This is ridiculous and pathetic

Started by Nagy_Sanyi, December 09, 2011, 00:55


Can you take a screen with that pm? maybe it will eventually get him banned.
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Nah he wont get banned because admins support noobs here.This is allowed and fine on CVT


wow. Nagy make a complaint and show them your screen shot of that private message. Maybe that will get something out of them.

Btw dont use internet explorer loll =p firefox or chrome imo, wayy betterrr
Banned for show boating in game /warns like an immature child. Warnings are not cool, and are not to brag about.


report that. it needs to be dealt with
[hide=when smokey tried to eat me]
Quote[15:00:41] <Rahail> R16 smoky wants you!
[15:00:58] <R16RACA> ahhh!
[15:01:15] <Rahail> the fuck 530kph on FREway
[hide=Konali summing me up]
Quote from: KonaliR16 u where maybe a quiet guy, but you are one of the smartest persons i have seen here and i never saw u gettin in trouble. U are a role model for alot players that cant behave and i will really really miss you.
[hide=quotes from Mick]
Quote from: Mick88*Mick88 announced: Fuuuuuu!
Quote from: Mick88"fuck off" is merely a kind request
Quote from: mick88
New theme is so sexy I want to make love to it
[hide=why ELM is not allowed here]It is not allowed as it is a mod that can be seen by other truckers, who might not want to look at flashing lights all the time. This is why only non laggy mods that only you can see are allowed.[/hide]


Cristal clear, people, they have proof!!! Use this to report him dude. You have nothing to lose now!!! They should at least remove his VIP for this.
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You should make a report or post in problems and complaints section. Maybe admins can help you.. they try to be fair always. you were in the highlights of joshy for insulting already, so he banned as you as this was not your first time


Quote from: Deff on December 12, 2011, 19:40
you were in the highlights of joshy for insulting already, so he banned as you as this was not your first time

Really?Then he should ban 90% of the players

Enough said.


So Nagy, your philosophy is:
Terrorista made me banned => admins support noobs => I leave the server.

So now Terrorista is the winner of the situation, and you the idiot loser who doesn't have nothing more here than quit.
Congratulation for your mind, you let a noob to win.

I would remember you that Terrorista tried to do the same thing with me. This was the topic.,14576.0.html
But...he failed ohohohoh. So I won and he is a noob loser.
You see the difference? I was more crafty then him.

Leaving the server will be a full win for him, a big pleasure, probably he will use to masturbate for this. You can give him this pleasure or not, your choice.

and for the admins/staff attitude...try to don't give a shit about them.

Quote from: Joshy on August 31, 2012, 16:16
Go Jedi!
Quote from: Vado19 on March 08, 2013, 00:03
i no longer want to taste that cake because jedi fapped all over it.....


Quote from: Santa's Thief on December 13, 2011, 10:05
So Nagy, your philosophy is:
Terrorista made me banned => admins support noobs => I leave the server.

So now Terrorista is the winner of the situation, and you the idiot loser who doesn't have nothing more here than quit.
Congratulation for your mind, you let a noob to win.

I would remember you that Terrorista tried to do the same thing with me. This was the topic.,14576.0.html
But...he failed ohohohoh. So I won and he is a noob loser.
You see the difference? I was more crafty then him.

Leaving the server will be a full win for him, a big pleasure, probably he will use to masturbate for this. You can give him this pleasure or not, your choice.

and for the admins/staff attitude...try to don't give a shit about them.

big +1 dude. If you leave, the server loses a good player and terrorista, or whatever his name is, wins. Stay here and you have another chance to get the bastard.
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Quote from: Santa's Thief on December 13, 2011, 10:05
So Nagy, your philosophy is:
Terrorista made me banned => admins support noobs => I leave the server.

So now Terrorista is the winner of the situation, and you the idiot loser who doesn't have nothing more here than quit.
Congratulation for your mind, you let a noob to win.

I would remember you that Terrorista tried to do the same thing with me. This was the topic.,14576.0.html
But...he failed ohohohoh. So I won and he is a noob loser.
You see the difference? I was more crafty then him.

Leaving the server will be a full win for him, a big pleasure, probably he will use to masturbate for this. You can give him this pleasure or not, your choice.

and for the admins/staff attitude...try to don't give a shit about them.

I dont leave because of him.I leave because of the unfair punishment system.So many unfair things happened with me,but this crossed the line.If noobs against me,i dont care about them but if almost the whole staff members are against me well thats pretty lame.Giving instant warns,bans while others get only kick or nothing = making expections = bullshit.I dont enjoy my time here anymore because this server became a chaos .No peaceful trucking anymore,no chilling because random noobs can get you banned for very silly things.All the people who get offended by these insultings,they get much harsher insultings in the real life but they act like a weak person who cant take insultings.Come on this is the 21 century even 5 years old kids dont cry for insultings

I choosed a trucking server for a reason = Driving on GTA SA like in the real life peacefully.But i cant anymore because admins let the noobs ram others 24/7.If ramming is not so big deal then why we have this rule = No ramming?Why does not Mick make a new skin named "maffia" for rammers?Because honestly it looks like we have this skin already

No ramming should be the most important rule in this server but whatever i dont give a shit about it anymore,i just cant wait to log into the server again and sell everything

Anyway this is my last day on forum so im locking this topic