Jenis (insulting / disrespect / threats)

Started by Jordi., April 08, 2017, 18:53


Player reported:

Rule broken: insulting / disrespect / threats
Date and time: 2017-04-08 19:46:04 Spain

Disrespecting me in main chat.


I was going to you to sit in your car so we can work together and I did that, I came to you, I've sit in your car, and you didn't want to start the car, when I left your car you started your car and went away from me. Who wouldn't be pissed off? I received two warnings after that so there was no need for report.

And frankly, I feel that you don't like me since I joined this server, I'm not gonna even read your name anymore, you're done with me " cop ".


This insult was handled by the moderator ingame already, he showed the rules to Jenis for this.

However Jenis when you are cop you should do your cop duty and not sit next to someone else while doing nothing.
Looking at the amount of admin messages you got already to do your cop duty, I suggest you to stop idling as cop and start working as cop.
If you won't do your duty as cop your police badge will be revoked.