enterable vehicle mods

Started by Sweet_Johnson, March 18, 2012, 21:20


Probably not allowed on the server but still cool i really like the bus one this is a link to the mods on utube. this is a mod that makes the beagle look like a osprey (the osprey gunner of MW3) http://hotmist.ddo.jp/vehiclemod/osprey/index.html it comes with a asi mod so it can move like a hydra and the back door opens i find these pretty cool.



entertable journey would be great on cvt :)


Quote from: Strato. on March 21, 2012, 06:52
entertable journey would be great on cvt :)

I have one.. its awesome

I have the mod, its not installed because of this:

Do NOT use those enterable vehicle mods, if your found wiith them you will be asked to remove them