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Started by Jarno[NL], May 13, 2013, 22:27


i play already long SCS Software games.
They worked always perfect.
Now ETS2 here is i like to play it.
I have a laptop and put my graphics on High because other graphics are unrealistic and its ok.
A laptop has a loader ofc,when i have it in my laptop he don't laggs,otherwise he does.
Is there a way that i can have 1 mod without lagg like ETS1/GTS.


More then likely your Laptop can't handle running ETS2 at high detail. So you are going to have to upgrade the ram in your laptop or something or lower the details.

Quote from: mick88 on January 17, 2012, 08:10
You got your money for arrest, and he's out so you can arrest him again. You mad?


I can run ETS2 in full detail but i'm on a desktop with high end hardware.

Unless you have a specialised gaming laptop, don't bother putting it in high settings, it won't happen.
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Lindsey ~ Sticking up for the little guy -,39070.0.html
Quote[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] managed to steal Alpha
[21:11:49] Lindsey_[UK] left the server (exit)
[21:12:17] * ExAdmin Lindsey_[UK] (41) connected: I will report you, count on it
[21:12:22] <krisu> that was good linds :D
Quote from: brane on June 06, 2013, 10:53
Quote from: Lindsey on June 06, 2013, 08:37
Terror, youve been on your last warning for stuff on ct for like a year so I dont feel treatened by you



I can run high but with truck/trailer mods it laggs.


Quote from: DafDriver on May 15, 2013, 21:22
I can run high but with truck/trailer mods it laggs.

Don't use mods then?


Quote from: Supreme on May 15, 2013, 21:23
Quote from: DafDriver on May 15, 2013, 21:22
I can run high but with truck/trailer mods it laggs.
Or lower the settings.
Don't use mods then?

[23:19:46] (CB:16) Fish: thats going in my sig