what is that extra information? a mod or a samp extra?

Started by Fox_Cub, January 08, 2012, 13:54


For several people they have extra information like it tells the id of the vehicle, health, distance and the seats is this a mod? or is this a feature for admins or mods? there's several people out there with it and its more harder for me to ask a admin to move a blocking vehicle and they come back with 'whats the id of the vehicle?' and I'm just sitting there 'how do i know??? i don't know' and then i just get a silence. and now i look like a donuts. :(
any information about this extra information would be nice.


hm .. if you want to see ID of vehicle type  /dl  .. :\



ive noticed a cool statusbar on RSAH Clan's samp pics (made by Mefi or some1).. all in one..


Quote from: Fox_Cub on January 08, 2012, 13:54
For several people they have extra information like it tells the id of the vehicle, health, distance and the seats is this a mod? or is this a feature for admins or mods? there's several people out there with it and its more harder for me to ask a admin to move a blocking vehicle and they come back with 'whats the id of the vehicle?' and I'm just sitting there 'how do i know??? i don't know' and then i just get a silence. and now i look like a donuts. :(
any information about this extra information would be nice.

use /dl to find out vehicle ID


are there many more of these type of commands like /dl as i not sure if you can find them in the help on ct.


/q - Close the SA:MP client.
/quit - Close the SA:MP client (same as above).
/save [extra] - Save your current coordinates into savedpositions.txt
/interior - Shows the current interior ID.
/fpslimit [20-100] - Set the maximum FPS for your client.
/pagesize [10-20] - Change the amount of lines in the chatbox.
/timestamp - Show time stamping in the chatbox.
/headmove - Toggle player's head movements.
/dl - Handy developers command to show vehicle information.
/mem - Shows the current amount of memory usage.
/rs - Saves On-Foot coordinates in rawpositions.txt
/cmpstat - Exists but doesn't seems to do anything? more info please!

Resource: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=168943
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)