New ENB being developed for GtaSa

Started by nyolc8, December 06, 2013, 10:52


I just found this thing at enbdev site and I thought I share the info:
It's a few days old enb that is only for testing purposes. As you can see in the topic the dev guy even updated it since then. It doesn't contains any effects beside shadows, depth of field (and new lensflare-like effect), and (I tested and) it's pretty laggy for me, but nice to see that enb is not over for gtasa. With 0.158, anything was transparent in samp, but with this 0.238 beta everything appears again in samp. Hoping for some good release... :D


The dev guy already stopped the developing because he thinks that not that many people are interested in it... :trainsguy: :ukiddn:


So the guy started to work on it again... :o

Anyone tested the latest test versions? I have slow pc so i can't use it... is the water effect works now on samp with this? It should because it have a completely new water shader too!

you can download it (enb 0.238) from here:

It's totaly new so it uses a completely new structured enbseries.ini. So it won't work with your current enbseries.ini!