Is their more rules other then this all???

Started by AviatorAysar, June 04, 2016, 10:20


[hide=Show Server Rules]
Server Rules

General rules:

1) No fighting, killing, ramming, carjacking, blocking or driving into other players. Exception: when it's part of your work (police and thief)
2) Cursing is allowed to a point, and as long as rule 6 is not broken. You may be asked by a staff member or other players to stop and you should respect that.
3) No flooding, spamming or advertising in server chat or announcements. This includes /me command and different CB. This includes "gz" spam. ('gz' alone however is not spamming, only excessive use of it).
4) Cheats are not allowed. This includes any mods giving advantage over other players.
5) General chat (ch 19) only in English. If you want to chat in different language, move over to another channel (/CbHelp).
6) Respect other players and their properties. Do not insult or annoy players, do not ask them for money. Do not contact them if they don't wish to be contacted.
7) Generally game mods are allowed as long as they are not detectable/visible by other players and do not give you advantage (vehicle handling, speed, hovering etc.)
8) Do not interrupt admins; do not PM them for no good reason. If you have anything urgent to report, use /admin or /report. Otherwise use forum; Do not ask admins for favours or ask general server questions in /admin.
9) Only you are allowed to use your account. Do not give your password to anyone and do not attempt to log into anyone else's account.
10) All gamemode bugs must be reported on forums. Exploiting bugs and using them for own advantage is not allowed. Do not report bugs in server chat. Exploitable bugs can be reported via admin inbox in forum. Using game bugs for own advantage (pausing, intentional lagging, etc.) is prohibited.
11) No scamming - using another players trust/gullibility/lack of knowledge for joke or own advantage.
12) No farming Money and stats can be earned by means scripted in gamemode only. Gaming the system to raise stats/money or get achievements without doing missions as intended is not allowed. example: arresting your friend repeatedly or escorting a thief by police.
13) Your vehicles and houses will be removed after 60 days of inactivity. Your account will be deleted after 180 days from last log-in.
14) Do not impersonate another player/user, especially a staff member.
15) Players can contest server staff decisions in forum within appropriate board. Proof is required along with full and accurate description of the incident and explaination why admin/moderator's action was not fair (staff member name is not necessary). Posting appeal/complaint with false information, or withholding important piece of information is not allowed.
16) You have the right to claim refund on any money/house/vehicles/stats etc. lost as a result of gamemode bug or server staff fault. In order to get a refund you need to post in Problems and Complaints and include all details and circumstances accompanied by evidence (screenshot/chat log/video). Additionally if your loss is a result of a bug, post a bug report (if not reported yet).

Anyone breaking the above rules may be banned from server. VIPs are NOT excused from following the rules, and ban WILL NOT extend their VIP period.

Police rules:
1) Police must obey all server rules excluding ramming when they are dealing with a suspect. They can ram suspect vehicle/trailer but must not ram or block any other players/vehicles
2) Police must not abuse their privileges. They must do their job or reclass to another class. No joyriding or racing as a cop to avoid fines is allowed and will lead to police badge being revoked. If there are few people or fines online, you must move somewhere to where you can get fines/arrests. Intentionally parking or 'camping' where no fines or suspects are can be considered idling, and is punishable.

Convoy rules:
1) Keep distance between you and truck in front of you - AT LEAST length of full rig.
2) Do not overtake other players in convoy unless there is a huge gap in front of them and enough clearance on their left to overtake without crashing.
3) No offroading, stick to roads only.
4) Use freeways where possible, don't drive through cities if unnecessary - freeways allow to get fast and safely to the unloading point.
5) Stand in line - when at the loading/unloading point, wait for your turn, do not cut the line/queue or everyone will be blocked.
6) Leave clearance between you and other trucks whether on the road, carpark or, particularly, GAS STATIONS.
7) Maximum speed of convoy should be 80 kph (unless it consists of RD trains only) that is optimal cruising speed on freeway.
8) DO NOT 'ESC' or check map when there are other trucks around you or at gas stations. When you come back in-game, you may find your rig fly apart. If you need to check map, move away from other trucks or gas station.
9) Drive safely. Convoy is not about competition, it's about teamwork.
10) If you have an accident don't count on everyone to wait for you. But if you send a 10-78 (assistance needed) message, they may slow down to allow you to catch up.
11) If you see other player driving dangerously stay away from them. You can /report them if there is an admin online.
12) Do not ram, crash or bump into other players - in other words: keep safe distance (again!)
13) Do not rush, everyone in convoy before you need to take their time unloading, if you can't stand waiting, leave the convoy and try solo missions.

Anyone disobeying convoy rules will be removed from convoy. That means they will lose convoy bonus. May also face fine if cause accident.

Road rules:
1) All players should obey standard set of road laws.
2) Driving on right hand side of the road, and in the right hand lane unless overtaking.
3) Obey speedlimits: For trucks and buses: 50kph in cities/towns, 80 on roads and 100 on freeway. (all other vehicles 50/90/130) (/speedlimits for MPH/current road info)
4) Give right of way for players on main roads - use mini map to make sure it's safe to make turns or change lanes
5) Keep safe distance from other vehicles. Especially when overtaking, make sure you have enough clearance before manouvering!
6) Don't block road. If you need to stop, pull over to the side of the road. Always make sure you are not in anybody's way.

Anyone breaking road rules will be subject to fine up to $2000 or more if they cause accident.

Private vehicles rules (Vehicle ownership):
1) You should park all your cars at your home or in public carpark.
2) Do NOT park your cars on sidewalks, grass or any rooftops: Park them in your garage or driveway within property boundaries. If your house doesn't have enough space for cars, use public carpark. Trucks are recommended to parked only in truck parking (with truck lines). Helicopters must be parked in airport unless your house has a helipad. Vehicle cannot in any way block way or be parked near loading/unloading point.
3) Your car is your problem: You will get no refund whatsoever for destroyed car (exploded or sunk) if you don't insure it. If you forget to insure it or cannot afford insurance, it's your loss. If your car was destroyed by someone else and it was not insured, you can try to claim refund from them. If they refuse to pay AND you have a proof that it's their fault, post on forum.
4) If your rig falls into water and stay there, do not attempt to use cheats to rescue it (cheats will get you banned). Instead use /phone to 'restore' your vehicle. You will find your trailer in the place where you last parked it. If that doesn't work, ask one of the admins for help (/admin [text]).
5) Your vehicles and houses will be removed after 60 days of your inactivity.

Anyone who fails to obey these rules will have their car clamped or removed by admin with NO REFUND.


[hide=Breaking into accounts rules]Breaking into accounts rules:

Admins decided players should at least be given 1 chance, this created new situations:

* Accessing an account that is not yours IF no money was stolen or things wasted.: first time offender: 60 days, 2nd time: 180 days
* Giving your password away or permission to let someone else access your account: 60 days
*Accessing an account and taking money or selling property/wasting money = 180 days instant ban

As you can see, the minimum ban time has become 60 days IF you did not stole any money or fucked up account stats.
NEVER access an account that is not yours!!
If you are sharing your network with other players from Convoy Trucking, you can make us aware in this topic,23966.msg126413.html#msg126413

This applies to :
Friends/neighbourhood friends that come over on regular basis to play with you at your network.
For Friends visitting over for a weekend or just 1 day, use the Admin contact form:;n=8

[hide=Club Rules]
Club Rules:
Every player who has completed 100 truck missions has the right to create own club for any purpose and set any rules or requirements for club members and applicants.
Club name can not be disrespectful, insulting or demeaning in any way.
Club founders can rent any base if their club as long as they follow the "Club base" rules
Club as a whole and its members can not break any of server rules.
Advertising club server in chat or private messages is not allowed. Advertising is allowed on billboard, welcome message, clubs section on forum and announcements - provided it is not flooded.
Any clubs breaking these rules will be removed by admin and club funds will not be refunded.
Server administrators now no longer are responsible for your actions as far as choosing trustworthy staff go. (If you choose a person to be Leader, and they spend all the club money without permission, that is your responsibilty).
Club base rules - these must be followed by any club that is renting a base
Any vehicles parked on club parking by its members must be parked inside base.
Club rules and requirements must be clearly stated on club noticeboard and club forum (if forum exists) and must be reasonable.
All club members have right to park vehicle in base with reasonable requirements.
Applicants can not be asked to donate any money (in-game or real life money) as a requirement to join club unless it's via club donation system where donation amount must be reasonable depending on price of the base.
Club staff can only clamp vehicles if vehicle is parked against club rules stated on club noticeboard. Only vehicles parked inside club base may be clamped.
Clubs that are renting a base must be actively recruiting new members and give reason of rejection if asked.
Club member can not be removed from club unless they break rules stated in club noticeboard.
Any member removed from club must be given a reasonable amount of time (7 days) to move their vehicles from club base before they are clamped.
Club may be removed from base by admin if any of the above rules are not followed.
Any club that has bought a new base, but still contains member vehicles from previous club base owner, cannot clamp vehicles from the previous club. You must contact player to move their vehicles or ask admins to unpark them for you.

Clubs that are renting base and have low membercount may be auditioned by admins and asked to prove that they are an active club. If leaders fail to provide reasonable proof, the club will be removed from base with no refund.

Clubs that break the above rules may be reported via Problems and Complaints section or Admin contact form. When reporting, please include all proof you have.

[hide=other rules]
Deathmatching (killing others) is never allowed on server regardless of the situation. Players who abuse the spraycan to defend their armored van will be banned as per usual.
Carjacking is only allowed for thieves who are attempting to steal the loaded armored vans. Thieves can see loaded armored vans on the map as red icons.
Armored convoy members cannot ram thieves to help out their convoy or friends, they may only ram the thieves to protect themselves and themselves only. Loaded armored van drivers who are ramming thieves not for their own self-defense will subject to the server rules (intentional ramming).
Thieves may only ram loaded armored vans in order to attempt to hijack them. Ramming off-duty armored van drivers is still considered intentional ramming.
Do not restore your armored van until the thief has finished with it, either by completing the mission, failing the mission or leaving the server by any means. The script should now prevent securicars currently being stolen from being restored.
Thieves have the right to camp in preparation to steal a loaded armored van, providing they are not in armored van unload! Whether it is a tollbooth or fuel stations, they are allowed to camp.
Cops are allowed to escort armored van driver(s). As quoted from Mick: "If thieves can camp, let money transport be escorted. This should deter thieves."
Cops however are not allowed to ram or block thieves until they are wanted. You must wait until a thief becomes wanted before ramming or blocking the thief, otherwise your badge will be revoked due to violation of the cop rules.
Thiefs are not allowed to use aircraft vehicles to stop securicar drivers. Diving into players will lead into a ban of 7 days or more, and using an aircraft to block the road or ramming purposes will lead into a license revoke/warn/ban.
Securicar drivers are not allowed to /stopwork /cancel /kill or any other command used to fail the mission while being hijacked or attempted to. You chose to do securicar missions , the risk to being robbed is yours, do not cancel missions when being hijacked.

[hide=Loans and scamming rules]
There has been a few reports of scamming recently, in the form of not paying back a loan. We are changing how we handle scamming reports relating to loans, meaning that;
borrowers cannot exploit the fact "no repayment date was agreed on" anymore - admins will now inform the borrower that he must pay back the loan within a reasonable amount of time or be found guilty of scamming
NOTE: you should still agree on your own repayment dates! Admin intervention is a last resort.
Admins have to give reasonable amount of time to pay loan back which could mean weeks or possibly months.
admins can now forcibly take the money back from borrower if the borrower did not pay back by the agreed date - if borrower doesn't have enough money we will sell their property to compensate
General advice when loaning money;
always agree on a certain date that the borrower must pay you back by - this counts as an agreement and will be enforced by admins if borrower decides to scam you out of your money
you should screenshot the agreement being made (press F8)
make sure they agree to pay you back by a certain date on server property like chat, CB or PM. Agreements from Facebook/Skype etc do not count
do not accept indeterminate answers like 'soon', 'later' and so on, the date must be an actual date or a duration of time!
if borrower has not paid you back by the agreed date, report them on forum as 'scamming' along with proof of agreement and admins will look into it
if you do not have proof of the agreement, post where you made the agreement (what CB you were in, were you using PM etc) and admins will try to search logs
if you did not settle on a date that the borrower must pay you back by, you should contact the borrower and attempt to agree on a date.
do not accept indeterminate answers like 'soon', 'later' and so on, the date must be an actual date or a duration of time!
if the borrower refuses to negotiate a date, you may report them on forum where admins will give them a reasonable amount of time to pay loan back
if you both agreed on a date, make sure you screenshot the agreement

[hide=Allowed modifications]
Modifications Allowed and Not Allowed
This is list of features that are not allowed in server. Any mod that has any of these features is not allowed in server:

Vehicle health or repair modifications, altering vehicle damages or components like nos, also infinite nitrous, infinite health, teleporting or spawning vehicles.
Speed/handling modification (ie. speedhack, drift lines, 'winter mod' changing grip)
Any mods giving access to normally unavailable places/interiors like inside of gas station, airbreak etc.
Teleporting player
Giving jetpack, weapons, armour, health
Special abilities like climbing walls, gravity, flying, teleporting or other normally not available in server.
Changing player weather
ELM/Emergency Light Mod (it is visible to other players!)
Anything that appears for other players like a hack or something that isn't normally available in game or gamemode.

This means that Emergency Lights Mod is not allowed (it alters vehicle damages!) and players using ELM will be kicked from server. Players using forbidden mods may be also banned from server.

Mods that are allowed in server are:
textures alterations
camhack (allowing player to spectate, but player must stand in place)
Vehicle mods if they appear normally for other players, no jumping/hovering or sinking in the road

If you have doubts whether your mod is allowed or not, post in the Help board, one of the admins will give you answer.

[hide=Forum Rules]
Forum rules:
) Respect other users. Disrespectul behaviour, threats and insults are not allowed.
- do not accuse any players or staff members of anything without providing proof.
2) Do not post or send unwanted messages, do not flood, do not repost the same information multiple times.
3) Do not 'bump' or post into topics that have not been replied in for 30 days. Depending on the topic, (social or official), you may be warned and have your post removed.
4) When applying/appealing/requesting include ALL required information.
5) "Reports and requests" section is a restricted area: Posts can be replied only by admins and users who can provide additional information/proof. If your issue is solved before it's replied by an admin, or you want to cancel your requets, lock your topic.
6) Do not PM admins. If you need to pass any confidential informations to admins (not moderators), use this form only!
7) Before posting make sure you are posting in the correct board. Use this info to find out if you're posting in the correct section.
8) Check FAQ, tutorials and use search before you post any questions - this will save you time.
9) Forum signatures and avatars cannot contain sounds or animations (unless they are activated by mouseclick).
10) Impersonating another user, especially a staff member is not allowed.
11) Any malicious activity, including posting links to viruses and malicious scripts is not allowed.
12) Do not abuse capital letters; do not write LIKE THIS or Like This.
13) Advertising is not allowed without permission from an admin.
14) Do not post information on how to evade server or forum ban.
15) Administrators reserve right to delete your topic/post or ban your account if you break the forum rules. Repeated offenders will be banned permanently from both forum and server.
16) Rules are subject to interpretation by server staff, but complaints may be posted in Problems and Complaints
17) Do not hack or attempt to circumvent forum restrictions (signature restrictions, ban evasion)

[hide=Shoutbox rules:]

Shoutbox rules

These are the basic rules for using the shoutbox. By using the shoutbox, you are hereby declaring that you have read through these rules and will follow them.

1.   Respect other users. Disrespectful behavior will not be accepted.
2.   Do not post or send unwanted messages, do not flood, do not re-post the same information multiple times, do not ask for unbans/unwarns etc.
3.   Use common sense.
4.   Any malicious activity, including posting links to viruses, illegal downloads and malicious scripts is not allowed.
5.   Do not advertise clubs or events in the Shoutbox. Do not advertise other SA-MP servers, whether IP or website.
6.   All server and forum rules apply for the Shoutbox too. (,11.0.html)
7.   Do not make admin / staff requests in the Shoutbox, for example asking for unban or requests. This may result in a Shoutbox ban. Also posting links to these are not allowed either.
8.   Only speak English in the Shoutbox.
9.   Don't post about server restarts / issues since they can't be fixed from the Shoutbox, the Shoutbox is intended to be used for friendly conversations.
10. Report a rule breaker by taking a screenshot and using the forum's report area.
11. Report Shoutbox bugs using the "bug reports" section of the forum. Joshy will look into it and possibly fix the bug. However he won't accept bug reports from people using old browsers like Internet Explorer 8, you should update.
12. Do not post links to adult material, screamers, or to images / sites that could be considered "not safe for work" material. You can post links that are acceptable for normal use, do not use link shorterners. We reserve the right to interpret whether certain links are appropriate or not.
13. Do not post any IP address of any player including yourself, or other server; does not include current server IP.
14. CT staff reserve the rights to remove messages as of result of breaking rules.

Breaking these rules may result in temporary or permanent ban. Got banned? The only way to appeal is contacting an admin and take a screenshot immediately when you get banned. Failure to provide a screenshot in Shoutbox ban appeal will likely lead to your appeal being rejected. Only unfair bans can be appealed.


[hide=signature restrictions]
As you know signatures have been limited to 2 pictures, with maximum height of 100. But due to users circumventing this limitation using "div" tag and making huge signatures, i needed to disable that tag from signatures.

Today thanks to Joshy we can lift some of these restrictions, so you can put more images in your signatures, use "div" tag again, and bigger images. If your signature exceeds allowed size, scroll bars will appear. Current height is set to 200px, but may change in the future.
You still can't use animations in your signature or avatar (unless you put it below visible portion of your signature), or any scripts or tags that enlarge visible portion of the signature


You have time now on your hands to read them all
Quote from: Dux on April 22, 2017, 06:22First of all!! You are not supposed as an admin to check chatlogs!!




Anything left I updated it!!

Is there anything more?