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Anyone playing dota 2?

Started by HeLiOn_PrImE, November 30, 2011, 16:42


Anyone having Dota 2 beta on their steam account? I just got it and I want to add as much players as possible for whem we build a team.
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A.K.A NaftaTorque
Old ID=9149


i suggest uninstall dota, download League of Legends and enjoy  8)


Quote from: SuperGoof on November 30, 2011, 18:19
i suggest uninstall dota, download League of Legends and enjoy  8)

ive heard from my albanian friends that dota has much more players then league of legends even it has worse graphics !
Quote from: Ethan on February 02, 2012, 21:38

Hope to never see your name on this server again after what you did this afternoon anri


Dota on Warcraft 3 is best.  8)


If you do some research you will see that LoL was in fact inspired by DotA.
And yes, DotA on Warcraft 3 is still awesome ( I still play it)
DoTA 2 has it's advantages, though. The main one is that you can customize your keys for each hero, and that makes kicking ass easier.
And graphics? Hell yeah, they are awesome. We're talking about Valve here.
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Dota 2 and LoL are both great games, but the LoL community is bigger.
there is almost every 3 weeks a new champion / hero, allot of patches, etc.

and yes, the idea of LoL is kinda stolen.....
some guys from Dota 2 ragequited and started there own company ''Riot'' and maked LoL  :P