Ladies And Gentlemen..I Introduce To You..

Started by MikeMan, September 03, 2012, 17:55


 8)Supp Bangor here. Convoy Community, Allow Me To Release The OFFICIAL teaser shot.

The long awaited..
"Lil Bitch"

More pictures and info will be coming out soon.
Some fun facts
-Flatbed Mod
-Part of the "Whore" Family
-Biggest Stacks Ever On A Truck
-More Coming Soon!


not much of a teaser if we cant see anything


Lol I resent that Ethan, I was the one that made this for bangor...the idea of the teaser picture is to keep people interested. You can see just enough of the truck to be curious.


the point of a teaser is to get someone interested, yes, however when you say its a teaser and then completely cover it, you completely killed the original point... you never replied to my skype question about doing a mod either rubber..

The Wolf

Quote from: The_Hobo on September 13, 2012, 03:52
Why do some of you listen to explosive diarrhea?


Rubbers always on skype but never there. Future tidbit lol, and yeah i guess i could be more revealing =P


sorry i usually dont answer my skype messages unless you spam my inbox...ask anyone that lol. I'm usually in class if i don't answer. That or too busy with other stuff.