Juli_340 (insulting / disrespect / threats)

Started by Gerardo507, December 03, 2015, 02:32


Player reported:

Rule broken: insulting / disrespect / threats
Date and time: 02/12/2015 21:19

Excessive use of the command / me
I insult users of the Servant and Spanish speaks in the Chat Principal

Evidence: http://imgur.com/fzvlg9f


[21:19:22] * Juli_340 Tgs lamepito
[21:19:38] * Juli_340 Jueputa sua mae
[21:19:40] (CB:4) Juli_340: Kkkkkkkkk
[21:19:48] * Juli_340 Si puteo en portugues yy yy y
[21:20:09] * Juli_340 IRed se la come :O


[21:19:22] * Juli_340 Tgs (thegabriel_seba) dick licker
[21:19:38] * Juli_340 son of bitch your mom
[21:19:40] (CB:4) Juli_340: Kkkkkkkkk (thats laugh in portuguese)
[21:19:48] * Juli_340: yes i insult in portuguese
[21:20:09] * Juli_340 IRed eat dick
