Ideas: Billboard (Not the ad bilboard) , Islands & More.

Started by TruckLover1337, January 28, 2013, 19:49


My Idea's (Striked the ideas that maybe won't be added)

1. Billboards (Sign's)

There should be more billboards saying where to go so not Only the wet county ones!
Like on non sign roads/roadworks when we have to drive around somewhere or (not so known) intersections...

Maybe we can use this for many things like " ****** Carpark ->" or "Route Closed" or "Toll Nearby/Slow Down"... (*** = carparks name)

2. Signs

Addition to the billboards: Traffic signs / Speedcam Nearby signs (Dont use the speedcam signs everywhere, but we can use these at some intersections to let people slow down!

3. About the Islands
I like the islands, but the square mapping isn't so cool, i know its for GPS/Gangzone's... But we shouldn't limit map's to these. We can remove some gangzone's where people known where everything is and use billboards instead.

4. Toll Upgrade
We should create the tolls more like real life, like signs saying "Cars left" , "Trucks right"... Its nice for an new island, because on the map highway's we can't do these. We need a new/upgraded island with WIDER highway's to do this

I know maybe some aren't added, but i just got some idea's for fun :) I hope you guys respect this.
I also know there is 1 scripter (Mick) so, we will see....

Thx folks :)  :3



1. that would spam the server will more stuff I dont think we need
2. same as #1
3. the islands arent squares, they are unique to this server
4. tolls are fine how they are (currently) and to do that, you would need like a 6 lane highway... SA is limited to a 2 lane road/4 lane highway
5. ideas like what? I dont think this server should be like every other trucking server


I don't understand what your suggesting. Next time, use a smaller font and put what you have to say in paragraph form. :)


Quote from: Ethan on January 28, 2013, 20:08
1. that would spam the server will more stuff I dont think we need : Well, the gangzone's also do lagg for some players
2. same as #1 : This wont spam the server much, but use them at places where players (sometimes) need help , like confusing roadworks where u dont know how to go to other side etc
3. the islands arent squares, they are unique to this server : Islands arent but some island city's are.
4. tolls are fine how they are (currently) and to do that, you would need like a 6 lane highway... SA is limited to a 2 lane road/4 lane highway : You can do this using custom mapping. I already seen (NON TRUCKING) servers doing this (rp,rpg,copsvsrobbers,...) + You can maybe to this on a 2/4 line highway but then put an billboard above the toll/above the highway & that trucks can fit under it....
5. ideas like what? I dont think this server should be like every other trucking server : Well, something other truckservers haven't , like the work bar... You guys should upgrade the GUI.

Putted comments in RED

Btw, to remove some lag, you dont need to put signs everywhere, but i want some custom speedlimits & roads. Because now the islands are boring (sometimes), but they (the islands) are nice addon to the server...

Edit: I like this server, but more upgrade's are cool & will let users stay on CVT and dont let them be "Inactive"...


+4 Agreed, I like the toll upgrade and more bigger signs.

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A new island will be released within days, i am willing to try the toll idea, but im affraid, that would only be realistic, if it would be a road/highway with much traffic. We all know that new islands ( sandus), have a hard time to get traffic to it. The main traffic in cT moves around the default gta sa map, and Wet County. With a new island, there is no guarentee , it will be used alot for truck missions. For example, i dont know if you have been to truckmania, but they have lets say 7 islands, you hardly see big groups of trucks or truckers at all passing you. With every new island/expansion we make, the amount of traffic will decrease. Therefore i dont think, making a huge toll area would be usefull for CT. But i like the idea and i am certainly going to try this later on.

About signs and billboards, i think we have enough as it is right now. To be honest, and in my opinion, i think we would fuck up the map if we would place signs/billboards everywhere. Some points you made are cool, like the directions to new areas , but i will give a no for car parks/speedcams/toll (maybe).

About the islands, we have to make square islands since that is what mick expects from us. There will be a day that gangzone limits have been reached and there is no way to work around it, and maybe then we will get permission to work without it. But to be honest, i dont think many more islands should be added. as far as i know 3 projects from which 2 are nearly done and 1 will possibly never be completed(sf island), might be seen on ct, but thats not certain..

Quote from: TheSandman on November 26, 2012, 13:53
There you go, cop didnt have a car and one was spawned for him.
Admins are helpers, not monsters.
Quote from: Calvingreen17. on January 15, 2013, 20:53
And i just want to take this moment that i have to thank you SO much for giving me the chance to be a moderator. I really enjoyed it, and although I made bad decisions (like playing MW3 too much haha xD), I really really did enjoy helping players like never before. You were my role model, you were the best admin I had seen in years, and there will never be another one like you.

It will take another to replace me, but I dont think CT can recover if they lose you bro, I wish you the best.

(Pretty sure you hear stuff like this every day XD You're like Chuck norris)
Quote from: mick88 on February 12, 2013, 23:28
It's unfair that admins can teleport to buy house, and reset their own camping score, but we have to trust that they won't abuse it. We have to trust them anyway, because the server is in their hands. Without admins server is nothing.


Quote from: Konali on January 29, 2013, 14:03
A new island will be released within days, i am willing to try the toll idea, but im affraid, that would only be realistic, if it would be a road/highway with much traffic. We all know that new islands ( sandus), have a hard time to get traffic to it. The main traffic in cT moves around the default gta sa map, and Wet County. With a new island, there is no guarentee , it will be used alot for truck missions. For example, i dont know if you have been to truckmania, but they have lets say 7 islands, you hardly see big groups of trucks or truckers at all passing you. With every new island/expansion we make, the amount of traffic will decrease. Therefore i dont think, making a huge toll area would be usefull for CT. But i like the idea and i am certainly going to try this later on. : Thx ;) And yes, TM haves to much islands & CT doesn't need to like that , but mini islands / the islands that are now being created can be added (personally), and to get people to it we need some missions & promote them, i know it isnt easy to make an island popular ;) But adding new scripts to maps want people to drive to it and see it :)

About signs and billboards, i think we have enough as it is right now. To be honest, and in my opinion, i think we would fuck up the map if we would place signs/billboards everywhere. Some points you made are cool, like the directions to new areas , but i will give a no for car parks/speedcams/toll (maybe). Yes, its not needed that but we can create some at intersections to where the islands are / city's.

About the islands, we have to make square islands since that is what mick expects from us. There will be a day that gangzone limits have been reached and there is no way to work around it, and maybe then we will get permission to work without it. But to be honest, i dont think many more islands should be added. as far as i know 3 projects from which 2 are nearly done and 1 will possibly never be completed(sf island), might be seen on ct, but thats not certain.. : Thanks for explaining :)

I Really hope the toll idea (& some signs) idea will be added ;) Thx for trying ;)