Dobby (exploiting bugs)

Started by TowTow, June 24, 2014, 10:50


Player reported:

Rule broken: exploiting bugs
Date and time: today


The access to the garage is the definition for that house number 1 to park inside the garage built-in.
If Joshy trends to define any other rules about parking, this is another story.
You need to be honest with players owning that house before as they were told to by ADMINS to park in designed carpark, however that house has got its garage built-in.
You cannot say "no problem with that"   as been told to earlier  players "clamp as parked illegally"
Please be fair if you want the community to respect you.
I do so far.


Where Dobbys car is parked is technically a driveway, which is in the car ownership rules, is allowed.
There are also other houses in SA that have garages, but do not need to be parked in there.
Ive also looked at all the messages from previous owners, and searched for any clamps, i could not find any. So dont make excuses up :)
If you have any proof of any staff member telling anyone who has owned #1 that it is illegal to park there, feel free to make a complaint. However i will tell you now they are immediately wrong.

Joshy, and myself are being fair to the community here, although only Dobby (and any future owner of house #1 is affected).
If you want another explanation, feel free to PM Joshy + me, or make a complaint. But your answer will be the exact same.
25/8/11 - 4/10/15: 1502 days of continuous staff duty C:-)