Need some help with video editing

Started by mrtrlt, June 05, 2012, 08:43


Hey guys. Yesterday I was recording a video of some gameplay. When it came to merging the recorded clips together. I imported them into the program. Once I had done that, I dragged the clips into the timeline and then suddenly the quality dropped from 1080p to what looked like 400p. I cant seem to work out why. And its not just the preview. The finished product turns out rubbish too.

I dont think the editor is the problem. But in case any of you think it is. Its called Cyberlink Power Director. If any of you think that is the problem. Can you tell me a free/cheap alternative that works.




Gold iPhone 5S - Silver iPad Air


25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)



Try Sony Vegas ofc :)

btw why it's in clubs section :o


I use AVS, I also have Sony Vegas, but I use AVS Video Editor.
Both are good.


Sony Vegas 11 ofc, use YouTube to download + crack it. There are many links.


Quote from: Strato. on June 05, 2012, 17:51
Sony Vegas 11 ofc, use YouTube to download + crack it. There are many links.

Or support Sony because they are fucking awesome and buy it.

"No you where not ban evading.. nooo and im stupid..." - Konali


Quote from: $nake on June 05, 2012, 14:30
Try Sony Vegas ofc :)

btw why it's in clubs section :o

LOL. i must have put it in there by accident. It was meant to go in off topic :L

Ty guys though :)