DwayneJohnson (abusing police powers)

Started by George.Vlad, December 13, 2016, 15:20


Player reported:

Rule broken: abusing police powers
Date and time: 13/12/2016 5:13 PM

And he tried to kill me with his Hotring after i finished the mission.
He used /7 to catch my attention . but he was near me ( I had to steal the Ambulance and he was at FC Station for Police. He was with /7, ok . After that he put /8 and he was running away for 0.1 km or 0.2km, and i took the Amb . And the very nice thing is... He was camping me for  5 min on /7 , intentionally ! :)
I know, on the photo with the Hotring, you dont see his name, but he was with Hydrangea's Hotring or something like that.
http://imgur.com/a/TbXCN !


These picture don't really proof that he had the intent to kill you or that he was idling as cop.
However I have sent him a reminder that idling as cop and killing people is not allowed.