[Help] WIN7 Camera Hack doesn't work (crash)&San Andreas shuts down

Started by swk5607, October 18, 2013, 16:59


I'm WIN 7 user and about 3 month ago, I had no problems about using Camera Hack (WIN 7 ver.) However, recently when I try to start Camera Hack by pressing * , San Andreas just shuts down.
I reinstalled Camera Hack by re-typing those registry commands, but still it doesn't work. Are there anyone who knows how to fix this problem?

**I searched about this matter and it seems there are a lot of people who have exact same problem.


I have no idea what it could be
But i suggest to you use Personalized FPD 3.1 (by Cleo),which is 10x better than cam hack,and more easy to install
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