TowTow (scamming)

Started by DeHavilland, June 13, 2014, 13:36


Player reported:

Rule broken: scamming
Date and time: 15:00 GMT+2

He scammed us on the carshow he hosted, in the chat he didn't tell us to pay a entre fee, 1 min before it started, he spammed the chat with /givecash 25 and so on. Later when the carshow was over he didn't give any cash to Shoaib who won 1st & 2nd place, I told him to reply here if he has recived anything after I left.

[hide=Here is chatlog]
[15:02:29] Hello DeHavilland, welcome back after 18 hours!

[15:02:29] * PIG DeHavilland (1) connected: Owner of: BMW 525D, Volvo 740 & Toyota Carina

[15:02:33] [GH_Gumikacsa] delivered fuel to Las Colinas gas station

[15:02:34] <Shoaib> wb DH

[15:02:34] <RoadKing[CRO].> hey DeHav

[15:02:38] * You have $500 fines

[15:02:41] (Message: CVTM) There is a new important memo on the noticeboard in CONVOYTRUCKING MATES.

[15:02:43] <IngmarV8[NL]> DH :)

[15:02:44] <_MAGNUM_> wait me i have 3 cars :D

[15:02:48] <Shoaib> 1st get 150k 2nd get 100k 3rd get 50k

[15:02:48] <TowTow> 10-59 no obligation but we welcome CarShowers @ /cb 21 (convoy)

[15:02:50] <Ribbit>  /cb *

[15:02:51] <DeHavilland> Hello and ty

[15:02:51] You can type /7 to go AFK and /8 when you are back. More about ten codes in /codes

[15:03:03] TowTow (25) is in Linden Station, Las Venturas

[15:03:06] maurizio96 delivered machines from RS Haul to Eyre Sawmill.

[15:03:08] * Rookie Trucker MalleSmurf (26) connected

[15:03:09] <DeHavilland> Where is carshow?

[15:03:10] * Cezy announced: /apply Indian Transporters

[15:03:11] Jorimart. completed flight from Los Santos to Milestone County with Shamal

[15:03:16] <Cezy> 10-7  (off air)

[15:03:16] <Ribbit> :YES:

[15:03:20] * Trucker Of The Year Kiko (27) connected: {ff0000}/apply {ffff00}Europa {ff0000}Transport

[15:03:23] <Robert_Skipi> wb kiko

[15:03:25] <Koki> wb kiko

[15:03:26] <Ribbit> wb kiko

[15:03:28] * qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq vivikie (32) connected

[15:03:30] <Kiko> ty

[15:03:35] <Ribbit> spam rank

[15:03:36] Mario_Mariuzzo delivered fuel to Montgomery gas station

[15:03:36] coast delivered fuel to Montgomery gas station

[15:03:42] Narayana_Karthik left the server (exit)

[15:03:44] Cezy left the server (exit)

[15:03:44] Antangin_JRG left the server (Timed out)

[15:03:57] <Robert_Skipi> come cb

[15:04:04] * CB channel set to 21. There is 5 more players on this channel:

[15:04:04] * Shoaib, Bazatul., Koki, TowTow, Jorimart.

[15:04:12] [GH_Gumikacsa] delivered fuel to Idlewood gas station

[15:04:28] <TowTow> 10-59 no obligation but we welcome CarShowers @ /cb 21          TimeToWin 7 minutes (convoy)

[15:04:32] <RoadKing[CRO].> packetloss: 0.0

[15:04:32] [CZ]Kuba5 delivered fuel to Las Colinas gas station

[15:04:33] <RoadKing[CRO].> :)

[15:04:37] Drive only on right-hand side of the road and do not exceed speed limits, same driving rules apply as in real life

[15:04:38] (CB:21) Shoaib: anyone can help my cars?

[15:04:44] (CB:21) Shoaib: pls spawn at blackfiled

[15:04:44] <_MAGNUM_> meep baza

[15:04:46] * Aly254 joined CB channel 21

[15:04:46] (CB:21) TowTow: how

[15:04:46] (CB:21) Bazatul.: meep

[15:04:47] maurizio96 is starting an artic trailer convoy in {AA3333}Wet County{FFFFFF}. Type {AA3333}/convoy 8{FFFFFF} to join

[15:04:50] <Bazatul.> meep

[15:05:00] Andy[RO] delivered concrete from Los Santos Warehouse to Construction Site.

[15:05:04] (CB:21) Shoaib: Tow help me?

[15:05:06] <RoadKing[CRO].> cops are here

[15:05:09] Mario_Mariuzzo delivered fuel to Dillimore gas station

[15:05:15] * Aly254 left CB channel 21

[15:05:19] * Aly254 joined CB channel 21

[15:05:22] (CB:21) Aly254: hei

[15:05:23] <RoadKing[CRO].> let's speed up

[15:05:25] (CB:21) Bazatul.: hey

[15:05:27] (CB:21) Shoaib: Hi

[15:05:37] (CB:21) Aly254: how are you guys?

[15:05:38] Kelgutaja delivered supplies from Warehouse to Angel Pine Shopping.

[15:05:39] ChapChap delivered fuel to Las Colinas gas station

[15:05:41] (CB:21) Shoaib: good you?

[15:05:50] <Mario_Mariuzzo> where is car show?

[15:05:51] (CB:21) Aly254: i am fine :D doing some fuel

[15:05:52] You have joined convoy. The leader is TowTow(25)

[15:05:52] TowTow currently off duty. Wait for a mission to begin.

[15:05:56] (CB:21) Shoaib: LLinden Sattion

[15:05:59] <Ribbit> Linden Side

[15:06:01] <Shoaib> LLinden Sattion

[15:06:08] <Mario_Mariuzzo> where?

[15:06:09] (CB:21) TowTow: CARSHOW now  @ TrainStation /join 25 (meeting is progress) @ Linden Side, Las Venturas

[15:06:10] (CB:21) Aly254: so is there a carshow?

[15:06:11] (CB:21) Shoaib: someone help me get my cars?

[15:06:14] <David>  linden side..

[15:06:14] (CB:21) Bazatul.: time left?

[15:06:15] <TowTow> CARSHOW now  @ TrainStation /join 25 (meeting is progress) @ Linden Side, Las Venturas

[15:06:17] Shoaib(6) has joined the convoy

[15:06:18] Craw delivered fuel to Milestone County gas station

[15:06:19] <Ribbit> rockshore east

[15:06:21] <_MAGNUM_> in lv

[15:06:23] Kiko(27) has joined the convoy

[15:06:24] You should always follow the /rules. More explicit rules can be found on

[15:06:28] (CB:21) Aly254: pls wait m

[15:06:35] (CB:21) Shoaib: someone help me?

[15:06:35] * Rookie Trucker Antangin_JRG (18) connected

[15:06:39] (CB:21) Aly254: with?

[15:06:42] Robert_Skipi delivered fuel to Montgomery gas station

[15:06:44] <Ribbit>  /gps rockshore east or /reclass to it

[15:06:45] (CB:21) Shoaib: get vehciles

[15:06:50] (CB:21) Jorimart.: im helping me xd

[15:06:50] vivikie left the server (exit)

[15:06:52] (CB:21) Aly254: from where?

[15:06:57] (CB:21) Shoaib: blackfield

[15:07:00] (CB:21) Shoaib: my house

[15:07:01] * Rookie Trucker Morphine (23) connected

[15:07:08] <Ribbit> wb morph

[15:07:12] <RoadKing[CRO].> hi morph

[15:07:13] TowTow left convoy.

[15:07:15] (CB:21) Aly254: finish this and than of course

[15:07:15] <Morphine> Thanks man :)

[15:07:18] You repaired Bullet!

[15:07:18] RoadKing[CRO]. managed to steal Sultan

[15:07:26] <Jorimart.> hav pls move a little

[15:07:26] <Morphine> Hey RoadKing :)

[15:07:27] (CB:21) Aly254: do you have a lot of cars?

[15:07:27] * Most Valuated Trucker Doctor_Who (24) connected: Dont mind me im just checking some mods :D

[15:07:27] Officer [CZ]Kuba5 asked you to pay $500 for your tickets. You have 30 sec to /pay your tickets

[15:07:29] You paid $500 fine to officer [CZ]Kuba5

[15:07:31] (CB:21) Shoaib: 30

[15:07:35] <Jorimart.> thank you bro

[15:07:35] (CB:21) Aly254: damn..

[15:07:38] <[CZ]Kuba5> nice

[15:07:38] <Doctor_Who> hello all

[15:07:39] (CB:21) Shoaib: i will jsut take spcial vehciles

[15:07:43] <Ribbit> heydoc who

[15:07:44] (CB:21) Shoaib: 7

[15:07:49] <Doctor_Who> hey ribbit

[15:07:53] MalleSmurf left the server (exit)

[15:07:54] <Ribbit> :>

[15:08:01] (CB:21) Shoaib: 4 more to go

[15:08:05] * Respected Trucker Kavarna (32) connected

[15:08:06] <David>  :<

[15:08:09] <DeHavilland> hoi, hoe gat het?

[15:08:12] See a cheater? /report him to admins. Don't ever report in game chat!

[15:08:13] (CB:21) Koki: when start ?

[15:08:14] Kelgutaja delivered mixed goods from Sandus dock to Angel Pine Warehouse.

[15:08:14] (CB:21) Aly254: i have 2 red and one sf

[15:08:15] <David>  english xd

[15:08:17] (CB:21) Aly254: is fast one

[15:08:19] <IngmarV8[NL]> hahaha buddy!

[15:08:22] <DeHavilland> :D

[15:08:23] <TowTow> 10-59 no obligation but we welcome CarShowers @ /cb 21          TimeToWin 7 minutes (convoy)

[15:08:24] <IngmarV8[NL]> het gaat goed :)

[15:08:28] Robert_Skipi delivered fuel to Dillimore gas station

[15:08:31] <DeHavilland> nice :D

[15:08:38] Andy[RO] delivered concrete from Linden Side to Blueberry Constructions.

[15:08:47] Enigma. delivered sand from Hunter Quarry to Construction site.

[15:08:52] * Cookie Monster WhiteBear (26) connected

[15:08:53] <_MAGNUM_> lol kiko xD

[15:08:56] (CB:21) Shoaib: wb Wb

[15:08:56] Pixel delivered sand from Hunter Quarry to Construction site.

[15:08:57] * Pixel advanced to Rookie Trucker!

[15:09:00] <DeHavilland> Wb

[15:09:02] <Jorimart.> gz slots?

[15:09:02] <Kavarna> *gz

[15:09:03] <David>  mini gz

[15:09:03] <Morphine> super gz bro!

[15:09:04] <Ribbit> mini gz pixel

[15:09:05] <Aly254> wb wb

[15:09:06] <TowTow> Thank you

[15:09:07] <maurizio96> gz

[15:09:08] <WhiteBear> Hello

[15:09:11] David delivered food from Eyre Freight Depot to Dutchmen keys Gas Station.

[15:09:12] (CB:21) Bazatul.: np

[15:09:13] <WhiteBear> lol im in  @ jail

[15:09:17] (CB:21) Bazatul.: wait me for 1 car..pls

[15:09:20] (CB:21) Shoaib:  /breakout

[15:09:24] <Shoaib>  /breakout

[15:09:32] (CB:21) TowTow: sure

[15:09:39] (CB:21) Koki: when start ?

[15:09:40] (CB:21) Shoaib: 3 more for me

[15:09:42] <IngmarV8[NL]> why is the 4 slot 30m and 6 slot 24m? @ red county / LV ?

[15:09:42] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:09:47] <WhiteBear> meh 20 sec left

[15:09:47] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:09:49] * Respected Trucker spike28 (33) connected

[15:09:50] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:09:51] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:09:52] Aly254 delivered fuel to Montgomery gas station

[15:09:55] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:09:59] Visit Shops to purchase items, licenses, drinks, car insurance, or sell your vehicles (S icon on map)

[15:10:01] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:10:01] David left the server (exit)

[15:10:03] [GH_Gumikacsa] delivered fuel to Wet County gas station

[15:10:03] <WhiteBear> because gate ?

[15:10:11] <[CZ]Kuba5> sorry bro :D

[15:10:11] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:10:15] (CB:21) Shoaib: gate or helipad

[15:10:15] <IngmarV8[NL]> yeh but then is the 6 slot 48m? but now is 24

[15:10:20] <Shoaib> gate or helipad

[15:10:20] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:10:21] <Ribbit> lel sry didnt mean to lock my brakes up xd

[15:10:25] (CB:21) Koki: when start ??

[15:10:29] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:10:30] (CB:21) Shoaib: soon

[15:10:33] <[CZ]Kuba5> :D

[15:10:33] Andy[RO] delivered concrete from Blueberry Constructions to Glen Park Construction.

[15:10:35] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:10:37] <Ribbit> :D

[15:10:42] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:10:43] You cant respray this vehicle!

[15:10:45] Craw delivered fuel to Bayside gas station

[15:10:47] <Ribbit> uh oh forgot to /pay anyway XD

[15:10:52] (CB:21) Shoaib: anyone help me?

[15:10:52] <[CZ]Kuba5> :D

[15:11:00] <[CZ]Kuba5> your destination? :D

[15:11:00] (CB:21) Bazatul.: done @ Linden Station, Las Venturas

[15:11:05] spike28 left the server (Timed out)

[15:11:06] Aly254 delivered fuel to Dillimore gas station

[15:11:08] (CB:21) Aly254: one more sho

[15:11:12] (CB:21) Shoaib: bazat spawn at blackfield and help me?

[15:11:12] <Ribbit> LV

[15:11:15] (CB:21) Shoaib: ok

[15:11:31] Doctor_Who delivered fuel to Vice City Island gas station

[15:11:46] San Andreas Police Department is now hiring! Log on to to pass the test and receive your police badge today!

[15:11:53] (CB:21) TowTow: BAZ top creative in color choice  GZZZZ

[15:12:05] <Kiko> when will car show start ?

[15:12:05] <mlwu10> 10-8 (on air)

[15:12:09] (CB:21) Bazatul.: ty

[15:12:11] <Shoaib> soon

[15:12:20] Robert_Skipi delivered fuel to Doherty gas station

[15:12:32] <[CZ]Kuba5> police escort :D

[15:12:36] <Ribbit> lelxd

[15:12:45] (CB:21) TowTow: SHOAIB top creative in color choice for scales GZZZZ

[15:12:53] (CB:21) Shoaib: thx Tow

[15:12:54] * Respected Trucker spike28 (0) connected

[15:13:11] <mlwu10> meep

[15:13:14] <Doctor_Who> meep

[15:13:14] * Rookie Trucker Ferrante (33) connected

[15:13:17] Ribbit delivered dirt from LV Construction Site to Landfill.

[15:13:19] * Speedy Hazzardel (34) connected: /apply Hazza Trucking

[15:13:23] (CB:21) Shoaib: wb Hazz

[15:13:27] <Shoaib> wb Hazz

[15:13:32] Want to stay in touch with your convoy mates? Add them to /contacts.

[15:13:32] * Ribbit puts hands up

[15:13:32] (CB:21) TowTow: INGMAR    the houuse of PICASSO lovely

[15:13:33] <Hazzardel> ty

[15:13:34] [GH_Gumikacsa] delivered fuel to Vice City Island gas station

[15:13:35] <[CZ]Kuba5> arrest? :D

[15:13:47] <Ribbit> you have to lel

[15:13:49] (CB:21) DeHavilland: :okay?:

[15:13:49] * Trucker Wannabe [BG]Flash (35) connected: Bulgarian Trucker

[15:13:50] <_MAGNUM_> omg nab

[15:13:50] <[CZ]Kuba5> OK :d

[15:13:51] Officer [CZ]Kuba5 jailed Ribbit for 1 minutes

[15:13:52] (CB:21) Bazatul.: start the carshow?

[15:13:54] <Ribbit> thx:)

[15:13:54] <[CZ]Kuba5> ty :D

[15:13:55] <Mario_Mariuzzo> you

[15:13:55] (CB:21) Shoaib: 2 mre to go

[15:13:56] (CB:21) Aly254: wait pls

[15:14:01] Aly254 delivered fuel to Doherty gas station

[15:14:12] (CB:21) Koki: looll aly u are in sf

[15:14:15] (CB:21) TowTow: JORI how great  GZZZ

[15:14:20] Andy[RO] delivered concrete from Los Santos Warehouse to Construction Site.

[15:14:20] (CB:21) Jorimart.: ty

[15:14:27] (CB:21) Aly254: i am at black sho

[15:14:32] (CB:21) Shoaib: wait ther

[15:14:37] (CB:21) Shoaib: coming

[15:14:39] (CB:21) Aly254: where is your house?

[15:14:40] <Ribbit> 10-7  (off air)

[15:14:42] (CB:21) Shoaib: go to my house

[15:14:50] maurizio96 delivered export goods from Bio Engineering to San Fierro Airport.

[15:14:52] coast delivered fuel to Wet County gas station

[15:14:54] (CB:21) Aly254: founded

[15:14:58] (CB:21) Shoaib: 1551 id

[15:15:01] (CB:21) Aly254: near hotdog?

[15:15:10] maurizio96 is starting an artic trailer convoy in {AA3333}San Fierro{FFFFFF}. Type {AA3333}/convoy 8{FFFFFF} to join

[15:15:10] (CB:21) TowTow: MAGNUM simple but so expressive GZZZ

[15:15:18] WhiteBear delivered earnings from Xoomer to Bank.

[15:15:19] Spamming or advertising in chat is not allowed

[15:15:20] <_MAGNUM_> omg

[15:15:22] <[CZ]Kuba5> thank you::))

[15:15:25] * Trucker Wannabe AldonaNeDurna (36) connected

[15:15:27] (CB:21) DeHavilland: No comments about my bullet :okay:

[15:15:27] <[BG]Flash> ;)

[15:15:29] (CB:21) Jorimart.: lowrider magnum

[15:15:43] Enigma. delivered industrial waste from Shipyard to Landfill.

[15:15:45] * Classic Cezy (37) connected: {3399FF}Only the sky is the limit.

[15:15:57] <Andy[RO]> wb Cezy

[15:15:58] <Cezy> carshow ended?

[15:16:01] <Cezy> thanks andy

[15:16:05] coast left the server (Timed out)

[15:16:05] ChapChap left the server (Timed out)

[15:16:05] (CB:21) Shoaib: Special vehicle SHOAIB :D

[15:16:07] <Aly254> meep Doctor who

[15:16:10] <Oscarodri[ESP]> 10-20 Linden Side, Las Venturas

[15:16:10] <Bazatul.> wb cez

[15:16:13] [BG]Flash left the server (Timed out)

[15:16:13] (CB:21) DeHavilland: lol dat dumper

[15:16:15] <Doctor_Who> meep

[15:16:16] (CB:21) Jorimart.: i have money to buy 1

[15:16:17] (CB:21) Jorimart.: xd

[15:16:20] <Cezy> Thanks baza

[15:16:23] (CB:21) TowTow: DH best ever before the clock starts GZZZ

[15:16:23] * Cezy joined CB channel 21

[15:16:24] (CB:21) Shoaib: mine?

[15:16:26] Pixel delivered industrial waste from Shipyard to Landfill.

[15:16:27] (CB:21) Cezy: Hella

[15:16:29] (CB:21) DeHavilland: Thank you

[15:16:31] * Respected Trucker ChapChap (10) connected

[15:16:35] (CB:21) Cezy: wait me

[15:16:42] <Jorimart.> kiko

[15:16:45] <Jorimart.> leave my nrg pls

[15:16:45] <Robert_Skipi> 10-13 (weather report)

[15:16:45] <Kiko> ?

[15:16:54] Doctor_Who delivered fuel to Bone County gas station

[15:17:02] <Bazatul.> no ramm

[15:17:04] <Oscarodri[ESP]> shit

[15:17:04] (CB:21) Koki: pls start the carshow

[15:17:04] (CB:21) Cezy: cs ended?

[15:17:05] (CB:21) DeHavilland: I can't stop laugh for the dumper @Shoaib

[15:17:06] Security reminder: don't give your password to anyone and don't use the same password in other servers.

[15:17:10] (CB:21) Cezy: noo wait me

[15:17:12] <[CZ]Kuba5> ty

[15:17:12] (CB:21) Shoaib: why?

[15:17:12] <IngmarV8[NL]> dude..

[15:17:13] <_MAGNUM_> hi is rammed me too

[15:17:13] * Transport Tycoon GhastSk_[ZaBiL] (16) connected: Slovakian Trucker 13/17. Zdarec Sranec

[15:17:14] <Doctor_Who> np

[15:17:19] (CB:21) Aly254: 1 moment

[15:17:19] <Oscarodri[ESP]> sry

[15:17:20] <[CZ]Kuba5> Wb ghast

[15:17:27] (CB:21) Bazatul.: 10-23 @ Linden Side, Las Venturas (arrived at location)

[15:17:28] <[CZ]Kuba5> sorry

[15:17:31] <Morphine> sorry man

[15:17:32] (CB:21) Shoaib: take pics and post on foeum :D

[15:17:36] <Kiko> when will car show start ?

[15:17:38] * MAERSK Group Trucker Jamarca (35) connected

[15:17:40] (CB:21) TowTow: Look at Koki's Tornado   cracking really GZZZ

[15:17:41] <Shoaib> soon

[15:17:41] <Robert_Skipi> 10-20 Julius Thruway South, Las Venturas, Heading East

[15:17:47] <WhiteBear>  /events?

[15:17:49] (CB:21) Koki: ty tow

[15:17:52] Morphine delivered oil drums from LS Island Docks to Oil refinery.

[15:17:55] (CB:21) Jorimart.: tornado is dangerous

[15:17:57] (CB:21) Jorimart.: is to low xd

[15:17:57] <Jamarca> hello all

[15:18:02] <WhiteBear> hi

[15:18:09] <Robert_Skipi> 10-20 Julius Thruway East, Las Venturas, Heading North East

[15:18:10] <_MAGNUM_> omg

[15:18:27] (CB:21) DeHavilland: Bazatul, first time I see Flash in purple colour, me wants one now too xD

[15:18:27] <Jorimart.> kiko.....

[15:18:27] (CB:21) Shoaib: Fuckoo Robert

[15:18:27] (CB:21) Cezy: lool

[15:18:32] <[CZ]Kuba5> shit lag

[15:18:32] <Andy[RO]> laggg

[15:18:42] <Doctor_Who> lol lag

[15:18:42] ChapChap left the server (exit)

[15:18:42] <_MAGNUM_> fucking server lagg

[15:18:42] spike28 delivered machines from LVA Freight Depot to The Panopticon Sawmill.

[15:18:47] <[CZ]Kuba5> road wasn't loaded :D

[15:18:47] <Shoaib> Fuckoo Robert these are special evhicles not your RT

[15:18:47] <Mario_Mariuzzo> 10-13 why?(weather report)

[15:18:52] <WhiteBear> allmost died

[15:18:52] Remember: Driving on train tracks is not allowed

[15:19:00] <Mario_Mariuzzo> 10-13 why(weather report)

[15:19:00] <_MAGNUM_> omg

[15:19:00] Kavarna is muted for flooding attempt

[15:19:04] (CB:21) Cezy: car limit?

[15:19:04] <Jorimart.> oh fuck

[15:19:10] Kavarna left the server (exit)

[15:19:10] Jorimart. left the server (exit)

[15:19:12] <[CZ]Kuba5> t

[15:19:18] Andy[RO] delivered concrete from Linden Side to Construction site.

[15:19:21] <IngmarV8[NL]> lol dh xD

[15:19:27] <_MAGNUM_> all stp pls

[15:19:27] <DeHavilland> wut? :D

[15:19:46] <TowTow> 10-59 WINNER in 11 minutes (convoy)

[15:19:46] (CB:21) Cezy: laggg

[15:19:46] GhastSk_[ZaBiL] left the server (exit)

[15:19:46] (CB:21) Shoaib: omg osacar coem on

[15:19:50] Hazzardel delivered money from Bank of Las Venturas to Bank of San Fierro.

[15:19:52] <DeHavilland> 5 mins!

[15:19:53] Doctor_Who delivered fuel to Tierra Robada gas station

[15:20:00] <_MAGNUM_> 11 lol

[15:20:05] <WhiteBear> yay Im in water no admin online.....

[15:20:06] <DeHavilland> noway

[15:20:08] <_MAGNUM_> 5 max

[15:20:08] (CB:21) Koki: loool

[15:20:10] <TowTow> 10-59 WINNER in 1 minute 10 sec (convoy)

[15:20:11] Hazzardel left the server (exit)

[15:20:12] (CB:21) Koki: its too much

[15:20:18] <Ribbit> 10-8 (on air)

[15:20:21] [CZ]Kuba5 left the server (exit)

[15:20:21] <_MAGNUM_> nice :)))

[15:20:21] <DeHavilland> Now that sounds better

[15:20:33] <Cezy> wait mee

[15:20:34] Use /email command to save your email address. This will help you recover in case you lose your password.

[15:20:41] * I Got The Munchies (10) connected: Hi everyone :D

[15:20:44] <_MAGNUM_> baza nice flash

[15:20:46] (CB:21) Shoaib: 5 more minutes?

[15:20:48] Munchies left the server (Timed out)

[15:20:50] <Ribbit> hey munchies

[15:20:51] (CB:21) DeHavilland: No 1min

[15:20:51] (CB:21) Cezy: yes

[15:20:53] <Ribbit> 10-22 (disregard last message)

[15:20:54] <Bazatul.> Thank you magnum

[15:20:58] (CB:21) Shoaib: lol

[15:20:59] (CB:21) Aly254: 5 more...

[15:21:01] <Robert_Skipi> meep

[15:21:01] (CB:21) Shoaib: 5

[15:21:01] (CB:21) DeHavilland: NO

[15:21:02] (CB:21) Cezy: pls

[15:21:05] (CB:21) Bazatul.: 1 !!!

[15:21:05] (CB:21) DeHavilland: 1 min or gtfo

[15:21:07] <Craw> l

[15:21:07] <_MAGNUM_> =np

[15:21:08] * I Got The Munchies (10) connected: Hi everyone :D

[15:21:08] <Craw> 10-7  (off air)

[15:21:09] (CB:21) Shoaib: please

[15:21:11] (CB:21) Bazatul.: +1 DH

[15:21:13] <_MAGNUM_> 10-22 (disregard last message)

[15:21:13] <Ribbit> hey munchies

[15:21:18] (CB:21) Shoaib: ok 1 min

[15:21:22] <_MAGNUM_> winner now

[15:21:23] <Munchies> Herrro :D

[15:21:27] (CB:21) Koki: why  we  dont pay 25k for each car ?

[15:21:30] (CB:21) DeHavilland: Don't QQ, 1min or gtfo from carshow, you had your time

[15:21:34] WhiteBear left the server (exit)

[15:21:34] <Ribbit> :D

[15:21:39] * Respected Trucker D.Mitew43_BG (16) connected: ///M5

[15:21:39] (CB:21) DeHavilland: No interests for that

[15:21:42] <TowTow> from NOW you have 1 minutes to /givemoney 25 "CS"   I do not accept more 5.000 each !!!

[15:21:49] <Robert_Skipi> winer is kiko`s rt

[15:21:57] <DeHavilland> That scam

[15:22:00] (CB:21) Koki: how much need for each car tow ?

[15:22:01] Doctor_Who delivered fuel to Doherty gas station

[15:22:01] <Shoaib> never

[15:22:05] <TowTow> 1 mn only

[15:22:05] <DeHavilland> You said it was free -_-

[15:22:05] <Ribbit> lel hey DH :)))

[15:22:12] (CB:21) Shoaib: 100k To me

[15:22:12] (CB:21) Aly254: ok boss, sorry for waiting and ty for your time...

[15:22:17] Enigma. delivered barley from Flint County farm to Dr Flour Bakery.

[15:22:20] Do you know what Cruise Control is, or how to get to Wet County? If not, type /help to find out!

[15:22:20] <TowTow> from NOW you have 1 minutes to /givemoney 25 "CS"   I do not accept more 5.000 each !!!

[15:22:30] <Bazatul.> yes... you sait it was free

[15:22:31] <RoadKing[CRO].> ok TowTow we got it

[15:22:33] <DeHavilland> That can be reported for scamming :D

[15:22:34] Pixel delivered barley from Flint County farm to Dr Flour Bakery.

[15:22:38] RoadKing[CRO]. managed to steal Banshee

[15:22:39] <DeHavilland> I think I will do it :P

[15:22:44] <RoadKing[CRO].> go for it

[15:22:47] <Pixel> 10-7  (off air)

[15:22:53] (CB:21) Bazatul.: now is 5k?w

[15:22:53] maurizio96 delivered building materials from Finalbuild Construction to Construction site (Eyre).

[15:22:58] (CB:21) DeHavilland: Yeah

[15:23:00] <TowTow> 10-59 WINNER in 15 secondes (convoy)

[15:23:02] (CB:21) DeHavilland: Scamming

[15:23:04] Morphine left the server (Timed out)

[15:23:06] (CB:21) Bazatul.: yes

[15:23:09] (CB:21) Bazatul.: reported that

[15:23:09] * Andy[RO] $2,000 fines

[15:23:25] (CB:21) Shoaib: ?

[15:23:25] <_MAGNUM_> nice cars :)

[15:23:26] <Ribbit> gz

[15:23:27] <TowTow> Stop donate now !!!

[15:23:31] (CB:21) Koki: ok

[15:23:36] <RoadKing[CRO].> stupid watch dogs

[15:23:50] <TowTow>  Time To Verdict

[15:23:54] <RoadKing[CRO].> my PC is too weak

[15:23:58] D.Mitew43_BG left the server (Timed out)

[15:23:59] Andy[RO] delivered concrete from Hunter Quarry to Construction site.

[15:24:05] <_MAGNUM_> amazing :33

[15:24:06] Make sure to set your timezone in /preferences. The /time command will show your local time :)

[15:24:09] <Pixel> 10-7  (off air)

[15:24:11] maurizio96 is starting an artic trailer convoy in {AA3333}Wet County{FFFFFF}. Type {AA3333}/convoy 8{FFFFFF} to join

[15:24:11] (CB:21) Shoaib: Started?

[15:24:16] Doctor_Who left the server (exit)

[15:24:19] (CB:21) DeHavilland: yep

[15:24:19] <Munchies> fuck watch dogs

[15:24:26] (CB:21) Cezy: best cars here

[15:24:27] Robert_Skipi delivered fuel to Vice City Island gas station

[15:24:34] <Munchies> press q to hack how about no

[15:24:35] (CB:21) Shoaib: my vehicles are there also dont forget.. :D

[15:24:52] (CB:21) DeHavilland: I miss my BF injection

[15:24:52] <TowTow> 1 +  SHOAIB = 50.000  gzzzzzzzzz

[15:24:52] <Munchies> i really wanted that game till it came out :(

[15:24:54] (CB:21) Bazatul.: nice joke shoaib :))

[15:25:03] <Oscarodri[ESP]> gz

[15:25:10] * Trucker Wannabe S.W.A.T(sassrt) (16) connected

[15:25:16] <TowTow> 2 +  SHOAIB = 40.000  gzzzzzzzzz

[15:25:20] <DeHavilland> lol 50k for 1st place, what a joke, I give atleast 200k at my carshows

[15:25:24] <_MAGNUM_> omg

[15:25:28] hydrangea delivered car parts from Linden Side to Upshift hangout garage.

[15:25:32] (CB:21) Shoaib: 150k for 1st

[15:25:34] <Craw> 10-8 (on air)

[15:25:34] <TowTow> 3 +  MAGNUM = 40.000  gzzzzzzzzz

[15:25:39] <Bazatul.> this is a naab carshow

[15:25:39] (CB:21) Cezy: better then nothing

[15:25:39] <_MAGNUM_> ohh ty

[15:25:43] <TowTow> 4 +  MAGNUM = 40.000  gzzzzzzzzz

[15:25:50] <DeHavilland> Dat spam

[15:25:53] Type /events to see list of current and upcoming events!

[15:25:55] <IngmarV8[NL]> xD

[15:25:59] Jamarca delivered supplies from Blackfield truck depot to Fallen Tree Logistics.

[15:26:01] <Robert_Skipi> 50k gives for death :P

[15:26:05] <RoadKing[CRO].> I played watch dogs at my friend's house...but his PC broke down... :(

[15:26:10] <Oscarodri[ESP]> finish?

[15:26:11] (CB:21) Cezy: so when start?

[15:26:11] <TowTow> 5 +  INGMAR = 30.000  gzzzzzzzzz

[15:26:11] (CB:21) Aly254: tell us the car pls

[15:26:15] <Munchies> lol roadking

[15:26:17] * Trucker Wannabe Anv1l (21) connected

[15:26:20] <TowTow> 6 +  INGMAR = 30.000  gzzzzzzzzz

[15:26:20] <IngmarV8[NL]>  :)

[15:26:24] Antangin_JRG delivered car parts from SSF Auto parts to Eyre Marina.

[15:26:27] <Munchies> "is this part of the mission?"

[15:26:27] <RoadKing[CRO].> and my PC is too weak for that game

[15:26:28] <RoadKing[CRO].> shit

[15:26:31] spike28 delivered equipment from The Valley Warehouse to K.A.C.C. Military Fuels.

[15:26:46] * Rookie Trucker ThomaS110 (23) connected

[15:26:48] (CB:21) Aly254: ...

[15:26:56] <Munchies> watch dogs is poo

[15:27:01] (CB:21) Shoaib: Vehicle Selected?

[15:27:03] (CB:21) Aly254: same winner

[15:27:05] <Munchies> gta v on pc that is all

[15:27:06] <TowTow> 6 +  INGMAR = 20.000  gzzzzzzzzz (once)

[15:27:17] (CB:21) TowTow: ENDING now gzzzzzzzzzz

[15:27:22] <IngmarV8[NL]> :D

[15:27:22] (CB:21) Cezy: lel

[15:27:29] * Rookie Trucker Morphine (24) connected

[15:27:31] <Munchies> I'm gonna play gta v till 2020 XD

[15:27:32] <TowTow> ENDING now gzzzzzzzzzz

[15:27:33] (CB:21) DeHavilland: Stupid carshow xD only those with more cars won lol

[15:27:35] <Ribbit> wb morph

[15:27:37] (CB:21) Cezy: same winner?

[15:27:40] Please respect other players and server staff. Insulting will be punished by ban.

[15:27:41] <Robert_Skipi> 20k on asspaper for mounth lol

[15:27:41] (CB:21) DeHavilland: Yep

[15:27:41] <Morphine> thanks :)

[15:27:42] (CB:21) Shoaib: did i won?

[15:27:44] (CB:21) Cezy: mersi

[15:27:44] (CB:21) Koki: mor cars won ??

[15:27:46] (CB:21) DeHavilland: yeah lol

[15:27:51] (CB:21) DeHavilland: Seems to

[15:27:53] (CB:21) Shoaib: no money$4??

[15:27:54] (CB:21) Cezy: stupid

[15:27:54] (CB:21) Bazatul.: DH no start you a carshow ?: )

[15:27:55] (CB:21) Shoaib: why?

[15:27:56] (CB:21) Koki: lol its not carshow

[15:27:57] (CB:21) DeHavilland: He choosed all with more cars

[15:27:59] <Munchies> anyone got the samsung s4 mini?

[15:28:00] RoadKing[CRO]. managed to steal Blade

[15:28:04] (CB:21) DeHavilland: I will soon Baza, this weekend

[15:28:05] <Robert_Skipi> yes

[15:28:08] <TowTow> PLEASE /pm 25 Claim your price    you have 20 minutes

[15:28:09] <DeHavilland> Mangster from CT has

[15:28:09] Craw delivered fuel to Tierra Robada gas station

[15:28:09] <RoadKing[CRO].> I was driving backwords on the ferry.

[15:28:10] <Munchies> is it good?

[15:28:10] <RoadKing[CRO].> xD

[15:28:16] [GH_Gumikacsa] delivered supplies from Redsands Industries to Finalbuild Construction.

[15:28:20] <Robert_Skipi> its very fast

[15:28:22] >> TowTow(25): sup, moneys back

[15:28:24] Andy[RO] delivered concrete from Finalbuild Construction to Los Santos Railways.

[15:28:25] Morphine left the server (exit)

[15:28:29] <RoadKing[CRO].> sure thing

[15:28:31] (CB:21) Cezy: worst carshow

[15:28:32] (CB:21) Shoaib: why no money trasferred?

[15:28:36] <Munchies> siiiiick my s2 died

[15:28:37] (CB:21) DeHavilland: Scamming

[15:28:43] (CB:21) Shoaib: Aly fail

[15:28:46] Oscarodri[ESP] left the server (exit)

[15:28:52] (CB:21) Koki: when on start u dont tell  winner is with most cars ??

[15:28:53] <Robert_Skipi> i have s2 mini two is like hamer

[15:28:58] <RoadKing[CRO].> lol

[15:29:06] Enigma. delivered industrial waste from Solarin Industries to Landfill.

[15:29:14] (CB:21) DeHavilland: seems to he didn't

[15:29:14] (CB:21) Cezy: so restore vehicles?

[15:29:17] (CB:21) DeHavilland: also he didn't say we had to pay so this is actually scamming

[15:29:17] <Munchies> didn't even know they did an s2 mini

[15:29:20] (CB:21) Shoaib: yea

[15:29:24] New to server and need help? Visit help section for full list of command, tips an tricks!

[15:29:29] (CB:21) Shoaib: .restoreall

[15:29:29] (CB:21) DeHavilland: Shoaib you have recived any cash?

[15:29:31] * Rookie Trucker Crazyx[RO] (24) connected

[15:29:36] (CB:21) Shoaib: No DH

[15:29:40] <Robert_Skipi> i have it its like hammer

[15:29:40] <Crazyx[RO]> why is so lag...

[15:29:41] Bazatul. left the server (exit)

[15:29:47] <Munchies> so lag

[15:29:47] <Kiko> let's make crash show

[15:29:56] <RoadKing[CRO].> fuck carshow

[15:29:57] (CB:21) DeHavilland: Oki, you can back me up on forum, gonna report this, you can reply if you get any
[hide=Our Renault Dauphine]



2014 with new team colour



[transfer log]Money sent   $80,000 GZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ   TowTow _MAGNUM_  13 Jun 2014  13:32:33
[CHAT TEXT][15:25:34] <TowTow> 3 +  MAGNUM = 40.000  gzzzzzzzzz
[CHAT TEXT][15:25:43] <TowTow> 4 +  MAGNUM = 40.000  gzzzzzzzzz

[transfer log]Money sent   $30,000 GZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ   TowTow    IngmarV8[NL] 13 Jun 2014 13:30:39
[transfer log]Money sent   $80,000 GZZZZZZZZZZZZZ   TowTow    IngmarV8[NL] 13 Jun 2014 13:29:05
[CHAT TEXT][15:26:11] <TowTow> 5 +  INGMAR = 30.000  gzzzzzzzzz
[CHAT TEXT][15:26:20] <TowTow> 6 +  INGMAR = 30.000  gzzzzzzzzz
[CHAT TEXT][15:27:06] <TowTow> 6 +  INGMAR = 20.000  gzzzzzzzzz (once)

[transfer log]Money sent   $100,000 GZZZZZZZZZZZZ   TowTow    Shoaib   13 Jun 2014 13:29:39
[CHAT TEXT][15:24:52] <TowTow> 1 +  SHOAIB = 50.000  gzzzzzzzzz
[CHAT TEXT][15:25:16] <TowTow> 2 +  SHOAIB = 40.000  gzzzzzzzzz

[15:28:08] <TowTow> PLEASE /pm 25 Claim your price    you have 20 minutes

[15:24:52] <TowTow> 1 +  SHOAIB = 50.000  gzzzzzzzzz
[15:25:16] <TowTow> 2 +  SHOAIB = 40.000  gzzzzzzzzz
[15:26:11] <TowTow> 5 +  INGMAR = 30.000  gzzzzzzzzz
[15:26:20] <TowTow> 6 +  INGMAR = 30.000  gzzzzzzzzz
[15:27:06] <TowTow> 6 +  INGMAR = 20.000  gzzzzzzzzz (once)
15:25:34] <TowTow> 3 +  MAGNUM = 40.000  gzzzzzzzzz
[15:25:43] <TowTow> 4 +  MAGNUM = 40.000  gzzzzzzzzz

Money sent $80,000 GZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ TowTow _MAGNUM_  13 Jun 2014  13:32:33
Money sent $30,000 GZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ TowTow IngmarV8[NL] 13 Jun 2014 13:30:39
Money sent $80,000 GZZZZZZZZZZZZZ TowTow IngmarV8[NL] 13 Jun 2014 13:29:05
Money sent $100,000 GZZZZZZZZZZZZ TowTow Shoaib 13 Jun 2014 13:29:39

Id have to check logs to see if anyone actually sent him money when
[15:21:42] <TowTow> from NOW you have 1 minutes to /givemoney 25 "CS"   I do not accept more 5.000 each !!!
[15:22:20] <TowTow> from NOW you have 1 minutes to /givemoney 25 "CS"   I do not accept more 5.000 each !!!"
and got this:

Money received   $5,000 for car show [FROM]   Kiko  [TO] TowTow   13 Jun 2014  13:22:48
Money received   $5,000 forcarshow :S [FROM] Koki [TO]  TowTow 13 Jun 2014  13:22:25
Money received   $5,000 nowwwww :D [FROM] _MAGNUM_ [TO] TowTow 13 Jun 2014 13:21:56
but he said claim your prize, he sent the money to the winners.


Shoaib got 100k? Not sure what the problem is here.
Generated using Azure Functions & CloudFlare Workers using the Convoy Trucking API. Updates every around 5 minutes. See the original SVG image. View source code (not updated with function yet)