Help! my google chrome is a little bit fucked up..

Started by Boy, January 04, 2013, 16:17


Hey can someone send his settings to me?
I can't use the forum anymore cause it's harder to read..

Please help me out..
Thanks for reading. :)

Goodbye my friends :3
Quote from: Konali on January 14, 2014, 21:56
The reason we had so many dutch staff members is because dutch people generally are calm and chill. Just like jamaicans:) If we get mad, we rather first get weed and then rage:)


Save your favourites webpages, uninstall Chrome, download it and install again.


Goodbye my friends :3
Quote from: Konali on January 14, 2014, 21:56
The reason we had so many dutch staff members is because dutch people generally are calm and chill. Just like jamaicans:) If we get mad, we rather first get weed and then rage:)


Oh, you meant the fonts :P

Go here chrome://chrome/settings/   <<< Copy it and paste at your chrome adresses var :D
Go to Advanced Options
Select Fonts. I have standard font and serif font setted at Times New Roman, sans-serif font at Arial and at the option below it: max width font at Courier New.


Haha yes that was the problem..
And something with my google chrome theme..
So i deleted all stuff related to: "google"
My pc is clean now and it works. :)

Thanks Matias.! :D

Goodbye my friends :3
Quote from: Konali on January 14, 2014, 21:56
The reason we had so many dutch staff members is because dutch people generally are calm and chill. Just like jamaicans:) If we get mad, we rather first get weed and then rage:)