Cop grace period

Started by Partyroo, November 04, 2011, 10:27


[hide=when smokey tried to eat me]
Quote[15:00:41] <Rahail> R16 smoky wants you!
[15:00:58] <R16RACA> ahhh!
[15:01:15] <Rahail> the fuck 530kph on FREway
[hide=Konali summing me up]
Quote from: KonaliR16 u where maybe a quiet guy, but you are one of the smartest persons i have seen here and i never saw u gettin in trouble. U are a role model for alot players that cant behave and i will really really miss you.
[hide=quotes from Mick]
Quote from: Mick88*Mick88 announced: Fuuuuuu!
Quote from: Mick88"fuck off" is merely a kind request
Quote from: mick88
New theme is so sexy I want to make love to it
[hide=why ELM is not allowed here]It is not allowed as it is a mod that can be seen by other truckers, who might not want to look at flashing lights all the time. This is why only non laggy mods that only you can see are allowed.[/hide]


Quote from: Skippy[AUS] on November 05, 2011, 06:13
Quote from: $nake on November 04, 2011, 15:27
more specify:
1st revoke - 7 days without possibility for buying badge
2nd revoke - 30 days without possibility for buying badge
3rd revoke - perm revoke, no possibility for buying badge

about 3rd - yahooo should get perm-revoked for his action instead of 200 days ban..

Yeah that sounds good. Like Josh not entirely sure about the third, but then again if they've lost it 2 times before you'd think they would have learned.

it doesnt sound good cause then its impossible to get 13/13 ....


Finally an idea that's good and looks like its gonna happen  ^-^ ^-^

Yeah copz.. suck on that :D


Gold iPhone 5S - Silver iPad Air


Quote from: Matt on November 07, 2011, 08:20
Yeah copz.. suck on that :D

Typical for a cop hater...
no animated signatures allowed


Quote from: helion_prime on November 07, 2011, 10:40
Quote from: Matt on November 07, 2011, 08:20
Yeah copz.. suck on that :D

Typical for a cop hater...

No. Typical for a Human Being. Full stop.


Quote from: Joshy on November 04, 2011, 16:17
I don't agree with perm revokes, it's makes cop achievement impossible.
Quote from: SweetEmotion on November 06, 2011, 19:20
it doesnt sound good cause then its impossible to get 13/13 ....
who cares ? rammers shouldnt have possibility for 13th achiev then.. law/rules should be hard..


Bumping this to see if it is going to get anywhere?

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[hide=My Favourite Clubs!]
S.A Lowriders
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Move along, move along.


Quote from: TheGame on November 04, 2011, 15:29
Quote from: $nake on November 04, 2011, 15:27
more specify:
1st revoke - 7 days without possibility for buying badge
2nd revoke - 30 days without possibility for buying badge
3rd revoke - perm revoke, no possibility for buying badge

about 3rd - yahooo should get perm-revoked for his action instead of 200 days ban..

Agree +1 8)


Quote from: Joshy on November 04, 2011, 16:17
I don't agree with perm revokes, it's makes cop achievement impossible. Instead introduce grace periods, tougher cop test and higher prices.

First badge: 50k, standard cop test, wait 24hrs if failed.
1st revoke: unable to do cop test for 7 days, costs 250k to get back. Slightly harder cop test.
2nd revoke: unable to do cop test for 14 days, costs 500k to get back. Significantly harder cop test.
3rd revoke: unable to do cop test for 30 days, costs 1m to get back. Harder cop test.
4th revoke: unable to do cop test for 60 days, costs 2m to get back. Extremely difficult cop test.

As cop test get more and more difficult, it would include more answers than usual (checkboxes even), and include double negatives / litotes (like "Check the options that don't apply to people are not wanted."). Also add the function (to all test takers) to only allow to do cop test if you are offline, and wasn't online during the cop test either. This will decrease cop test cheaters.

Another: make the cop test questions question-per-page. Cheaters would copy and paste the entire page, send it to their Skype / xfire buddy and they'll answer all questions. However this will at least try to deter them from doing so, by including 1 question at a time.

A.K.A NaftaTorque
Old ID=9149