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sound mods

Started by Biszy, September 02, 2012, 22:57


If anyone knows how to use sound mods can u please help. i wanna use a diesel sound mod for my rig but idk how to put it on. here is the video of the sound >>    . and here is where u can download it>>>   i just dont know how to use it. can any one help me please? thanks


now i cant play. i crash every time now. idk how to fix it


So what exactly have you done so far? Installing sound mods is not worth the trouble imo.


First of all. never install sound mods *at least for samp*. they fuck up your gta as far i am aware.

second to install them is from Alci GUI Front end or smth like that

DL Link:
(if you didn't alredy downloaded this)
idk where you can find a tutorial but anyway.

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there are some mods that don't mess up gta. I have a few that are just fine....but good sound mods are rare lol


well if u can send me some that would be awesome Rubber. ill use them after i fix my game. idk what else to do besides re-install the entire game.


Quote from: Biszy on September 02, 2012, 22:57
If anyone knows how to use sound mods can u please help. i wanna use a diesel sound mod for my rig but idk how to put it on. here is the video of the sound >>    . and here is where u can download it>>>   i just dont know how to use it. can any one help me please? thanks

What sound mods are you looking for? I have some that work perfect, for vehicles that may interest you.

What are you looking for? Truck sounds? Car? Bike? Airplane?


Quote from: Biszy on September 03, 2012, 00:55
now i cant play. i crash every time now. idk how to fix it
U can reinstall the game


yes rubber id like Diesel truck sound mods


this is a police site and if you have chrome, you dont have to sign up, because when you click download, chrome downloads them, but here are some:


btw my game is workin fine now. just not my disc drive lol