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confused on a skin mod

Started by Fox_Cub, July 08, 2013, 17:26


Alright all Fox here.
I was recently given a link to a skin mod that my friend sent me saying I would like it.
I downloaded it and installed it. now this skin mod is really just replacing some files in the player.img and while playing on single player it has changed CJ. only by his clothes tho. So its not really a skin mod more just a cloths mod.
But I want to be able to play with this in SAMP as a skin. is there anyway I can convert it into a skin? or what? I had a look for the skin itself but there does not seem to be one :(
I have no experience in building skins or mods or whatever. I have tried once before but cant really get the hang of it.
any help would be great!
thanks all
Fox out......


if he gave you a model and txd, then yes you can change the file name to one that you would use on CT like WMYAMMO, is one of the truckers, you also would see this guy in the ammunation gun stores.. if its just a file with clothes in it, then no, there is no way to convert it into a skin


he gave me a link to a starfox download. which told me to change a few files. to make the clothes look like him. however there was no .dff or .txd files. so I am unable to do anything with them really.
And its a bugger because I cant seem to find a skin for starfox anywhere! :( there doesent seem to be one.


Give the download link for your clothes mod or post a screenshot, explain graphically what you want. Who the heck is starfox ?



Give me the download link to this mod. Maybe I'll be able to help you out.
