problem with racers fuel trailer

Started by Ethan, September 08, 2012, 04:14


when I install racers fuel trailer it gives the texture as white.. anyone know why??
and the one I have is from May... along with his trailers and petro/linerunn mods he did


Ethan, best bet is to use arlans for fuel trailer..Racer just edited but the original is great. ill post a link for you

The link is here, just extract the files and of course the petrol is the tanker. lol


I have racers that he gave me from may and I would like to see how that is now that I can actually use mods


The preview isn't actually the same as the trailer you will see ingame. The trailer in game would be different, color-wise. Some would be colored, some will be white. It doesn't mean EVERY single trailer in game will be white though.

Older and wiser