Cop suggestion (update)

Started by Lindsey, April 26, 2012, 19:36



Cops should have to type /iwanttoarrestthissuspectrightnowbecauseheisnaughty instead of just hitting "2"

On a serious note, it is really no fun when you get arrested from 15m away traveling 10mph (15kph).  Even as a cop, I am constantly surprised at the simplicity of arresting a suspect.
Quote from: Vado19 on January 25, 2011, 01:23
we all have brains
You sure about that, Vado?


Quote from: R16RACA on April 27, 2012, 22:09
1. I do believe i read somewhere that cop cars have higher health; so that they can continue to purse suspects.
2. If we spam the arrest key, and you refuse to pull over, stars increase. However if we didn't press it, and continued to follow, there would be no penalty increase for resisting arrest.
3. I do however agree that cops should not be able to use non police vehicles
4. I do not believe we can arrest from 'miles away'
5. I also agree that wet county was not well thought out for thief missions
6. You complain that its 'unfair', yet essentially you are doing something illegal, what do you expect to happen?

-1-1+1-1+-1= -4
Thats true, they dont drop to fair until 500 health (700 normal) and Poor at 400 (600 normal) and Wrecked at 300 (400 normal).
Actually, stars go up because of proximity to police, not spamming 2

I'm back, bitches :D

[glow=#282828,10,500]"I dislike Apple, so no." -mick88
"$nake honestly you are one arrogant prick." -Shane0
"The rest of you who I could consider trolls, just go fuck yourself." -Joshy
"TheGame, All I have to say is you complain a lot, and you're probally gonna be an even more arrogant, pompous jackass after this." -RaceRX
"I have a suggestion: Repost this in a respectful manner without caps, silly colors and big fonts, and perhaps someone will give a fuck about your complaint." -mick88

Can't read my quotes? Stop using the white style.

The Wolf

Ya'll mad? anyway, doesn't matter, I got people in my Combine and a Linerun, but you have to remember mick wants it noob friendly, so if you think what lindsey said was noob friendly, I don't know because TL;DR.
Quote from: The_Hobo on September 13, 2012, 03:52
Why do some of you listen to explosive diarrhea?


Quote from: piemaster on April 28, 2012, 01:13
Cops should have to type /iwanttoarrestthissuspectrightnowbecauseheisnaughty instead of just hitting "2"

On a serious note, it is really no fun when you get arrested from 15m away traveling 10mph (15kph).  Even as a cop, I am constantly surprised at the simplicity of arresting a suspect.
Lol, that's too much man
And think what will be when you will be cop, not only what is happening now


Quote from: Storm94 on April 27, 2012, 20:48
Quote from: $nake on April 27, 2012, 10:29
1. Cop should only arrest/fine/check from 1m (the lenght of his car)
2. Cop shouldn't have ability to arrest near unload, min. 20m from it, when thief is 10-9-5-2m from unload, cop shouldn't have ability to arrest
3. Cop should only arrest in COP CAR, even if thief is driving infernus
4. and yes, cop shouldn't spam [2], at least have ability to use it once per 5-10 secs
1. and there would be no fines/weights/arrests. Thats WAY too close, and server lag would make it damn near impossible to do anything. Especially for our Aussie friends that have 400+ pings (<3 TSM)
2. Kinda dumb. Would make theiving overpowered.
3. Ive stolen Waltons and had Hotring/Infernus cops chase me, and manage to steal the car, even going to wet county.
4. Okay, I agree with this one, its annoying when youre going 50MPH+, and they spam 2, as if its going to do something.

To wrap up, reading Lindsey's post. Get better at thieving. I can manage to steal the car 85% of the time, which isnt bad at all. Sure, you sometimes get a shitty car or a shitty route, but thats the nature of the job. If you dont like it, then dont do the job. Its that simple.

And it is VERY possible to profit from theif. Just because you dont, doesnt mean you can generalize it to the entire server.

Heres how:
If you deliver a car in Perfect condition, you get 3k, 4k, or 5k depending on the quality of the car (I think, route distance doesnt seem to have an effect on payment).
If you get, on average, 3k per car (for damage and slower cars, I average around 3k per car) and my steal rate is 85%, and I steal 100 cars, that means I have 85 successful steals. Say I can manage to lose wanted level half the time, even at 6 stars, as long as you dont have fines, and you dont /bailout, you can still make 220k, taking into account those 15 failed missions where I loose 1k for getting arrested and failing the mission.

So, see, its not all that hard to thieve. I do it when im bored, and want to make money trolling cops. Thats what you have to look at it as. If you look at it as some daunting task to run from the cops, youre doing it wrong. Look at it as trolling cops and making money in the process. You seem to have alot more fun lag smacking cops off the WC bridge, and causing the Infernus noob to crash than worrying about trying to outrun them.

Well, that was long winded.

You have good points, but you play at a different timezone than myself, 90% of the time i'm online, there are 70+ players, and usually 5+ cops, most the time 10 cops.

It's really imposisble to not get caught either at unload or during the mission, I've spent over 10 minutes driving to an unload, only to get caught last second due to a stall near the unload....

Imagine stalling at the "vice city hideout" there is some steps in the coach station, stall there you could fail your mission 2m from unload, this is unfair.

Also, i've played your timezone on some occassions, and most the time we're talking 50 or less players, (I'm looking at 12-7AM GMT+1)

And as the night goes on, less players, less cops, less people to ram you, and less cops online to catch you.

So right now, thieving is completely unfair to anyone in the mid european timezone, and it's excellent to anyone in late US / Eastern asia / AUS timezones.

Trust me, I've managed over 20+ thieves fairly easily, caught and not caught and never had a problem with it, because there's no truckers ramming you (seriously, truckers like to ram cars because they are smaller, i usually have to evade a shit ton of truckers AND cops, while trying to keep my car above 700.0 health without the ability to /fix in any reasonable time.

Thieving during my timezone is unfair.
View my news story :,
Lindsey ~ Sticking up for the little guy -,39070.0.html
Quote[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] managed to steal Alpha
[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] left the server (exit)
[21:12:17] * ExAdmin Lindsey_[UK] (41) connected: I will report you, count on it
[21:12:22] <krisu> that was good linds :D
Quote from: brane on June 06, 2013, 10:53
Quote from: Lindsey on June 06, 2013, 08:37
Terror, youve been on your last warning for stuff on ct for like a year so I dont feel treatened by you



Quote from: Lindsey on April 29, 2012, 16:45
Thieving during my timezone is unfair.
The only reason: 90% of CT Players are The Euros :)


Which is why there is such a simple fix.

Fines will always get caught, so they aren't a problem.

Thieves are limited to the amount of cops online, so i suggest the same for cops, cops have other work like fines and weighing, sure, but if cops are forced to limited numbers due to the amount of thieves online, there will be more fines, more cops in cop cars working properly, doing it all.

So for example, right now it's 2 cops = 1 thief can spawn. then 3 cops, another thief can spawn.

2 : 1
3 : 2

(I think)

My suggestion however is more complicated, it is for cops to have a seperate "cop" ranks, perhaps "K9 cops" Normal cops - Free to have as many as you want, they collect fines and overloads ONLY.
k9 cops can do it all, but are limited in numbers, for example, my suggestion of 2 cops = 1 thief, if 1 thief spawns, then another cop can spawn, but then no more k9 can spawn because there are 3 cops 1 thief.

This would not only combat - too many cops > thief ratio, but also not make thieving any easier during the night shift.
This also stops there being the issue of not enough cops to collect fines.

I think this kills two birds with one stone, and i'm hoping people agree.

If not, edit my suggestion!
View my news story :,
Lindsey ~ Sticking up for the little guy -,39070.0.html
Quote[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] managed to steal Alpha
[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] left the server (exit)
[21:12:17] * ExAdmin Lindsey_[UK] (41) connected: I will report you, count on it
[21:12:22] <krisu> that was good linds :D
Quote from: brane on June 06, 2013, 10:53
Quote from: Lindsey on June 06, 2013, 08:37
Terror, youve been on your last warning for stuff on ct for like a year so I dont feel treatened by you



I liked it, +1 for your suggestion dude!


Yep.."dude" lol...

Thanks for your support.
View my news story :,
Lindsey ~ Sticking up for the little guy -,39070.0.html
Quote[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] managed to steal Alpha
[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] left the server (exit)
[21:12:17] * ExAdmin Lindsey_[UK] (41) connected: I will report you, count on it
[21:12:22] <krisu> that was good linds :D
Quote from: brane on June 06, 2013, 10:53
Quote from: Lindsey on June 06, 2013, 08:37
Terror, youve been on your last warning for stuff on ct for like a year so I dont feel treatened by you



bump :D still looking for support
View my news story :,
Lindsey ~ Sticking up for the little guy -,39070.0.html
Quote[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] managed to steal Alpha
[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] left the server (exit)
[21:12:17] * ExAdmin Lindsey_[UK] (41) connected: I will report you, count on it
[21:12:22] <krisu> that was good linds :D
Quote from: brane on June 06, 2013, 10:53
Quote from: Lindsey on June 06, 2013, 08:37
Terror, youve been on your last warning for stuff on ct for like a year so I dont feel treatened by you



I don't get it why people are making so much bullsh*t about it. It's a trucking server, thief + cop missions are not needed to be 'perfect'. Yesterday i finished my thief achievement without any problems.. just a few (several) times Dariu(S) respawned behind me to jail me, but what's the prob? I think the only thing to solve the problem would be a rule, that cops can not respawn.. that may fix the whole crap we're talking about.


Quote from: Strato. on May 06, 2012, 18:10
just a few (several) times Dariu(S) respawned behind me to jail me, but what's the prob?
You just answered your own question.
Generated using Azure Functions & CloudFlare Workers using the Convoy Trucking API. Updates every around 5 minutes. See the original SVG image. View source code (not updated with function yet)


Quote from: Joshy on May 06, 2012, 18:20
Quote from: Strato. on May 06, 2012, 18:10
just a few (several) times Dariu(S) respawned behind me to jail me, but what's the prob?
You just answered your own question.

Well yeah but I have it actually behind me. Lindsey posted the suggestion because she's while doing thief missions, and now I am doing cop.. so it's kinda bad. For 2 years the same system existed, and a lot of ppl collected those achievements.. seriously, no big changes needed.


haha, i made you rage quit the other day strato because i camped your thief spawn.
View my news story :,
Lindsey ~ Sticking up for the little guy -,39070.0.html
Quote[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] managed to steal Alpha
[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] left the server (exit)
[21:12:17] * ExAdmin Lindsey_[UK] (41) connected: I will report you, count on it
[21:12:22] <krisu> that was good linds :D
Quote from: brane on June 06, 2013, 10:53
Quote from: Lindsey on June 06, 2013, 08:37
Terror, youve been on your last warning for stuff on ct for like a year so I dont feel treatened by you
