Stricker. (disrespect / threats)

Started by Salam, February 07, 2014, 19:41


Player reported:
Rule broken: disrespect / threats
Date and time: today

Ok,so he was insulting all the players who were online,in hungary or in english and he only was punished with 30 days ban?
I was punished with 14 days ban because i insulted myself,i didnt non-english,i didnt insult someone.
Please increase his ban.


you need proof, just flapping your gums isnt going to do anything


He was reported by 3 players on report players topic + his disrespectful behaviour in good bye CVT topic that he started.
Is it enough ?


you mean the fact that we reported 3 times for non english and he is now banned for 30 days because of the insulting he did, its up to the discretion of the admin that hands out the punishment on how severe it is on whether to warn or ban, Sandman banned him 30 days, he felt that was enough


Ok,lock the topic please,now i understand.
I though he deserves to be more than 30 days banned