FaZe1337Sajmon420PL ban appeal

Started by Guest, December 19, 2013, 10:47


Player name: Ban ID: Time and date of ban: today
Reason of ban: see description
Ban was unfair? Yes
I was banned by: admin or moderator

What actually was happening:
Disclaimer: Ban ID is invalid since it's a forum ban not ig.

Sorry FaZe1337Sajmon420PL, you are banned from posting and sending personal messages on this forum.
Harrasment / disrespecting Ethan/ staff members. Posting an editted personal picture of Ethan without permission, with offensive comments> harrasment/ disrespects
This ban is set to expire January 18, 2014, 01:57.

Harrasment / disrespecting Ethan/ staff members
Yes we did have different opinions on certain subjects but I don't remind myself disrespecting nor harassing him. If saying that someone is a bad admin because he doesn't even know the commands is disrespecting/harassing then please put that into rules. I also don't understand why there's disrespecting staff members over there...

Posting an editted personal picture of Ethan without permission, with offensive comments> harrasment/ disrespects
First of all, im not the author of the picture that has been going around on forum lately. I received multiple private messages containing that picture but I didn't send it to anyone (well, i can't be 100% sure since i cant even watch my sent pm's and it was like a week of two ago...) And from what I remember there were no offensive comments, just some "doge" edit on it. I don't have a link to it but I'm sure you guys can provide it if necessary.

I want to see your proof of all those accusations and explain to me why this ban has such a delay in order to those so to speak disrespects and stuff.


I confirm that all above information is true and I am aware that posting false information in ban appeal will result in my ban being extended.


You posted a personal picture of Ethan without his permission, comments in that picture said he had a rape face amongst other faces.

So you guys either stop attacking Ethan and trolling, or the next ban will be 60 days. We are cleaning the non active players from the server and forum, because all your complaining does not help the server nor the community.

As mick said to me, we can better have a small good community than a big mess.

You attacking Ethan amongst other things, you went to far. Even i have limits.


Quote from: TheSandman on November 26, 2012, 13:53
There you go, cop didnt have a car and one was spawned for him.
Admins are helpers, not monsters.
Quote from: Calvingreen17. on January 15, 2013, 20:53
And i just want to take this moment that i have to thank you SO much for giving me the chance to be a moderator. I really enjoyed it, and although I made bad decisions (like playing MW3 too much haha xD), I really really did enjoy helping players like never before. You were my role model, you were the best admin I had seen in years, and there will never be another one like you.

It will take another to replace me, but I dont think CT can recover if they lose you bro, I wish you the best.

(Pretty sure you hear stuff like this every day XD You're like Chuck norris)
Quote from: mick88 on February 12, 2013, 23:28
It's unfair that admins can teleport to buy house, and reset their own camping score, but we have to trust that they won't abuse it. We have to trust them anyway, because the server is in their hands. Without admins server is nothing.