Lets have a great time together.

Started by Konali, December 12, 2011, 06:29


Santa help me with this one please:)
Almost Christmas time and where it should be a place of happiness and having fun,a bad atmosphere went over CT the last past weeks/days. An increase of reports and complaints in the last weeks/days as cause of this. From little things to big things everywhere u can smell little irritations are grown and people are way more frustrated.

Where the input of new staff should bring more positivity to the server it also caused for a gap between friends and older players  against the new mods. New staff has a hard time to get adjust to this hard situation and they have to fight to show what they are worth.  Friendships are created and given up because of this.

When some off the new staff got settled some where still having a hard time and feeled unhappy about things happing. But not only staff was unhappy also good and old players became disappointed in the system or certain members. A lot of complaints as outcome of that. Where it should be a time of enjoyment and sharing and having fun, people where fighting and it wasn't over yet.
Good old veterans quitted the server or chose to hack their way out the server. 

New wars where created with other servers and it meant absolutely nothing, but people are so easily frustrated with this bad atmosphere it wasn't a surprise to see people fighting again and again.
It really is time that this server will shine and sparkle like it always did for all of us and let us hope that  we can have a good holidaymonth with CT without any issues. Please stop fighting and forgive eachother and think twice before u say something.

Continue fighting after the holidays I don't carembut please don't destroy the holidays spirit within CT like we had in 2010, I want to let those newer players experience to how fantastic it can be here with Christmas or new year.

I personally wish all of u a very good holiday season and hope that we can raise the complaints and the reports to a minimum level. Back then we had 2-5 reports a week, nowadays that are 10-50 a day?

Let that holiday spirit come true guys and lets have a nice time all together.


Quote from: TheSandman on November 26, 2012, 13:53
There you go, cop didnt have a car and one was spawned for him.
Admins are helpers, not monsters.
Quote from: Calvingreen17. on January 15, 2013, 20:53
And i just want to take this moment that i have to thank you SO much for giving me the chance to be a moderator. I really enjoyed it, and although I made bad decisions (like playing MW3 too much haha xD), I really really did enjoy helping players like never before. You were my role model, you were the best admin I had seen in years, and there will never be another one like you.

It will take another to replace me, but I dont think CT can recover if they lose you bro, I wish you the best.

(Pretty sure you hear stuff like this every day XD You're like Chuck norris)
Quote from: mick88 on February 12, 2013, 23:28
It's unfair that admins can teleport to buy house, and reset their own camping score, but we have to trust that they won't abuse it. We have to trust them anyway, because the server is in their hands. Without admins server is nothing.


My God Konali. This Shows how Good Staff you Are :)

I Agree with you in all points.
New Staff Some Shit Happen with that. (Tanner's Case with Race which is the main one i saw) and the Only 'Veterans' That Quitted Atm Are
Tanner due his stupid reason to hack like you said.
And Nagy. (if hes still quitting about the ugh. can't belive i'm saying his name right or i'm getting warned was well. anyway. terrorista issue.)

And Perhaps This is The Most bad Holiday season i see in cvt. and mister. i'm here since Nov 2010. (correct me if i'm wrong. on my joining date) Those times Were nice the xmas decoration. even tough i was a rookie. admins were fine. but we can't change the decisions. i'm fine with all the new mods. since i'm friend with all of them. also with old mods like you Kona. and this TM Fighting Shit Came Back again cuz of dunno. i saw the topic at TM some say $nake started this shit again. Nothing against You $nake. i'm being honest. but anyway. And Have a nice holidays too Kona :)



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great words konalie

btw.. ive just post this topic to see what our players will think, but some1 must show the truth :)
and hm.. it will be great christmas time when no1 will get mad or piss other ppl off, yes, u storm..


Wow man, good words from a wise man...

Sent from my iPhone using Tap-a-talk


In my opinion it started after the convoy system has been changed. When i was rookie and was working to become higher rank there was a whole other feeling while playing in this server. Players were helping new players also in huge convoys over 20 players, and now new player will be direclty fired when they make a mistake by driving. With the huge convoys we had a community of all players in the server, now we have alot of ''groups'' that are against eachother. Before the convoy system change you help eachother by making a convoy because you got more money so there was more teamwork, and thats is now totally gone!

Generated by ASP.NET Core on Linux using the Convoy Trucking API. Updates every 5 minutes. See the original SVG image.

~!!!~ Watch my Police cars collection in the link below ~!!!~



Quote from: Marccc on December 12, 2011, 10:50
In my opinion it started after the convoy system has been changed. When i was rookie and was working to become higher rank there was a whole other feeling while playing in this server. Players were helping new players also in huge convoys over 20 players, and now new player will be direclty fired when they make a mistake by driving. With the huge convoys we had a community of all players in the server, now we have alot of ''groups'' that are against eachother. Before the convoy system change you help eachother by making a convoy because you got more money so there was more teamwork, and thats is now totally gone!
mick wanted to make CT more noob-familiar server, so its done.. old times were much better,
if there would be a button for back the time, 80% of players who has quitted, would back i bet!


Well this is my first Christmas here and I want everything  to be ok , peace and love xD


[hide=Our Renault Dauphine]



2014 with new team colour



It's not just in-game either. Many topics here, especially suggestions, people are arguing, getting in each others faces and sometimes just being plain rude. This seems to be on the rise in-game and in forum, and this is what will make this community crumble and put barriers between us.

It seems people are just having a hard trouble coping with the changes made, changes coming, and people always, ALWAYS, bring up the past. You know what, the past is the past, why do you think they call it PAST! I'll tell you if you don't know, it's because it's over, kaput so why keep bringing it up. The only thing the past is good for, is learning from and growing upon because change isn't always bad, and even if it is you can't stop it.

This will be my first Christmas on CVT so I can't compare it to last years but I can tell you I'm not letting the complainers, haters or people wanting to ruin the game for others get me down. Christmas is about being with friends and family, sharing and giving, loving and even tolerating and CVT is no different. I hope the people that read this understand what I'm trying to say and those that are part of the problem, I hope they can change their attitudes, even if it's just till the New Years.

I hope you guys have a great holiday though, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah or whatever!


Amen brotha!

Who is going to take a vow with me, no reports until the Christmas decos are down for the year! No more bickering & arguing, lets just all be friends!


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[hide=My Favourite Clubs!]
S.A Lowriders
Universal Trucking
San Andreas Fuel Association
GTA Modders[/hide]
Move along, move along.


There's more to it, from what Konali said. Anyway Konali, great point, This holiday on CVT is shitty, we have to change it around.
Banned for show boating in game /warns like an immature child. Warnings are not cool, and are not to brag about.


Wow kona, very nice speech.
And yh: atm there is no xmas feeling but more a war.


KaJona ;)

these are great words, I agree :)


Yes Konali you're absolutely right!
We should enjoy the time :)



Really brought a smile on my face...

cookieee :D