[Update 1.0 - 2015.03.13] Emergency Lights CLEO script by nyolc8

Started by nyolc8, February 08, 2015, 13:59


I like that idea,  but what about having the strobe lights set up like you have the advisor? Press it once for strobe 1, then again for 1 & 2 and a third time for all three? If that is possible though.


Advisor not working like what you described anymore. Are you using latest version?

I'l upload a new video about the current progress in a few minutes.


Yeah I have the newest version, you press K to turn it on, then L to change the pattern. That's what I meant with the strobe, but have it so you just press the J button x amount of times to enable the amount of strobes if that makes sense. But I'll have a look at your video and that will probably show it better then trying to explain it lol. I'm tired and things aren't making alot of sense lol.


I get what you said, for now I show how I improved the status icon thing (visually), also all 3 strobe lights used for example:

(colors looks strange because of mobile phone camera recording)

I still have to make fully the "all strobe on/off" feature (it works in video) because it doesn't support vehicles yet which have a strobe light but not all 3 of them.


Wow! Ok that is actually really good! so you can select the extra strobes with U,I,O? (or assigned keys) and turn all the strobe lights off with the J key yes?


Yes, J switches all strobe together on/off, but you can switch the three strobe lights on/off seperately with U,I,O. :)


Excellent :D can I just ask what did you mean by supporting vehicles?

Also because this EL mod is so awesome... Have another cookie lol.


I mean, if you set a vehicle for example to have strobe 1 and strobe 3 but not strobe 2, then the J key gets messed up. I'm working to fix this in this moment too.


Ah ok, I got you. It is amazing what you come up with Nyolc8! I think 80% of the mods I use for SAMP are yours lol.


Thanks :D btw I just successfully fixed the issue with the J (switch all strobe) :P




Spotlight, strobes, Main EL, advisor, front and rear flashers...


well, the spotlight is just imvehft foglight :D (and I also turned on he imvehft blinkers)

what I want to do:
- try to find out how to make coronas to be visible from just specified angles (just like how the game and imvehft does)
- somehow make custom emergency lights for all visible copcars
- fix the light-shadow "lagg" on the ground (if you go fast, the shadow being "left behind"), also change it from round, to beam-like

but I have no idea how to make these yet...


Ah ok, still looks cool though :D

The 1st & 2nd ones I don't even know how they work lol.

The lag though, I fixed that by simply increasing the size of the shadow and it makes it more realistic to have a bigger reflection area for the main EL's.