Frux (begging for money)

Started by Clucker, July 22, 2016, 11:18


Player reported:

Rule broken: begging for money
Date and time: July 22 2016


[18:14:18] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.7 {FFFFFF}Started

[18:14:21] Connecting to

[18:14:24] Connected. Joining the game...

[18:14:30] Connected to {B9C9BF}Convoy Trucking

[18:14:30] Hello Spongegar! Please enter your password to login.

[18:14:30] Warning: do not attempt logging-in if this is not your account.

[18:14:30] * Trucker Of The Year Guille_Ezquerra (2) connected: HOONIGAN DRIVER

[18:14:36] Hello Spongegar, welcome back after 3 hours!

[18:14:36] * King Of The Road Spongegar (5) connected: My Chemical Romance 9/23/16

[18:14:38] * You have $6,450 fines

[18:14:41] <Synco> wb

[18:14:48] <Spongegar> ty :)

[18:14:50] ** PoliceH(10): /cb 5 , Farty = Frux

[18:14:50] <Guille_Ezquerra> wb

[18:14:51] <Zeding669> wb unknow gender

[18:14:54] <Guille_Ezquerra> ty:)

[18:14:56] * CB channel set to 5. There is 4 more players on this channel:

[18:14:56] * Matti, bazingashane0, PoliceH, Zeding669

[18:14:57] (CB:5) PoliceH: hi

[18:15:00] (CB:5) Spongegar: yeah

[18:15:00] (CB:5) PoliceH: wb

[18:15:03] ** Frux(1): pay me 10k bro :) and imma staph ddosing this server :P

[18:15:10] (CB:5) Spongegar: is that really frux?

[18:15:12] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-060.png

Link to picture:


[23:19:46] (CB:16) Fish: thats going in my sig