "" 0x00BA6769 "" "!00"
patch[] = "Scale down the HUD"            &0 0 "" 0x00859520 "" "E02D903A9F71E13A"
patch[] = "Enable vehicle name rendering"   &0 0 "" 0x0058FBE9 "" "E8B2B2FFFF"
patch[] = "Disable anti-pause"            &0 0 "" 0x00561AF0 "" "C60549CBB700C3"
patch[] = "Enable speed blur"            &0 0 "" 0x00704E8A "" "E811E2FFFF"
patch[] = "Show GTA:SA's menu"            &0 0 "" 0x00BA67A4 "00" "01"
patch[] = "Anti Derail"                &0 0 "" 0x006F8E06 "8887B9050000" "909090909090"
patch[] = "Sprint on any surface"         &0 0 "" 0x0055E870 "" "B800000000C20400"

# Use Alternate Files, original idea by nuckfuts
# These patches must be enabled before GTA loads. If enabled, GTA will load the file

# data/[filename].two that you can customize. If the file doesn't exist = crash.
# TransFender Overhaul V2 for SA:MP, by Offroader23
patch[] = "Custom default.dat (data/default.two)"         &0 0 "" 0x00863A9D "444154" "54574F"
patch[] = "Custom handling.cfg (data/handling.two)"         &0 0 "" 0x0086A96D "434647" "74776F"
patch[] = "Custom shopping.dat (data/shopping.two)"         &0 0 "" 0x0085A536 "646174" "54574F"
patch[] = "Custom carmods.dat (data/carmods.two)"         &0 0 "" 0x00869675 "444154" "54574F"
# Surface mod, by Kosty@n
patch[] = "Custom surface.dat (data/surface.two)"         &0 0 "" 0x00864325 "646174" "54574F"
# MISC interesting GTA SA files
patch[] = "Custom weapon.dat (data/weapon.two)"            &0 0 "" 0x0086AA34 "444154" "54574F"
patch[] = "Custom ar_stats.dat (data/ar_stats.two)"         &0 0 "" 0x00863FAE "444154" "54574F"
patch[] = "Custom gta.dat (data/gta.two)"               &0 0 "" 0x00863B19 "444154" "54574F"
patch[] = "Custom melee.dat (data/melee.two)"            &0 0 "" 0x0086AABF "646174" "74776F"
patch[] = "Custom object.dat (data/object.two)"            &0 0 "" 0x00869B2C "444154" "54574F"
patch[] = "Custom ped.dat (data/ped.two)"               &0 0 "" 0x0086D07D "444154" "54574F"
patch[] = "Custom timecyc.dat (data/timecyc.two)"         &0 0 "" 0x0086A780 "444154" "54574F"
patch[] = "Custom vehicle.txd (models/generic/vehicle.two)"   &0 0 "" 0x00869AEB "545844" "54574F"
patch[] = "Custom carcols.dat (data/carcols.two)"         &0 1 "" 0x00869731 "444154" "54574F"

# ========================
# SA:MP Patches (max: 64)
# ========================
# Format: name hotkey enable { address original_data replace_data }

# Neither Networking Nor Anti-Cheat Related
sampPatch[] = "Keep GTA Hud turned on"         &0 1 0x65298 "" "9090"
sampPatch[] = "No connecting delay"          &0 0 0x2CD600 "" "0000"

# Data Getting Sent
sampPatch[] = "Disable incar data"         &0 0 0x6060 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable aiming data"         &0 0 0x5660 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable status data"         &0 0 0x50D0 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable Onfoot data"         &0 0 0x42D0 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable passenger data"         &0 0 0x4950 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable unoccupied data"         &0 0 0x40F0 "" "C20800"
sampPatch[] = "Disable take damage data"      &0 0 0x5BE0 "" "C21000"
sampPatch[] = "Disable give damage data"      &0 0 0x5CF0 "" "C21000"

# Data Getting Received
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetWeather"            &0 0 0xB2D0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetGravity"            &0 0 0x155A0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetWorldTime"         &0 0 0xAE50  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerTime"         &0 0 0xB380 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlayCrimeReportForPlayer"      &0 0 0x139C0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlaySoundForPlayer"         &0 0 0x14C00  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP CreateExplosion"         &0 0 0x165C0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint"      &0 0 0xC1C0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerWantedLevel"      &0 0 0x17480 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP EnableStuntBonus"         &0 0 0x127A0  "" "C390"

##Player Specific
sampPatch[] = "NOP ResetPlayerMoney"         &0 0 0x12A80  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP GivePlayerMoney"         &0 0 0x14DD0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ResetPlayerWeapons"         &0 0 0x12A90  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP GivePlayerWeapon"         &0 0 0x14F10  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerAmmo"         &0 0 0x154E0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerArmedWeapon"      &0 0 0x137D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerCameraLookAt"      &0 0 0x14470  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerCameraPos"         &0 0 0x143A0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetCameraBehindPlayer"      &0 0 0x12A70  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerWorldBounds"      &0 0 0x14CE0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerShopName"         &0 0 0x12840  "" "C390"

##Player Actor
sampPatch[] = "NOP TogglePlayerControllable"      &0 0 0x14B60  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerInterior"         &0 0 0x14300  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerPos"         &0 0 0x13C20  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerDrunkLevel"         &0 0 0x13730 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerFacingAngle"      &0 0 0x14E70  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerAnimation"          &0 0 0x15220  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerSpecialAction"      &0 0 0x13020 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerHealth"         &0 0 0x13E50  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerArmor"         &0 0 0x15430  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerVelocity"         &0 0 0x131D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP TogglePlayerSpectating"      &0 0 0x16B40 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlayerSpectatePlayer"      &0 0 0x16BE0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlayerSpectateVehicle"      &0 0 0x16CB0 "" "C390"

##Player Vehicle
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehiclePosition"         &0 0 0x14570  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleVelocity"         &0 0 0x132D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleHealth"         &0 0 0x15640 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PutPlayerInVehicle"         &0 0 0x13F00  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP RemovePlayerFromVehicle"      &0 0 0x129E0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP AddCarComponent"         &0 0 0xB1E0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP RemoveCarComponents"         &0 0 0x16D80 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"      &0 0 0xD080  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP AttachTrailer"         &0 0 0x15720 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP DetachTrailer"         &0 0 0x15860 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetEngineState"         &0 0 0x77570 "" "C20400"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleParams"         &0 0 0x14750 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleParamsEx"         &0 0 0xD1A0 "" "C390"

sampPatch[] = "NOP CreateObject"         &0 0 0x15C10 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetObjectPos"         &0 0 0x162C0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetObjectRot"         &0 0 0x163D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP MoveObject"            &0 0 0x167B0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP StopObject"            &0 0 0x16960 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP DestroyObject"         &0 0 0x164D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP Attach Object To Player"      &0 0 0x16E60 "" "C390"

##Anything Text Related
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowGameText"         &0 0 0x141F0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowTextDraw"         &0 0 0x17520 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowMenu"            &0 0 0x17320 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP HideMenu"            &0 0 0x173D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerChatBubble"         &0 0 0xB8E0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowPlayerDialog"         &0 0 0xBA40  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "Mute Player Chat"         &0 0 0xDB50 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "Mute Server Chat"         &0 0 0xAEF0 "" "c390"

##Generic Other
sampPatch[] = "NOP AddDeathMessage"         &0 0 0x17EC0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ForceClassSelection"         &0 0 0x12AC0  "" "C390"

# ====================
# Ingame samp commands
# ====================
# Activate commands in SA:MP misc: 'Load M0d-Commands', or set
# mod_commands_activated to load them on startup.
mod_commands_activated = false
# Command list
# /m0d_change_server <ip> <port> <username> <server password>
# Variables that are set to "NULL" (capitalized) will be ignored.
# If you set the server password to "NULL" it is set to <no server password>.
# For a complete list of client commands type /m0d_show_cmds ingame.
# Type the command without anything following, to find out how it works.

# =============================
# Ingame "favorite" server list
# =============================
# Connect to servers from the in-game menu.
use_current_name = true
# Max is 64.
server[] = "Player" "PROCHEAT: STONED FreeRoam server"         ""   "8888" ""
server[] = "Player" "PROCHEAT: S0beit maniacs"               ""      "7777" ""
server[] = "Player" "PROCHEAT: Cheating ALLOWED"            ""   "7778" ""
server[] = "Player" "RETARDED: [AU]"         ""   "7777" ""

# =============================
# Chat keybind
# =============================
chat_secondary_key = &0
# Send a chat message or command by pressing a key.
# Format: chat[] = Key "Message to send" spam mode (0 or 1)
# Max is 64 (entries and string length).
# NOTE: Client side commands (/quit, /pm, etc) are not supported yet.
chat[] = 1 "Get the latest mod_sa from:" 0
chat[] = 2 "Kye kills emo hipsters that steal his code with mod_sa!" 0
chat[] = 3 "SAMP Sux less with mod_sa." 0

# ===================
# Retard Notice
# ===================
# This INI file is basically the readme and configuration in one.
# It's highly recommended you glance over it to figure out what
# all of the features are, and to customize them to your taste.
# If you can't save this INI file with Notepad then you need to run
# Notepad.exe with administrative rights by:
# 1. right click on the Notepad.exe icon (or a shortcut to it)
# 2. click "Run as administrator"
# 3. Notepade will open with administrative rights.
#    Go to
playing since 2010, moderator for over a year demoted for being an ass to an asshole then banned for speed hack then returned for awhile then dipped out



so what you want is for us admins to allow something that is NEVER allowed even though its disabled?

why do you even bother? I seriously dont understand


Quote from: Ethan on December 24, 2013, 03:00
so what you want is for us admins to allow something that is NEVER allowed even though its disabled?

why do you even bother? I seriously dont understand
because my game will currently not run without it. It will crash. It is completely 100% disabled and you cannot cheat unless you open it up and modify it back to cheating which is retarded because why would I cheat? Im here wanting to be moderator and spending a huge part of my life in this game to play not to cheat.
playing since 2010, moderator for over a year demoted for being an ass to an asshole then banned for speed hack then returned for awhile then dipped out



playing since 2010, moderator for over a year demoted for being an ass to an asshole then banned for speed hack then returned for awhile then dipped out
