House camping - small change

Started by TheSandman, February 12, 2013, 11:36


yes there are alot of 1 slots, but they are not red.
Thus it has nothing to do with the camping script

Quote from: TheSandman on November 26, 2012, 13:53
There you go, cop didnt have a car and one was spawned for him.
Admins are helpers, not monsters.
Quote from: Calvingreen17. on January 15, 2013, 20:53
And i just want to take this moment that i have to thank you SO much for giving me the chance to be a moderator. I really enjoyed it, and although I made bad decisions (like playing MW3 too much haha xD), I really really did enjoy helping players like never before. You were my role model, you were the best admin I had seen in years, and there will never be another one like you.

It will take another to replace me, but I dont think CT can recover if they lose you bro, I wish you the best.

(Pretty sure you hear stuff like this every day XD You're like Chuck norris)
Quote from: mick88 on February 12, 2013, 23:28
It's unfair that admins can teleport to buy house, and reset their own camping score, but we have to trust that they won't abuse it. We have to trust them anyway, because the server is in their hands. Without admins server is nothing.


Quote from: Konali on February 14, 2013, 00:07
yes there are alot of 1 slots, but they are not red.
Thus it has nothing to do with the camping script
But, when they are red?

Credits to our slave Sorin

Quote from: Konali
turtle, you as much an asslicker than everyone else, everytime you get reported, you message me on xfire or facebook

Quote from: Taylor Swift#DemotSurpm


Quote from: brane on February 14, 2013, 08:18
Quote from: Konali on February 14, 2013, 00:07
yes there are alot of 1 slots, but they are not red.
Thus it has nothing to do with the camping script
But, when they are red?

But, when there aren't any? Just remember some months ago there were times when not a single 1slot was available. It's true, there are many 1slot now, but that's also the reason why the suggestion is pointless. As soon as it becomes Available, camping script (or how it's said) does not work -> take up server memory.


Correct if i am wrong, but you cant get campin score while you´re working? And i think its just good that you cant camp anywhere.. It gives better change to "working people" to get house too..


Quote from: Barney_Ross on February 14, 2013, 08:54
Correct if i am wrong, but you cant get campin score while you´re working? And i think its just good that you cant camp anywhere.. It gives better change to "working people" to get house too..
You can have camping score while working if you work in area with a lot of  red (unavailable) houses...

Credits to our slave Sorin

Quote from: Konali
turtle, you as much an asslicker than everyone else, everytime you get reported, you message me on xfire or facebook

Quote from: Taylor Swift#DemotSurpm


Maybe solution to this could be that: To get rid of "camping score" you need to visit another part of map, like:
If you get camping score at LV you need to visit LS and its clear.


camping score is just a way to staff and experience players can buy big houses whilles rookies cant because they dont visit the forum, camping score script is a joke.
Let they be campers, house will be for sale random times and house be avaible no matther if players are near, this script have wasted alot of players life time hours, insted of being waiting 5 to 13 hours, they camp for days (10 slot case) and got raged when other guy bougth it when they where distracted because they were waiting for a whole day and got exausted..

PS: camping script score must be removed, it only waste players real life hours.


If camping would be deleted, people would start to camp houses on forsale house´s stairs! Then 5 player would sell their houses for nothing and all would be mad, not so Hap-pay :D




Quote from: TheSandman on February 12, 2013, 11:36
To stop this from happening again>,35391.0.html
Id like to suggest that 1 slots dont count towards your camping "score", because there are so many 1 slots available/unavailable, that no matter where you go, you cant avoid it causing problems for people who work while waiting for a house.
And who really camps for a 1 slot anyway?
'' You do not gain camping score for GREEN houses, so since there are not 167 RED houses, this suggestion doesnt make sense , especially since these situations only occur when new maps are released'' (once a year?)

= AM i the only one who does not see the logic in this suggestion?

Quote from: TheSandman on November 26, 2012, 13:53
There you go, cop didnt have a car and one was spawned for him.
Admins are helpers, not monsters.
Quote from: Calvingreen17. on January 15, 2013, 20:53
And i just want to take this moment that i have to thank you SO much for giving me the chance to be a moderator. I really enjoyed it, and although I made bad decisions (like playing MW3 too much haha xD), I really really did enjoy helping players like never before. You were my role model, you were the best admin I had seen in years, and there will never be another one like you.

It will take another to replace me, but I dont think CT can recover if they lose you bro, I wish you the best.

(Pretty sure you hear stuff like this every day XD You're like Chuck norris)
Quote from: mick88 on February 12, 2013, 23:28
It's unfair that admins can teleport to buy house, and reset their own camping score, but we have to trust that they won't abuse it. We have to trust them anyway, because the server is in their hands. Without admins server is nothing.