Vehicle Rent Price

Started by ColdwaR, November 24, 2013, 21:49


- As u know players who don't have own vehicle can use vehicle from other player with command /drive [id]. So my suggestion is that we should have rent price...

>> Example:
- If someone want to use my Road Train and trailer and i let him use my vehicle, and he doing missions with my vehicle. I should get some money from his load every time when he unload... Because he use my vehicle...
And if i use vehicle from some club base owned by club then money goes to club budget.

>> Prices:
- Special Vehicles (Big Dumper and Duneride) owner/club get 1.500$
- Big Hauler Trucks (Road Train, Linerunner and Petrol) owner/club get 1.000$
- Little Trucks (DFT 30, Flatbed, Barracks, Cement, Yankee and Trashmaster) owner/club get 750$
- Vans and Towtruck owner/club get 500$
- Cars (Stretch, Premier, Merit, Emperor and Elegant) owner/club get 250$

-Players can earn little money as owners for giving vehicle in rent...
-Clubs can earn little money for their club bases...


There is already a rentable cars system where you can rent a car for some money without bothering other vehicles owners to share it with you.
The money from club shared vehicles already goes for the club that owns the vehicle.
You will not get free money because you share your vehicle to someone, use /work instead.