TheGabriel_Seba (insulting / disrespect / threats)

Started by TheFenix, June 14, 2016, 02:47


Player reported:

Rule broken: insulting / disrespect / threats
Date and time: 2:30

Estaba Yo Jugando Normal Y El Llega A Molestar Y Insultar Por Que Dije Caravana Asi Se Le Dice En Mi Pais" Me Insulta Ami  Y Mas Encima Insulta A Mi CompaƱero Chitoge, Creo Que La Advertencia Verbal Que Le Dieron No Sirvio Para Nada Espero Tomen Mejores Mediadas... Saludos Desde Colombia Admis

Fotos :


Translate Inglish: DavidDRB
Report : TheCrew
He was playing Normal And Reaches Disturbing E Insulting (annoy and insult) Because I said So  "Caravana" it is said In My Country  , insults me and  so does with  my friend Chitoge .. I think the verbal warning was given it doesn' Not at all , I hope to take better measures .... Greetings from Colombia admins   



well, about the first, i didn't know that in his country was "caravana" (caravan in english) and told him it is convoy, dumb, about the second, its a bit weird that he report me for that because i always talk like that with Chitoge and he thought that i was insulting him.
