Woman's Day. (dedicated cover inside, and further explanation about it)

Started by Shake, March 08, 2013, 21:42



Well.. Since today it's Woman's Day... I've decided to make a little cover I've always loved.

This day is about all Woman that are in the world right now, that were, and will be.

I decided to make a cover dedicated to a strong and epic Woman I've met...
She came into my class 3 years ago. She knew no Portuguese, since she was from the Ukraine.
I was the only one to help her teach and understand the language, since she knew a bit of English.

I've helped her since the beginning.

1 year after, we were in school (me and my friends), trying to prepare a surprise for her. (Her birthday was on the following day.)

After our Math's class, we received the news she was hospitalized.
We were all in shock, and tried to figure out what had happened with her.
Still, we went to our second part of Math's class, and everyone was nervous about what had happened with her.

After the class ended, we received the news that she had died from a cerebral embolism (I think that's how you say it in English, idk).
All our school started to cry.

Me and a friend were both listening to this song while they told us that she had died: The Fray - How To Save a Life.

No need to say, that song had been dedicated to her since then.

Me and my friend sang it at her funeral, while crying.
Worst experience I've ever had.

Even though all that, she has always been one of the strongest and most epic girls I've ever met in my life, and will ever meet.

When I'm going through something bad, I always listen to that song and sing it... It makes me go back to the time that we all were cool with each other... No one was fighting for random reasons like we do now...
Everything was fine, you know?

Well, today, to dedicate it to her again, I've decided to make a cover of the song.

Here it is:


PS: I'm sorry for the wall of text, but I needed to get this out some way or another and show you guys the cover itself. I'm going through an awful phase in my life right now, since I can't be with the person I want, and I'd like to see some support and opinions on that cover. I'd appreciate it more than anything right now.